Zebrasoma velifer is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Pseudanthias squamipinnis (Scalefin anthias). South Pacific Ocean, Duration 15 seconds
Paracanthurus hepatus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Acropora spp. (Mixed hard coral garden). Coral Sea, Duration 66 seconds
Kattegatcentret Grenå
North Pacific Ocean, Duration 9 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 15 seconds
Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Duration 7 seconds
Århus, Jylland, Danmark
[Identified by: 何宣慶]
North Pacific Ocean, Shot at dusk, Duration 27 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 111 seconds, Shot includes Thalassoma amblycephalus (Blunthead wrasse), Thalassoma hardwicke (Sixbar wrasse)
Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Duration 24 seconds, Shot includes Pseudupeneus maculatus (Dotted goatfish), Sparisoma aurofrenatum (Redband parrotfish)
L’Aquàrium de Barcelona, Spain
North Pacific Ocean, Shot at dusk, Duration 21 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 10 seconds
Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Duration 5 seconds
L’Aquàrium de Barcelona, Spain
[Identified by: 何宣慶]
North Pacific Ocean, Shot at dusk, Duration 15 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 9 seconds
Århus, Jylland, Danmark
[Identified by: 何宣慶]
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 18 seconds