Azanicola is a monotypic snout moth genus described by Boris Balinsky in 1991. Its single species, Azanicola adspersa, described by the same author, is found in South Africa.[2]
Azanicola is a monotypic snout moth genus described by Boris Balinsky in 1991. Its single species, Azanicola adspersa, described by the same author, is found in South Africa.
Azanicola adspersa is een vlinder uit de familie snuitmotten (Pyralidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van deze soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1991 door Balinsky.
De soort komt voor in tropisch Afrika.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesAzanicola é um gênero de mariposa pertencente à família Crambidae.[1]
Kristensen, N.P. (Ed.). 1999. Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies. Volume 1: Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography. Handbuch der Zoologie. Eine Naturgeschichte der Stämme des Tierreiches / Handbook of Zoology. A Natural History of the phyla of the Animal Kingdom. Band / Volume IV Arthropoda: Insecta Teilband / Part 35: 491 pp. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York.