Image of Dicaelotus asantesana Rousse & van Noort
Unresolved name

Dicaelotus asantesana Rousse & van Noort


provided by Zookeys
FEMALE (17 specimens). B 3.3–4.4; A 1.4–1.6; F 2.1–2.8 (Holotype B 3.9; A 1.5; F 2.5). Color. Head black with middle of face sometimes dark reddish, clypeus and mandible more or less extensively yellow, facial orbits often pale marked, palpi pale yellow, and antenna blackish brown; mesosoma black with upper margin of pronotum sometimes pale yellow; metasoma black fading apically to dark brown, apical margin of tergite 2 and following pale yellow; legs dark testaceous with fore and mid coxae and all trochanters more or less extensively yellow; wings hyaline, venation light brown. Head. Entirely densely setose, including eyes, setae long; face medially bulging, deeply and coarsely punctate–reticulate, punctation finer medially; clypeus dorsally punctate, almost smooth ventrally, strongly transverse, distinctly convex in profile, its ventral margin regularly convex; mandible slender, elongate, lower tooth strongly reduced; malar line long, subocular sulcus present as a granulate area; hypostomal carina joining occipital carina shortly but distinctly above mandibular base; frons, vertex and temple densely and regularly punctate; ocellar triangle wide, wider than long, ocelli reduced; antenna unusually short and stout, apically pointed, with 22 flagellomeres, all but the first ones shorter than wide. Mesosoma. Distinctly depressed, twice longer than high in profile view, polished, regularly, deeply and densely punctate if not otherwise specified; most of pronotum longitudinally striate, epomia moderate; speculum entirely punctate, punctation somewhat finer than on remainder of mesopleuron, sternaulus deep on anterior third of mesopleuron; mesonotum rather flat with finer punctation, notaulus indistinct; area petiolaris slightly concave with punctation shallower and coarser, carination complete, area superomedia heart–shaped, receiving costula a little posterior to middle. Wings. Hind wing with distal abscissa of Cu1 weak, emitted by 1/Cu&cu–a at its posterior fifth. Metasoma. All tergites deeply and regularly punctate–reticulate. MALE (5 specimens). B 2.8–4.3; A 2.0–2.3; F 2.0–2.9. Pale coloration more extensive; pale yellow: inner orbits, face, clypeus, mandible, palpi, anterior and dorsal margin of pronotum, tegula, antero–dorsal corner of mesopleuron; mesopleuron often with a faint, hardly delimited mid–longitudinal pale stripe; legs light testaceous with coxae and trochanters pale yellow but hind coxa with large black markings, flagellum entirely testaceous ventrally; antenna slenderer (Fli1 = Fli15 = Fli21 = 1.4); pilosity on head sparser and shorter; mesosoma stouter, less than twice as long as high in profile; otherwise similar to female.
Pascal Rousse, Simon van Noort, E. Diller
bibliographic citation
Rousse P, van Noort S, Diller E (2013) Revision of the Afrotropical Phaeogenini (Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae), with description of a new genus and twelve new species ZooKeys 354: 1–85
Pascal Rousse
Simon van Noort
E. Diller
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
South Africa (Eastern and Western Cape).
Pascal Rousse, Simon van Noort, E. Diller
bibliographic citation
Rousse P, van Noort S, Diller E (2013) Revision of the Afrotropical Phaeogenini (Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae), with description of a new genus and twelve new species ZooKeys 354: 1–85
Pascal Rousse
Simon van Noort
E. Diller
visit source
partner site