Image of Oryctophileurus guerrai Perger & Grossi 2013
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Oryctophileurus guerrai Perger & Grossi 2013


provided by Zookeys
Holotype male (Figs 8A, B). Body length 20 mm, width 9 mm. Body elongate, cylindrical, head and pronotum brownish black dorsally, elytra black, body ventrally dark brown, dorsal surface glabrous. Legs, sterna, second abdominal ventrite and basal margin of pygidium setose. Head. Surface smooth, finely punctate. Clypeus subtriangular, laterally emarginated, slightly upturned, and with acute apex. Cephalic horn recurving over pronotum, attenuate, apex narrowly rounded; surface at base coarsely punctate, with a lateral carina. Mandible tridentate with inner tooth more acute; teeth upturned. Antenna 10 segmented; club with antennomeres subequal in length. Pronotum (Figs 7B, D; 8A, B). Shape subtrapezoidal, evenly rounded laterally, smooth, with 2 impressions posteriolaterally; posterior edges slightly obtuse. Basal half smooth, longitudinally ridged, dorsally bulging until transverse median carina, with 2 dorsolateral, coarsely punctate concavities on both sides; transverse median carina with 4 obtuse teeth, 2 inner teeth dorsally with small concavity, distance between inner teeth of dorsal pronotal protuberance as wide as width between eyes; anterior half of pronotum strongly concave, with ocellate punctures, 2 obtuse teeth close to anterior pronotal border, teeth at same level with lateral eye margins when seen from dorsal and lateral views. Prosternal process trapezoidal, concave at the base, posteriorly produced; base with spine-like process posteriorly. Elytra. Surface smooth, with continuous, slightly convex carinae, weakly impressed interstriae, and with ocellate punctures. Pygidium. Shape convex in lateral view; surface densely punctate; punctures ocellate, moderately sized, elongate near basal margin. Legs. Protibia with 4 teeth, basal tooth weakly developed. Meta- and mesotibia apically with 3 broaden, shovel-shaped teeth, each tooth additionally furnished with small, apical teeth. The specimen was found dead with damaged abdomen, soft parts and genitalia missing. Female allotype (Figs 8C, D). Similar to male except by the following features: body length 19 mm, width 8.2 mm; head with cephalic horn less developed, reaching only dorsal pronotal protuberances when seen in lateral view; pronotum longer than high, dorsal longitudinal pronotal concavity about as narrow as width of cephalic horn, uppermost teeth of dorsal pronotal protuberances obtuse, separated by a small fissure.
Robert Perger, Paschoal Coelho Grossi
bibliographic citation
Perger R, Grossi P (2013) Revision of the rhinoceros beetle genus Oryctophileurus Kolbe with description of a new species, the male of O. varicosus Prell, and notes on biogeography (Scarabaeoidea, Dynastinae, Phileurini) ZooKeys 346: 1–16
Robert Perger
Paschoal Coelho Grossi
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