Slo.: pozidna rutica (mlada rastlina) - Young sporophytes of this species frequently have unusually large and morphologically untypical leaves almost without spores which significantly differ from mature plants (personal communication: Miha Kocjan)
Slo.: pozidna rutica (mlada rastlina) - Young sporophytes of this species frequently have unusually large and morphologically untypical leaves almost without spores which significantly differ from mature plants (personal communication: Miha Kocjan)
Slo.: pozidna rutica (mlada rastlina) - Young sporophytes of this species frequently have unusually large and morphologically untypical leaves almost without spores which significantly differ from mature plants (personal communication: Miha Kocjan)
Slo.:zeleni srsaj
Slo.:zeleni srsaj
Slo.: crni srsaj
Slo.: crni srsaj
Slo.: crni srsaj
Slo.: crni srsaj
Slo.: crni srsaj
Slo.: crni srsaj
(Slo.: rjavi srsaj)
(Slo.: rjavi srsaj)