All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
In TJM2, changed to: Condea emoryi
In TJM2, changed to: Condea emoryi
In TJM2, changed to: Condea emoryi
canyon bottom drainage course among volcanic hills with Vachellia, Stenocereus thurberi, Ambrosia, Ceiba acuminata, Iresine, Perityle leptoglossa
canyon bottom drainage course among volcanic hills with Vachellia, Stenocereus thurberi, Ambrosia, Ceiba acuminata, Iresine, Perityle leptoglossa
canyon bottom drainage course among volcanic hills with Vachellia, Stenocereus thurberi, Ambrosia, Ceiba acuminata, Iresine, Perityle leptoglossa
canyon bottom drainage course among volcanic hills with Vachellia, Stenocereus thurberi, Ambrosia, Ceiba acuminata, Iresine, Perityle leptoglossa
2017 California Academy of Sciences
2017 California Academy of Sciences
in thorn scrub thicket on coarse granitic soil of gently sloping coastal plain.
in thorn scrub thicket on coarse granitic soil of gently sloping coastal plain.
on narrow sandy drainage crossing flats behind beach dunes of Playa Las Tunas
on narrow sandy drainage crossing flats behind beach dunes of Playa Las Tunas
on narrow sandy drainage crossing flats behind beach dunes of Playa Las Tunas
on narrow sandy drainage crossing flats behind beach dunes of Playa Las Tunas
on narrow sandy drainage crossing flats behind beach dunes of Playa Las Tunas
roadcut in volcanic rubble of steeply terraced mid-canyon slope. This and other pre-2013 collecting sites on this famous scenic descent into Barranca Batopilas are now largely buried by construction of new paved highway to Batopilas.
in disturbed soils of alleyway adjacent to undeveloped area
in disturbed soils of alleyway adjacent to undeveloped area
in disturbed soils of alleyway adjacent to undeveloped area
on steep, western facing, mid elevation slope of Barranca Batopilas, volcanic rhyolitic tuff substrate
on steep, western facing, mid elevation slope of Barranca Batopilas, volcanic rhyolitic tuff substrate
on steep, western facing, mid elevation slope of Barranca Batopilas, volcanic rhyolitic tuff substrate