Image of Lobrathium fuscoguttatum Li, Wen-Rong, Cong-Chao Dai & Li-Zhen Li 2013
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Lobrathium fuscoguttatum Li, Wen-Rong, Cong-Chao Dai & Li-Zhen Li 2013


provided by Zookeys
Body length 6.75–7.51 mm, length of fore body 3.45–3.89 mm. Habitus as in Fig. 1A. Coloration: body black with bluish hue, middle of elytra with yellowish spot not reaching lateral and posterior margins; legs blackish with paler tarsi, antennae dark brownish to blackish. Head weakly transverse (HW/HL = 1.06–1.18), widest across eyes; posterior angles broadly rounded; punctation dense and moderately coarse, sparser in median dorsal portion; interstices without microsculpture. Eyes large, more than half as long as distance from posterior margin of eye to neck in dorsal view. Antenna 2.0–2.17 mm long. Pronotum 1.19–1.27 times as long as broad, nearly as wide as head (PW/HW = 0.91–1.0), lateral margins convex in dorsal view, punctation similar to that of head, but with impunctate midline, interstices glossy. Elytra wider, and nearly as long as pronotum (EL/EW = 0.91–1.04, EW/PW = 1.13–1.27, EL/PL = 0.92–1.01); punctation coarse and dense, arranged in series; interstices without microsculpture. Abdomen broader than elytra; punctation fine and dense; posterior margin of tergite VII with palisade fringe. Male. Sternite VII (Fig. 1D) strongly transverse and with distinct median impression, this impression without pubescence, posterior margin with distinct median concavity; sternite VIII (Fig. 1E) weakly transverse, with long and pronounced postero-median impression, this impression with a few modified, stout and short black setae (10-20 on either side of middle), posterior excision rather narrow and moderately deep, on either side of this excision with a cluster of long dark setae; aedeagus (Figs 1B, C) 0.82–0.87 mm long, ventral process long, curved, and apically acute in lateral view. Female. Sternite VIII (Fig. 1G) weakly transverse, posteriorly convex; tergite VIII (Fig. 1F) posteriorly convex in middle.
Wen-Rong Li, Cong-Chao Dai, Li-Zhen Li
bibliographic citation
Li W, Dai C, Li L (2013) A new species and additional records of Lobrathium Mulsant & Rey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) from China ZooKeys 326: 47–53
Wen-Rong Li
Cong-Chao Dai
Li-Zhen Li
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