Description: English: Cells of the microalga Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae) in a culture isolated from lake Bokesjön, Sweden. Date: 27 December 2005. Source: Own work. Author:
Ribadelago, Castille and Leon, Spain
Ribadelago, Castille and Leon, Spain
Ribadelago de Franco, Castille and Leon, Spain
Barrio Ballinas, Castille and Leon, Spain
Ribadelago, Castille and Leon, Spain
Ribadelago de Franco, Castille and Leon, Spain
Gonyostomum (go-knee-os-tea-um) is a raphidophyte stramenopile. There are typically two flagella inserting subapically, one projecting forwards in swimming cells, the other trailing. With many discoidal plastids, with chlorophylls a and c, but in this genus the plastids look as green as those of chlorophytes and euglenids. Distinguish from those two groups because it does not have a cell wall as do chlorophytes, and it does not have the ridged pellicle. thickened flagella nor eyespot of the euglenids. Differential interference contrast.
Gonyostomum (go-knee-os-tea-um) is a raphidophyte stramenopile. There are typically two flagella inserting subapically, one projecting forwards in swimming cells, the other trailing. With many discoidal plastids, with chlorophylls a and c, but in this genus the plastids look as green as those of chlorophytes and euglenids. Differential interference contrast.
Gonyostomum (go-knee-os-tea-um) is a raphidophyte stramenopile. There are typically two flagella inserting subapically, one projecting forwards in swimming cells, the other trailing. With many discoidal plastids, with chlorophylls a and c, but in this genus the plastids look as green as those of chlorophytes and euglenids. Body plastic and with extrusible globules which are shown in this micrograph. Differential interference contrast.
Gonyostomum (go-knee-os-tea-um) is a raphidophyte stramenopile. There are typically two flagella inserting subapically, one projecting forwards in swimming cells, the other trailing. With many discoidal plastids, with chlorophylls a and c, but in this genus the plastids look as green as those of chlorophytes and euglenids. Body plastic and with extrusible globules. Differential interference contrast.
Gonyostomum (go-knee-os-tea-um) is a raphidophyte stramenopile. There are typically two flagella inserting subapically, one projecting forwards in swimming cells, the other trailing. With many discoidal plastids, with chlorophylls a and c, but in this genus the plastids look as green as those of chlorophytes and euglenids. Body plastic and with extrusible globules. Phase contrast.
Gonyostomum (go-knee-ost-owe-mum) raphidophyte flagellate. Although a kind of stramenopile, most of which are golden in colour, the raphidophytes are usually bright green. The body is flexible, and cells have two flagella (neither visible in this image). Phase contrast.
Portrait of Gonyostomum semen, a raphidomonad flagellate. Two flagella, the anterior beating rapidly, the posterior trailing (not seen in this image). Many small bright green discoid chloroplasts. Stigma absent. Contractile vacuole located anteriorly between large central nucleus and flagellar insertion. Prominent extrusomes are said to eject mucilaginous threads up to 100 microns long. From freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho. Phase contrast.
Gonyostomum (go-knee-os-toe-um) is a raphidophyte stramenopile. There are typically two flagella inserting subapically, one projecting forwards in swimming cells, the other trailing. With many discoidal plastids, with chlorophylls a and c, but in this genus the plastids look as green as those of chlorophytes and euglenids. Common in acidic freshwater habitats such as bogs. Free swimming specimen of Gonyostomum latum in which the anterior flagellum projects forward. Measuring 40 microns. Differential interference contrast. Differential interference contrast.
Gonyostomum (go-knee-os-toe-um) is a raphidophyte stramenopile. There are typically two flagella inserting subapically, one projecting forwards in swimming cells, the other trailing. With many discoidal plastids, with chlorophylls a and c, but in this genus the plastids look as green as those of chlorophytes and euglenids. Common in acidic freshwater habitats such as bogs. Squashed specimen of Gonyostomum latum. Wedge-shaped trichocysts are arranged around the nucleus and under the cell surface. 50 microns. Differential interference contrast.
Vacuolaria (vack-you-owe-lair-ee-a) a raphidophyte algae, with green chloroplasts and two flagella, one of which projects in front of the cell and beats with an undulating pattern. Very similar to Gonyostomum - which has however obvious extrusomes. Phase contrast.
Vacuolaria (vack-you-owe-lair-ee-a) a raphidophyte algae, with green chloroplasts and two flagella, one of which projects in front of the cell and beats with an undulating pattern. Very similar to Gonyostomum - which has however obvious extrusomes. Differential interference contrast.