Image of Aphidura amphorosiphon Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & G. Remaudière 2013
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Aphidura amphorosiphon Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & G. Remaudière 2013


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Apterous viviparous female(Fig. 4D). Colour in life unknown. Head yellowish brown to brown. Antennal segments II-III or II-V pigmented like cephalic dorsum, and I and IV-VI or only VI darker than others. Mesosternal mammariform processes rounded, low and pale. Several specimens (holotype included) are pale in general with dark brown intersegmental sclerites, brown postsiphuncular and spiracular sclerites, pale brown setiferous sclerites on abdominal segments 6–8, sometimes coalescing together into transverse bands. The most pigmented specimen has a transverse spinopleural band on prothorax, fragmented bands on mesothorax and abdominal segments 1, 6 and 7, fragmented spinopleural patches on abdominal segments 2–5, and setiferous sclerites on metathorax and abdominal segments 1 and 8. Siphunculi markedly swollen, with stem nearly smooth, and pale or with a smoky apical portion. Cauda triangular, sometimes with a slight constriction near the base, and as pale as the greater part of siphunculi and legs. Genital and anal plates as pale as cauda. Metric and meristic features in Table 3. Alate viviparous female(Fig. 5A). Head brown, as pigmented as pro- and pterothorax and darker than antennae, tarsi and distal portions of femora and tibiae. Abdominal segments 3–5 with a spinopleural patch, and 7–8 with transverse bands. Siphunculi as dark as pigmented parts of femora. Other qualitative features as in apterae. Metric and meristic features in Table 3. Male.Winged. Qualitatively very similar to alate viviparous females; with dark parameres. Metric and meristic features in Table 3.
Juan-Manuel Nieto Nafría, Milagros-Pilar Mier Durante, Georges Remaudière
bibliographic citation
Nieto Nafría J, Mier Durante M, Remaudière G (2013) The genus Aphidura (Hemiptera, Aphididae) in the collection of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, with six new species ZooKeys 318: 1–33
Juan-Manuel Nieto Nafría
Milagros-Pilar Mier Durante
Georges Remaudière
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