Image of Caulleryaspis fauchaldi Salazar-Vallejo & Buzhinskaja 2013
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Caulleryaspis fauchaldi Salazar-Vallejo & Buzhinskaja 2013


provided by Zookeys
Holotype (LACM 5360) and paratype breaking into two pieces (Fig. 1A, D). Body grayish, with introvert exposed, slightly darker, broken dorsally; abdomen breaking ventrally, ventro-caudal shield grayish. Integument papillae abundant, shorter on introvert, larger on abdomen, incorporating sediment particles forming a thick coat over most of body (including introvert in paratype), arranged in single transverse series in posterior chaetigers. Body 9 mm long, 3 mm wide, about 28 segments. Prostomium minute globose, ovoid, brownish (Fig. 1B). Peristomium small, oval, bearing abundant papillae resembling those present over introvert, extended as a wide band over prostomium. Mouth oval, small, slightly projected, covered by papillae. First three chaetigers with about 16 falcate, tapered introvert hooks per bundle, each with subdistal dark areas (tips broken, darker areas look distal; subdistal in complete hooks). Genital papillae not seen (paratype with ventrolateral pores between segments 7 and 8). Pre-shield region with 7 segments (difficult to count because of specimens fragility); capillary chaetae along first pre-shield segment (paratype with capillaries in two segments). Ventro-caudal shield completely covered by a thick coating of adhered particles (Fig. 1C), perforated, better preserved in paratype (Fig. 1E); suture not visible. Anterior margins clearly rounded; anterior depression deep; anterior keels not exposed. Ribs or concentric lines not visible. Lateral margins rounded, expanded medially, reduced posteriorly. Fan truncate, barely reaching posterior corners. Other features not visible. Marginal chaetal fascicles include 9 lateral and only 4–5 short, small posterior ones (others probably broken), each with 3–4 chaetae per bundle. Peg chaetae robust, forming thin, short spines, close to posterior margins. Additional chaetal fascicles not visible. Branchiae lost. Interbranchial filaments lost. Branchial plates slightly divergent, anteriorly expanded, rounded (Fig. 1F). Juveniles. Juvenile (Fig. 2A) with papillae less abundant and larger than those present in type specimens, homogeneously distributed throughout integument, eroded in introvert and arranged in transverse series as remains of erosion along dorsal surface (Fig. 2D). Body about one-third as large as type specimens, with introvert damaged by compression (Fig. 2B). Ventro-caudal shield with sediment particles and abundant papillae (Fig. 2C); anterior margins poorly defined, lateral margins rounded, medially expanded. About 9 lateral chaetal bundles and 5–6 posterior ones with longer, thinner and fewer chaetae than in larger specimens. Peg chaetae not visible.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
bibliographic citation
Salazar-Vallejo S, Buzhinskaja G (2013) Six new deep-water sternaspid species (Annelida, Sternaspidae) from the Pacific Ocean ZooKeys 348: 1–27
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Galina Buzhinskaja
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provided by Zookeys
From Oregon to Southern California, in 1387–2800 m depth.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
bibliographic citation
Salazar-Vallejo S, Buzhinskaja G (2013) Six new deep-water sternaspid species (Annelida, Sternaspidae) from the Pacific Ocean ZooKeys 348: 1–27
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo
Galina Buzhinskaja
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partner site