provided by Zookeys
Body length 6.4 mm; head and pronotum reddish yellow, pronotum with disc somewhat darker; antennae uniform reddish yellow, mouthparts reddish yellow, apices of terminal palpomeres paler, apices of mandibles brown; elytra with background dark brown, slightly cyano-violaceous, each elytron with a large yellow spot behind middle, spot occupying 1st to 5th intervals, spot on each elytron joining at elytral suture; elytral lateral margins, apical margin, apical half of sutural margins, and epipleura reddish yellow; ventral side yellowish. Dorsal side evenly and densely pubescent, pubescence golden; microsculpture indistinct. Head with vertex strongly tumid; tempora slightly longer than half length of eyes, gradually narrowed behind eyes; labrum slightly widened to apex, apical margin nearly straight. Pronotum wider than head, cordiform, widest slightly before middle; ratio PW/PL 1.55; pronotal base briefly but distinctly lobed; front angles wide; lateral margins strongly expanded in middle, completely rounded, distinctly sinuate before hind angles; hind angles subrectangular, distinct, not projected; disc slightly convex; lateral explanate areas wide and even; basal foveae deep and short, forming a groove, strongly curved anteromedially; disc without elongate depression; median line deep, not reaching apical or basal margins; disc not rugose. Elytra wider than pronotum, distinctly widened to apex, ratio EL/EW 1.30; lateral margins slightly depressed at basal one-third, discal depressions indistinct; striae shallowly sulcate, with moderately coarse punctures along them; intervals slightly convex, densely pubescent, primary setigerous pores indistinct; umbilical series of 9th interval indistinct. Male genitalia with median lobe of aedeagus strongly bent, ventral and dorsal margins nearly straight before apex in lateral view; strongly bent to right side in dorsal view; apical lamella wide and short, wider than long, apex rounded; base of median lobe moderately bent and expanded, basal orifice about 45° relative to preapical shaft; internal sac with main flagellum long and slender, slightly sinuous, curved to right side; trumpet-form expansion small and short, slightly bent ventrally; secondary flagellum and apical bursa present; membrane adjacent to trumpet-form expansion finely scaled (Fig. 88). Female genitalia unknown.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Hongliang Shi, Hongzhang Zhou, Hongbin Liang
- bibliographic citation
- Shi H, Zhou H, Liang H (2013) Taxonomic synopsis of the subtribe Physoderina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), with species revisions of eight genera ZooKeys 284: 1–129
- author
- Hongliang Shi
- author
- Hongzhang Zhou
- author
- Hongbin Liang
provided by Zookeys
(Map 7). This species is only known from the type locality: Kerala (India).
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Hongliang Shi, Hongzhang Zhou, Hongbin Liang
- bibliographic citation
- Shi H, Zhou H, Liang H (2013) Taxonomic synopsis of the subtribe Physoderina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), with species revisions of eight genera ZooKeys 284: 1–129
- author
- Hongliang Shi
- author
- Hongzhang Zhou
- author
- Hongbin Liang