Ipomoea quamoclit L.CONVOLVULACEAE Local: Braslia, BrasilRef.: Lorenzi, H. Plantas Daninhas do Brasil. 4 edio. Plantarum, 2008.
Ipomoea quamoclit L.CONVOLVULACEAE Local: Braslia, BrasilRef.: Lorenzi, H. Plantas Daninhas do Brasil. 4 edio. Plantarum, 2008.
Jason Sharp;Cortez, Manatee County, Florida
When I was young, Morning Glory can be found almost anywhere. Because of pollution and urbanization, it becomes very rare. I walked 2 hours into the suburb area near the new Hong Kong Int'l Airport to take this photo.
Koali ai or Ivy-leaved morning gloryConvolvulaceaeIndigenous? or possibly naturalized? in the Hawaiian Islands (all main islands). Also, in the USA: California, all the gulf coast states, as well as Arkansas and Missouri.Kalaeloa, Oahu Alba (white) form
, Taiwan Province,
Koali ai or Ivy-leaved morning gloryConvolvulaceaeIndigenous? or possibly naturalized? in the Hawaiian IslandsKalaeloa, Oahu Alba (white) formNPH00002
This photo was taken in Lam Ah Island, Hong Kong.
Ipomoea cairica (L.) SweetCONVOLVULACEAEDomnio fitogeogrfico: Amaznia, Cerrado, Mata Atlntica.Local: Parque Ecolgico CanjeranaRef.: Lorenzi, H. Plantas Daninhas do Brasil. 4 edio. Plantarum, 2008.
Lake Jesup Wilderness Area, Seminole County, FL, April 2022.
, Taiwan Province,
, Taiwan Province,
Sud, Nouvelle-Caldonie
Lau Fau Shan, Yuen Long, Hong Kong
cultivated, South Miami, Florida, USA.
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica