provided by Zookeys
Body length 7.6 mm; dorsal side uniform reddish brown, lateral explanate areas of pronotum paler; antennae uniform reddish brown, mouthparts yellowish brown, apices of terminal palpomeres yellow; legs reddish brown; ventral side reddish brown. Dorsal side evenly and densely pubescent, pubescence golden; microsculpture indistinct. Head with vertex slightly tumid; tempora subequal to half length of eyes, gradually narrowed behind eyes; labrum slightly widened to apex, apical margin nearly straight. Pronotum slightly wider than head, widest at middle; ratio PW/PL 1.43; pronotal base briefly but distinctly lobed; front angles wide; lateral margins slightly expanded in middle, weakly rounded, strongly sinuate before hind angles; hind angles acute, sharp, slightly projected; disc slightly convex; lateral explanate areas wide and even; basal foveae deep and short, groove-like, strongly curved anteromedially; disc without elongate depressions; median line deep, not reaching basal or apical margins; disc not rugose. Elytra muchwider than pronotum, slightly widened to apex, ratio EL/EW 1.44; lateral margins slightly depressed at basal one-third, discal depressions indistinct; striae deep, forming distinct grooves, with moderately coarse punctures; intervals convex, densely pubescent, primary setigerous pores indistinct; umbilical series of 9th interval indistinct. Male genitalia unknown. Female genitalia. Spermatheca straight, claviform, moderately long; apical third slightly widened, with very faint ring-sculpture; spermathecal gland inserted at basal two-fifths of spermatheca, not branched, very fine (Fig. 137). [Lectotype has the apical part of the spermathecal gland damaged, but from the very fine remnant part we speculate that it may be very short, not exceeding the length of the spermatheca.] Apical segment of ovipositor short, triangular, slightly curved outward, inner margin slightly angulate in middle; length two times basal width; inner margin setose in apical half, outer margin in apical two-thirds; apex sharp, with membranous extension narrow.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Hongliang Shi, Hongzhang Zhou, Hongbin Liang
- bibliographic citation
- Shi H, Zhou H, Liang H (2013) Taxonomic synopsis of the subtribe Physoderina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), with species revisions of eight genera ZooKeys 284: 1–129
- author
- Hongliang Shi
- author
- Hongzhang Zhou
- author
- Hongbin Liang
provided by Zookeys
(Map 7). This species is only known from the type locality: Hong Kong.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Hongliang Shi, Hongzhang Zhou, Hongbin Liang
- bibliographic citation
- Shi H, Zhou H, Liang H (2013) Taxonomic synopsis of the subtribe Physoderina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), with species revisions of eight genera ZooKeys 284: 1–129
- author
- Hongliang Shi
- author
- Hongzhang Zhou
- author
- Hongbin Liang