Hongliang Shi, Hongzhang Zhou, Hongbin Liang
Figures 95–110.Left and right parameres of male genitalia, scale bars = 0.2 mm: 95 Paraphaea binotata (Dejean), a specimen from Guangxi 96 Paraphaea minor sp. n., holotype 97 Anchista brunnea (Wiedemann), a paralectotype of picea Chaudoir 98 Anchista pilosa sp. n., holotype 99 Metallanchista laticollis sp. n., holotype 100 Physodera amplicollis van de Poll, a specimen from Taiwan 101 Diamella cupreomicans (Oberthür), a specimen from Yunnan 102 Diamella arrowi (Jedlička), holotype 103 Allocota aurata (Bates), a specimen from Tonkin 104 Allocota aurata (Bates), a specimen from Shaanxi 105 Allocota bicolor sp. n., holotype 106 Lachnoderma asperum Bates, a specimen from Taiwan 107 Dasiosoma ivorense Basilewsky, a paratype from Cote d’Ivoire 108 Dasiosoma quadraticolle sp. n., holotype 109 Orionella kathmanduensis (Kirschenhofer), a specimen from Nepal 110 Endynomena pradieri (Fairmaire), a specimen from Fujian.