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names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Ray Finned Fishes
Sucker Catfishes
Jawed Fish
Ray Finned Fishes
Carps, Characins, Catfishes And Allies
Sucker Catfishes
Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from FishBase in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Glyptothorax conirostris
Species recognized by
wikipedia 中文维基百科
wikipedia NL
wikipedia CA
, and
wikipedia EU
Glyptothorax conirostris
(Steindachner 1867)
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Glyptosternum conirostre
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Glyptothorax conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
Species recognized by
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Glyptothorax conirostris
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
wikipedia ES
wikipedia EN
Wikidata Common Names
Wikimedia Commons
, and
iNaturalist Taxonomy with vernacular names
Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
Recognized by
Alternative Names
Glyptosternum conirostre Steindachner 1867
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from FishBase in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Glyptothorax cavia conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from FishBase in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Glyptothorax conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from FishBase in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Glyptothorax conirostre conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from FishBase in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Glyptosternum conirostre Steindachner 1867
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Glyptosternum conirostre Steindachner 1867
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Glyptosternum lonah
Misapplied according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Glyptosternum lonah
Misapplied name according to
Glyptosternum modestum
Misapplied according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Glyptosternum modestum
Misapplied name according to
Glyptothorax cavia conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Glyptothorax cavia conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Glyptothorax conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Glyptothorax conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Glyptothorax conirostre conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Glyptothorax conirostre conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Glyptothorax garhwali
Misapplied according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Glyptothorax garhwali
Misapplied name according to
Common Names
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Curated hierarchies for Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
(this page)
Glyptothorax alaknandi Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax anamalaiensis Silas 1952
Glyptothorax annandalei Hora 1923
Glyptothorax armeniacus (Berg 1918)
Glyptothorax ater Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2011
Glyptothorax botius (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax brevipinnis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax buchanani Smith 1945
Glyptothorax burmanicus Prashad & Mukerji 1929
Glyptothorax callopterus Smith 1945
Glyptothorax caudimaculatus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2011
Glyptothorax cavia (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2010
Glyptothorax chindwinica Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax churamanii Yumnam & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax clavatus Rameshori & Vishwanath 2014
Glyptothorax coracinus Ng & Rainboth 2008
Glyptothorax cous (Linnaeus 1766)
Glyptothorax davissinghi Manimekalan & Das 1998
Glyptothorax deqinensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax dikrongensis Tamang & Chaudhry 2011
Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra 1890
Glyptothorax elankadensis Plamoottil & Abraham 2013
Glyptothorax exodon Ng & Rachmatika 2005
Glyptothorax filicatus Ng & Freyhof 2008
Glyptothorax fokiensis (Rendahl 1925)
Glyptothorax fucatus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax garhwali Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax gracilis (Günther 1864)
Glyptothorax granosus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax granulus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax hainanensis (Nichols & Pope 1927)
Glyptothorax honghensis Li 1984
Glyptothorax horai (Fowler 1934)
Glyptothorax housei Herre 1942
Glyptothorax igniculus Ng & Kullander 2013
Glyptothorax indicus Talwar 1991
Glyptothorax interspinalus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax jalalensis Balon & Hensel 1970
Glyptothorax jayarami Rameshori & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax kashmirensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax ketambe Ng & Hadiaty 2009
Glyptothorax kudremukhensis Gopi 2007
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus (Berg 1931)
Glyptothorax laak (Popta 1904)
Glyptothorax lampris Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lanceatus Ng, Jiang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax laosensis Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lonah (Sykes 1839)
Glyptothorax longicauda Li 1984
Glyptothorax longjiangensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax maceriatus Ng & Lalramliana 2012
Glyptothorax macromaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax madraspatanus (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax major (Boulenger 1894)
Glyptothorax malabarensis Gopi 2010
Glyptothorax manipurensis Menon 1955
Glyptothorax mibangi Darshan, Dutta, Kachari, Gogoi & Das 2015
Glyptothorax minimaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax naziri Mirza & Naik 1969
Glyptothorax nelsoni Ganguly, Datta & Sen 1972
Glyptothorax ngapang Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax nieuwenhuisi (Vaillant 1902)
Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus Jiang, Chen & Yang 2010
Glyptothorax obscurus Li 1984
Glyptothorax pallozonus (Lin 1934)
Glyptothorax panda Ferraris & Britz 2005
Glyptothorax pantherinus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2013
Glyptothorax pectinopterus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax platypogon (Valenciennes 1840)
Glyptothorax platypogonides (Bleeker 1855)
Glyptothorax plectilis Ng & Hadiaty 2008
Glyptothorax poonaensis Hora 1938
Glyptothorax prashadi Mukerji 1932
Glyptothorax punjabensis Mirza & Kashmiri 1971
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax radiolus Ng & Lalramliana 2013
Glyptothorax rugimentum Ng & Kottelat 2008
Glyptothorax saisii (Jenkins 1910)
Glyptothorax schmidti (Volz 1904)
Glyptothorax scrobiculus Ng & Lalramliana 2012
Glyptothorax siamensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax silviae Coad 1981
Glyptothorax sinensis (Regan 1908)
Glyptothorax steindachneri (Pietschmann 1913)
Glyptothorax stocki Mirza & Nijssen 1978
Glyptothorax stolickae (Steindachner 1867)
Glyptothorax strabonis Ng & Freyhof 2008
Glyptothorax striatus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax sufii Asghar Bashir & Mirza 1975
Glyptothorax sykesi (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax telchitta (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax trewavasae Hora 1938
Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth 1860
Glyptothorax ventrolineatus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2006
Glyptothorax verrucosus Rameshori & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He & Chu 1981
Glyptothorax zhujiangensis Lin 2003
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
(this page)
Glyptothorax alaknandi Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax anamalaiensis Silas 1952
Glyptothorax annandalei Hora 1923
Glyptothorax armeniacus (Berg 1918)
Glyptothorax ater Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2011
Glyptothorax botius (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax brevipinnis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax buchanani Smith 1945
Glyptothorax burmanicus Prashad & Mukerji 1929
Glyptothorax callopterus Smith 1945
Glyptothorax caudimaculatus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2011
Glyptothorax cavia (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2010
Glyptothorax chindwinica Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax churamanii Yumnam & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax clavatus Rameshori & Vishwanath 2014
Glyptothorax coracinus Ng & Rainboth 2008
Glyptothorax cous (Linnaeus 1766)
Glyptothorax davissinghi Manimekalan & Das 1998
Glyptothorax deqinensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax dikrongensis Tamang & Chaudhry 2011
Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra 1890
Glyptothorax elankadensis Plamoottil & Abraham 2013
Glyptothorax exodon Ng & Rachmatika 2005
Glyptothorax filicatus Ng & Freyhof 2008
Glyptothorax fokiensis (Rendahl 1925)
Glyptothorax fucatus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax garhwali Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax gracilis (Günther 1864)
Glyptothorax granosus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax granulus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax hainanensis (Nichols & Pope 1927)
Glyptothorax honghensis Li 1984
Glyptothorax horai (Fowler 1934)
Glyptothorax housei Herre 1942
Glyptothorax igniculus Ng & Kullander 2013
Glyptothorax indicus Talwar 1991
Glyptothorax interspinalus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax jalalensis Balon & Hensel 1970
Glyptothorax jayarami Rameshori & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax kashmirensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax ketambe Ng & Hadiaty 2009
Glyptothorax kudremukhensis Gopi 2007
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus (Berg 1931)
Glyptothorax laak (Popta 1904)
Glyptothorax lampris Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lanceatus Ng, Jiang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax laosensis Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lonah (Sykes 1839)
Glyptothorax longicauda Li 1984
Glyptothorax longjiangensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax maceriatus Ng & Lalramliana 2012
Glyptothorax macromaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax madraspatanus (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax major (Boulenger 1894)
Glyptothorax malabarensis Gopi 2010
Glyptothorax manipurensis Menon 1955
Glyptothorax mibangi Darshan, Dutta, Kachari, Gogoi & Das 2015
Glyptothorax minimaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax naziri Mirza & Naik 1969
Glyptothorax nelsoni Ganguly, Datta & Sen 1972
Glyptothorax ngapang Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax nieuwenhuisi (Vaillant 1902)
Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus Jiang, Chen & Yang 2010
Glyptothorax obscurus Li 1984
Glyptothorax pallozonus (Lin 1934)
Glyptothorax panda Ferraris & Britz 2005
Glyptothorax pantherinus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2013
Glyptothorax pectinopterus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax platypogon (Valenciennes 1840)
Glyptothorax platypogonides (Bleeker 1855)
Glyptothorax plectilis Ng & Hadiaty 2008
Glyptothorax poonaensis Hora 1938
Glyptothorax prashadi Mukerji 1932
Glyptothorax punjabensis Mirza & Kashmiri 1971
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax radiolus Ng & Lalramliana 2013
Glyptothorax rugimentum Ng & Kottelat 2008
Glyptothorax saisii (Jenkins 1910)
Glyptothorax schmidti (Volz 1904)
Glyptothorax scrobiculus Ng & Lalramliana 2012
Glyptothorax siamensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax silviae Coad 1981
Glyptothorax sinensis (Regan 1908)
Glyptothorax steindachneri (Pietschmann 1913)
Glyptothorax stocki Mirza & Nijssen 1978
Glyptothorax stolickae (Steindachner 1867)
Glyptothorax strabonis Ng & Freyhof 2008
Glyptothorax striatus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax sufii Asghar Bashir & Mirza 1975
Glyptothorax sykesi (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax telchitta (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax trewavasae Hora 1938
Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth 1860
Glyptothorax ventrolineatus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2006
Glyptothorax verrucosus Rameshori & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He & Chu 1981
Glyptothorax zhujiangensis Lin 2003
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
(this page)
Glyptothorax alaknandi Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax anamalaiensis Silas 1952
Glyptothorax annandalei Hora 1923
Glyptothorax armeniacus (Berg 1918)
Glyptothorax ater Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2011
Glyptothorax botius (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax brevipinnis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax buchanani Smith 1945
Glyptothorax burmanicus Prashad & Mukerji 1929
Glyptothorax callopterus Smith 1945
Glyptothorax caudimaculatus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2011
Glyptothorax cavia (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2010
Glyptothorax chindwinica Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax churamanii Yumnam & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax clavatus Rameshori & Vishwanath 2014
Glyptothorax coracinus Ng & Rainboth 2008
Glyptothorax cous (Linnaeus 1766)
Glyptothorax davissinghi Manimekalan & Das 1998
Glyptothorax deqinensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax dikrongensis Tamang & Chaudhry 2011
Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra 1890
Glyptothorax elankadensis Plamoottil & Abraham 2013
Glyptothorax exodon Ng & Rachmatika 2005
Glyptothorax filicatus Ng & Freyhof 2008
Glyptothorax fokiensis (Rendahl 1925)
Glyptothorax fucatus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax garhwali Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax gracilis (Günther 1864)
Glyptothorax granosus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax granulus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax hainanensis (Nichols & Pope 1927)
Glyptothorax honghensis Li 1984
Glyptothorax horai (Fowler 1934)
Glyptothorax housei Herre 1942
Glyptothorax igniculus Ng & Kullander 2013
Glyptothorax indicus Talwar 1991
Glyptothorax interspinalus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax jalalensis Balon & Hensel 1970
Glyptothorax jayarami Rameshori & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax kashmirensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax ketambe Ng & Hadiaty 2009
Glyptothorax kudremukhensis Gopi 2007
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus (Berg 1931)
Glyptothorax laak (Popta 1904)
Glyptothorax lampris Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lanceatus Ng, Jiang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax laosensis Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lonah (Sykes 1839)
Glyptothorax longicauda Li 1984
Glyptothorax longjiangensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax maceriatus Ng & Lalramliana 2012
Glyptothorax macromaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax madraspatanus (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax major (Boulenger 1894)
Glyptothorax malabarensis Gopi 2010
Glyptothorax manipurensis Menon 1955
Glyptothorax mibangi Darshan, Dutta, Kachari, Gogoi & Das 2015
Glyptothorax minimaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax naziri Mirza & Naik 1969
Glyptothorax nelsoni Ganguly, Datta & Sen 1972
Glyptothorax ngapang Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax nieuwenhuisi (Vaillant 1902)
Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus Jiang, Chen & Yang 2010
Glyptothorax obscurus Li 1984
Glyptothorax pallozonus (Lin 1934)
Glyptothorax panda Ferraris & Britz 2005
Glyptothorax pantherinus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2013
Glyptothorax pectinopterus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax platypogon (Valenciennes 1840)
Glyptothorax platypogonides (Bleeker 1855)
Glyptothorax plectilis Ng & Hadiaty 2008
Glyptothorax poonaensis Hora 1938
Glyptothorax prashadi Mukerji 1932
Glyptothorax punjabensis Mirza & Kashmiri 1971
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax radiolus Ng & Lalramliana 2013
Glyptothorax rugimentum Ng & Kottelat 2008
Glyptothorax saisii (Jenkins 1910)
Glyptothorax schmidti (Volz 1904)
Glyptothorax scrobiculus Ng & Lalramliana 2012
Glyptothorax siamensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax silviae Coad 1981
Glyptothorax sinensis (Regan 1908)
Glyptothorax steindachneri (Pietschmann 1913)
Glyptothorax stocki Mirza & Nijssen 1978
Glyptothorax stolickae (Steindachner 1867)
Glyptothorax strabonis Ng & Freyhof 2008
Glyptothorax striatus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax sufii Asghar Bashir & Mirza 1975
Glyptothorax sykesi (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax telchitta (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax trewavasae Hora 1938
Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth 1860
Glyptothorax ventrolineatus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2006
Glyptothorax verrucosus Rameshori & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He & Chu 1981
Glyptothorax zhujiangensis Lin 2003
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
(this page)
Glyptothorax alaknandi Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax anamalaiensis Silas 1952
Glyptothorax annandalei Hora 1923
Glyptothorax armeniacus (Berg 1918)
Glyptothorax ater Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2011
Glyptothorax botius (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax brevipinnis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax buchanani Smith 1945
Glyptothorax burmanicus Prashad & Mukerji 1929
Glyptothorax callopterus Smith 1945
Glyptothorax caudimaculatus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2011
Glyptothorax cavia (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2010
Glyptothorax chindwinica Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax churamanii Yumnam & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax clavatus Rameshori & Vishwanath 2014
Glyptothorax coracinus Ng & Rainboth 2008
Glyptothorax cous (Linnaeus 1766)
Glyptothorax davissinghi Manimekalan & Das 1998
Glyptothorax deqinensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax dikrongensis Tamang & Chaudhry 2011
Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra 1890
Glyptothorax elankadensis Plamoottil & Abraham 2013
Glyptothorax exodon Ng & Rachmatika 2005
Glyptothorax filicatus Ng & Freyhof 2008
Glyptothorax fokiensis (Rendahl 1925)
Glyptothorax fucatus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax garhwali Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax gracilis (Günther 1864)
Glyptothorax granosus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax granulus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax hainanensis (Nichols & Pope 1927)
Glyptothorax honghensis Li 1984
Glyptothorax horai (Fowler 1934)
Glyptothorax housei Herre 1942
Glyptothorax igniculus Ng & Kullander 2013
Glyptothorax indicus Talwar 1991
Glyptothorax interspinalus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax jalalensis Balon & Hensel 1970
Glyptothorax jayarami Rameshori & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax kashmirensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax ketambe Ng & Hadiaty 2009
Glyptothorax kudremukhensis Gopi 2007
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus (Berg 1931)
Glyptothorax laak (Popta 1904)
Glyptothorax lampris Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lanceatus Ng, Jiang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax laosensis Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lonah (Sykes 1839)
Glyptothorax longicauda Li 1984
Glyptothorax longjiangensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax maceriatus Ng & Lalramliana 2012
Glyptothorax macromaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax madraspatanus (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax major (Boulenger 1894)
Glyptothorax malabarensis Gopi 2010
Glyptothorax manipurensis Menon 1955
Glyptothorax mibangi Darshan, Dutta, Kachari, Gogoi & Das 2015
Glyptothorax minimaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax naziri Mirza & Naik 1969
Glyptothorax nelsoni Ganguly, Datta & Sen 1972
Glyptothorax ngapang Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax nieuwenhuisi (Vaillant 1902)
Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus Jiang, Chen & Yang 2010
Glyptothorax obscurus Li 1984
Glyptothorax pallozonus (Lin 1934)
Glyptothorax panda Ferraris & Britz 2005
Glyptothorax pantherinus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2013
Glyptothorax pectinopterus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax platypogon (Valenciennes 1840)
Glyptothorax platypogonides (Bleeker 1855)
Glyptothorax plectilis Ng & Hadiaty 2008
Glyptothorax poonaensis Hora 1938
Glyptothorax prashadi Mukerji 1932
Glyptothorax punjabensis Mirza & Kashmiri 1971
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax radiolus Ng & Lalramliana 2013
Glyptothorax rugimentum Ng & Kottelat 2008
Glyptothorax saisii (Jenkins 1910)
Glyptothorax schmidti (Volz 1904)
Glyptothorax scrobiculus Ng & Lalramliana 2012
Glyptothorax siamensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax silviae Coad 1981
Glyptothorax sinensis (Regan 1908)
Glyptothorax steindachneri (Pietschmann 1913)
Glyptothorax stocki Mirza & Nijssen 1978
Glyptothorax stolickae (Steindachner 1867)
Glyptothorax strabonis Ng & Freyhof 2008
Glyptothorax striatus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax sufii Asghar Bashir & Mirza 1975
Glyptothorax sykesi (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax telchitta (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax trewavasae Hora 1938
Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth 1860
Glyptothorax ventrolineatus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2006
Glyptothorax verrucosus Rameshori & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He & Chu 1981
Glyptothorax zhujiangensis Lin 2003
GBIF classification
Glyptothorax Blyth 1860
Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
(this page)
Glyptothorax alaknandi Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax anamalaiensis Silas 1951
Glyptothorax annandalei Hora 1923
Glyptothorax armeniacus (Berg 1918)
Glyptothorax ater Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2011
Glyptothorax botius (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax brevipinnis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax buchanani Smith 1945
Glyptothorax burmanicus Prashad & Mukerji 1929
Glyptothorax callopterus Smith 1945
Glyptothorax caudimaculatus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2011
Glyptothorax cavia (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2010
Glyptothorax chindwinica Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax clavatus Rameshori & Vishwanath 2014
Glyptothorax coracinus Ng & Rainboth 2008
Glyptothorax cous (Linnaeus 1766)
Glyptothorax davissinghi Manimekalan & Das 1998
Glyptothorax deqinensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax dikrongensis Tamang & Chaudhry 2011
Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra 1890
Glyptothorax elankadensis Plamoottil & Abraham 2013
Glyptothorax exodon Ng & Rachmatika 2005
Glyptothorax famelicus
Glyptothorax filicatus Ng & Freyhof 2008
Glyptothorax fokiensis (Rendahl 1925)
Glyptothorax fucatus
Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax garhwali Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax gracilis (Günther 1864)
Glyptothorax granosus
Glyptothorax granulus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax hainanensis (Nichols & Pope 1927)
Glyptothorax honghensis Li 1984
Glyptothorax horai Shaw & Shebbeare 1936
Glyptothorax housei Herre 1942
Glyptothorax igniculus Ng & Kullander 2013
Glyptothorax indicus Talwar 1991
Glyptothorax interspinalus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax jalalensis Balon & Hensel 1970
Glyptothorax jayarami Rameshori & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax kashmirensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax ketambe Ng & Hadiaty 2009
Glyptothorax kudremukhensis Gopi 2007
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus (Berg 1931)
Glyptothorax laak (Popta 1904)
Glyptothorax lampris Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lanceatus Ng, Jiang & Chen 2012
Glyptothorax laosensis Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lonah (Sykes 1839)
Glyptothorax longicauda Li 1984
Glyptothorax longjiangensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax maceriatus Ng & Lalramliana 2012
Glyptothorax macromaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax madraspatanus (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax major (Boulenger 1894)
Glyptothorax malabarensis Gopi 2010
Glyptothorax manipurensis Menon 1955
Glyptothorax mibangi Darshan, Dutta, Kachari, Gogoi & Das 2015
Glyptothorax minimaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax naziri Mirza & Naik 1969
Glyptothorax nelsoni Ganguly, Datta & Sen 1972
Glyptothorax ngapang Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax nieuwenhuisi (Vaillant 1902)
Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus Jiang, Chen & Yang 2010
Glyptothorax obscurus Li 1984
Glyptothorax pallozonus (Linnaeus 1934)
Glyptothorax panda Ferraris & Britz 2005
Glyptothorax pantherinus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath 2013
Glyptothorax pectinopterus (Mc Clelland 1842)
Glyptothorax platypogon (Valenciennes 1840)
Glyptothorax platypogonides (Bleeker 1855)
Glyptothorax plectilis Ng & Hadiaty 2008
Glyptothorax poonaensis Hora 1938
Glyptothorax prashadi Mukerji 1932
Glyptothorax punjabensis Mirza & Kashmiri 1971
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax radiolus Ng & Lalramliana 2013
Glyptothorax rugimentum Ng & Kottelat 2008
Glyptothorax saisii (Jenkins 1910)
Glyptothorax schmidti (Volz 1904)
Glyptothorax scrobiculus Ng & Lalramliana 2012
Glyptothorax siamensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax silviae Coad 1981
Glyptothorax sinensis (Regan 1908)
Glyptothorax steindachneri (Pietschmann 1913)
Glyptothorax stibaros
Glyptothorax stocki Mirza & Nijssen 1978
Glyptothorax stolickae (Steindachner 1867)
Glyptothorax strabonis Ng & Freyhof 2008
Glyptothorax striatus (Mc Clelland 1842)
Glyptothorax sufii Asghar Bashir & Mirza 1975
Glyptothorax sykesi (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax telchitta (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax trewavasae Hora 1938
Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth 1860
Glyptothorax ventrolineatus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2005
Glyptothorax verrucosus Rameshori & Vishwanath 2012
Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He & Chu 1981
Glyptothorax zhujiangensis Lin 2003
8 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
iNaturalist Taxonomy with vernacular names
Glyptothorax conirostris
(this page)
Glyptothorax alaknandi
Glyptothorax amnestus
Glyptothorax anamalaiensis
Glyptothorax annandalei
Glyptothorax armeniacus
Glyptothorax ater
Glyptothorax botius
Glyptothorax brevipinnis
Glyptothorax buchanani
Glyptothorax burmanicus
Glyptothorax callopterus
Glyptothorax caudimaculatus
Glyptothorax cavia
Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis
Glyptothorax churamanii
Glyptothorax clavatus
Glyptothorax coracinus
Glyptothorax cous
Glyptothorax daemon
Glyptothorax davissinghi
Glyptothorax decussatus
Glyptothorax deqinensis
Glyptothorax dikrongensis
Glyptothorax distichus
Glyptothorax dorsalis
Glyptothorax elankadensis
Glyptothorax exodon
Glyptothorax famelicus
Glyptothorax filicatus
Glyptothorax forabilis
Glyptothorax fucatus
Glyptothorax fuscus
Glyptothorax garhwali
Glyptothorax giudikyensis
Glyptothorax gopii
Glyptothorax gracilis
Glyptothorax granosus
Glyptothorax granulus
Glyptothorax hainanensis
Glyptothorax heokheei
Glyptothorax honghensis
Glyptothorax horai
Glyptothorax housei
Glyptothorax indicus
Glyptothorax interspinalum
Glyptothorax irroratus
Glyptothorax kailashi
Glyptothorax kashmirensis
Glyptothorax keluk
Glyptothorax kudremukhensis
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus
Glyptothorax lairamkhullensis
Glyptothorax lampris
Glyptothorax laosensis
Glyptothorax lonah
Glyptothorax longinema
Glyptothorax macromaculatus
Glyptothorax madraspatanus
Glyptothorax malabarensis
Glyptothorax manipurensis
Glyptothorax medogensis
Glyptothorax motbungensis
Glyptothorax ngapang
Glyptothorax pallens
Glyptothorax pallozonus
Glyptothorax panda
Glyptothorax pasighatensis
Glyptothorax pectinopterus
Glyptothorax pedunculatus
Glyptothorax pictus
Glyptothorax poonaensis
Glyptothorax porrectus
Glyptothorax prashadi
Glyptothorax primusplicae
Glyptothorax prionotos
Glyptothorax punjabensis
Glyptothorax punyabratai
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus
Glyptothorax rara
Glyptothorax robustus
Glyptothorax rugimentum
Glyptothorax rupiri
Glyptothorax saisii
Glyptothorax sardashtensis
Glyptothorax senapatiensis
Glyptothorax siangensis
Glyptothorax sinensis
Glyptothorax stibaros
Glyptothorax stocki
Glyptothorax stolickae
Glyptothorax strabonis
Glyptothorax striatus
Glyptothorax telchitta
Glyptothorax trewavasae
Glyptothorax trilineatus
Glyptothorax vatandousti
Glyptothorax ventrolineatus
Glyptothorax viridis
Glyptothorax waikhomi
Glyptothorax yuensis
28 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Sisoridae Bleeker 1858
Glyptothorax Blyth 1860
Glyptothorax conirostre (Steindachner 1867)
(this page)
Glyptothorax annandalei Hora 1923
Glyptothorax armeniacus (Berg 1918)
Glyptothorax buchanani Smith 1945
Glyptothorax callopterus Smith 1945
Glyptothorax cavia (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax cous (Linnaeus 1766)
Glyptothorax davissinghi Manimekalan & Das 1998
Glyptothorax deqinensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra 1890
Glyptothorax fokiensis (Rendahl 1925)
Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax gracilis (Günther 1864)
Glyptothorax honghensis Li 1984
Glyptothorax horai (Fowler 1934)
Glyptothorax housei Herre 1942
Glyptothorax indicus Talwar ex Talwar & Jhingran 1991
Glyptothorax interspinalum (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax jalalensis Balon & Hensel 1970
Glyptothorax kashmirensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus (Berg 1931)
Glyptothorax lampris Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax laosensis Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax lonah (Sykes 1839)
Glyptothorax longicauda Li 1984
Glyptothorax longjiangensis Mo & Chu 1986
Glyptothorax macromaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax madraspatanum (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax major (Boulenger 1894)
Glyptothorax minimaculatus Li 1984
Glyptothorax naziri Mirza & Naik 1969
Glyptothorax nelsoni Ganguly, Datta & Sen 1972
Glyptothorax obscura Li 1984
Glyptothorax pallozonum (Lin 1934)
Glyptothorax pectinopterus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax platypogon (Valenciennes ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840)
Glyptothorax platypogonides (Bleeker 1855)
Glyptothorax poonaensis Hora 1938
Glyptothorax prashadi Mukerji 1932
Glyptothorax punjabensis Mirza & Kashmiri 1971
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax saisii (Jenkins 1910)
Glyptothorax silviae Coad 1981
Glyptothorax sinensis (Regan 1908)
Glyptothorax steindachneri (Pietschmann 1913)
Glyptothorax stocki Mirza & Nijssen 1978
Glyptothorax stolickae (Steindachner 1867)
Glyptothorax striatus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax sufii Asghar Bashir & Mirza 1975
Glyptothorax telchitta (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax tiong (Popta 1904)
Glyptothorax trewavasae Hora 1938
Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth 1860
Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He & Chu 1981
Glyptothorax zhujiangensis Lin 2003
Glyptothorax conirostris (Steindachner 1867)
(this page)
Bagarius bagarius (Hamilton 1822)
Bagarius rutilus Ng & Kottelat 2000
Bagarius yarrelli (Sykes 1839)
Exostoma barakensis Vishwanath & Joyshree 2007
Exostoma berdmorei Blyth 1860
Exostoma labiatum (McClelland 1842)
Exostoma stuarti (Hora 1923)
Exostoma vinciguerrae Regan 1905
Gagata cenia (Hamilton 1822)
Gagata dolichonema He 1996
Gagata gagata (Hamilton 1822)
Gagata itchkeea (Sykes 1839)
Gagata melanopterus Roberts & Ferraris 1998
Gagata sexualis Tilak 1970
Glaridoglanis andersonii (Day 1870)
Glyptosternon maculatum (Regan 1905)
Glyptosternon malaisei Rendahl & Vestergren 1941
Glyptosternon oschanini (Herzenstein 1889)
Glyptosternon reticulatum McClelland 1842
Glyptothorax alaknandi Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax amnestus Ng & Kottelat 2016
Glyptothorax anamalaiensis Silas 1952
Glyptothorax annandalei Hora 1923
Glyptothorax botius (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax brevipinnis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax burmanicus Prashad & Mukerji 1929
Glyptothorax cavia (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax chindwinica Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax davissinghi Manimekalan & Das 1998
Glyptothorax decussatus Ng & Kottelat 2016
Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra 1890
Glyptothorax famelicus Ng & Kottelat 2016
Glyptothorax fokiensis (Rendahl 1925)
Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler 1934
Glyptothorax garhwali Tilak 1969
Glyptothorax gracilis (Günther 1864)
Glyptothorax granulus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax honghensis Li 1984
Glyptothorax housei Herre 1942
Glyptothorax indicus Talwar 1991
Glyptothorax interspinalum (Mai 1978)
Glyptothorax kashmirensis Hora 1923
Glyptothorax keluk Ng & Kottelat 2016
Glyptothorax kudremukhensis Gopi 2007
Glyptothorax lonah (Sykes 1839)
Glyptothorax madraspatanus (Day 1873)
Glyptothorax manipurensis Menon 1955
Glyptothorax naziri Mirza & Naik 1969
Glyptothorax ngapang Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2007
Glyptothorax pallozonum (Lin 1934)
Glyptothorax pallozonus (Lin 1934)
Glyptothorax panda Ferraris & Britz 2005
Glyptothorax pectinopterus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax pictus Ng & Kottelat 2016
Glyptothorax poonaensis Hora 1938
Glyptothorax punjabensis Mirza & Kashmiri 1971
Glyptothorax robustus (Boeseman 1966)
Glyptothorax saisii (Jenkins 1910)
Glyptothorax sinensis (Regan 1908)
Glyptothorax stibaros Ng & Kottelat 2016
Glyptothorax stocki Mirza & Nijssen 1978
Glyptothorax stolickae (Steindachner 1867)
Glyptothorax striatus (McClelland 1842)
Glyptothorax sufii Asghar Bashir & Mirza 1975
Glyptothorax telchitta (Hamilton 1822)
Glyptothorax trewavasae Hora 1938
Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth 1860
Glyptothorax ventrolineatus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi 2006
Gogangra laevis Ng 2005
Gogangra viridescens (Hamilton 1822)
Myersglanis blythii (Day 1870)
Myersglanis jayarami Vishwanath & Kosygin 1999
Nangra assamensis Sen & Biswas 1994
Nangra bucculenta Roberts & Ferraris 1998
Nangra nangra (Hamilton 1822)
Nangra ornata Roberts & Ferraris 1998
Oreoglanis macropterus (Vinciguerra 1890)
Oreoglanis siamensis Smith 1933
Parachiloglanis hodgarti (Hora 1923)
Pareuchiloglanis kamengensis (Jayaram 1966)
Pareuchiloglanis longicauda (Yue 1981)
Pareuchiloglanis macropterus Ng 2004
Pareuchiloglanis macrotrema (Norman 1925)
Pareuchiloglanis nebulifer Ng & Kottelat 2000
Pareuchiloglanis tamduongensis Nguyen 2005
Pseudecheneis crassicauda Ng & Edds 2005
Pseudecheneis eddsi Ng 2006
Pseudecheneis intermedia Chu 1982
Pseudecheneis serracula Ng & Edds 2005
Pseudecheneis sirenica Vishwanath & Darshan 2007
Pseudecheneis sulcata (McClelland 1842)
Pseudecheneis suppaetula Ng 2006
Pseudecheneis sympelvica Roberts 1998
Pseudecheneis ukhrulensis Vishwanath & Darshan 2007
Sisor barakensis Vishwanath & Darshan 2005
Sisor chennuah Ng & Lahkar 2003
Sisor pakistanicus Javed & Mirza 2011
Sisor rabdophorus Hamilton 1822
Sisor rheophilus Ng 2003
Sisor torosus Ng 2003
50 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Glyptothorax conirostris
(this page)
Glyptothorax alaknandi
Glyptothorax anamalaiensis
Glyptothorax annandalei
Glyptothorax armeniacus
Glyptothorax ater
Glyptothorax botius
Glyptothorax buchanani
Glyptothorax burmanicus
Glyptothorax callopterus
Glyptothorax cavia
Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis
Glyptothorax chindwinica
Glyptothorax churamanii
Glyptothorax clavatus
Glyptothorax coracinus
Glyptothorax cous
Glyptothorax davissinghi
Glyptothorax deqinensis
Glyptothorax dikrongensis
Glyptothorax dorsalis
Glyptothorax elankadensis
Glyptothorax exodon
Glyptothorax filicatus
Glyptothorax fokiensis
Glyptothorax forabilis
Glyptothorax fucatus
Glyptothorax fukiensis
Glyptothorax furcatus
Glyptothorax fuscus
Glyptothorax gracilis
Glyptothorax granosus
Glyptothorax granulus
Glyptothorax hainanensis
Glyptothorax honghensis
Glyptothorax horai
Glyptothorax housei
Glyptothorax igniculus
Glyptothorax indicus
Glyptothorax interspinalus
Glyptothorax jalalensis
Glyptothorax jayarami
Glyptothorax kashmirensis
Glyptothorax ketambe
Glyptothorax kudremukhensis
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus
Glyptothorax kurdstanicus
Glyptothorax laak
Glyptothorax lampris
Glyptothorax lanceatus
Glyptothorax laosensis
Glyptothorax lonah
Glyptothorax longicauda
Glyptothorax longjiangensis
Glyptothorax maceriatus
Glyptothorax macromaculatus
Glyptothorax madraspatanus
Glyptothorax malabarensis
Glyptothorax mibangi
Glyptothorax minimaculatus
Glyptothorax naziri
Glyptothorax nelsoni
Glyptothorax nieuwenhuisi
Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus
Glyptothorax obscurus
Glyptothorax pallozonus
Glyptothorax panda
Glyptothorax pantherinus
Glyptothorax pasighatensis
Glyptothorax pectinopterus
Glyptothorax platypogon
Glyptothorax platypogonides
Glyptothorax plectilis
Glyptothorax porrectus
Glyptothorax prashadi
Glyptothorax punctatum
Glyptothorax punjabensis
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus
Glyptothorax radiolus
Glyptothorax rugimentum
Glyptothorax saisii
Glyptothorax schmidti
Glyptothorax scrobiculus
Glyptothorax siamensis
Glyptothorax silviae
Glyptothorax sinense
Glyptothorax sinensis
Glyptothorax steindachneri
Glyptothorax stocki
Glyptothorax stolickae
Glyptothorax strabonis
Glyptothorax striatus
Glyptothorax sufii
Glyptothorax sykesi
Glyptothorax telchitta
Glyptothorax trewavasae
Glyptothorax trilineatus
Glyptothorax ventrolineatus
Glyptothorax verrucosus
Glyptothorax zanaensis
Glyptothorax zhujiangensis
16 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.