海帶目是褐藻綱之下一個目級的海藻分類單元,現時包括有約30個属[來源請求]。 這些海帶生長於淺海海洋底下的海藻林:一種類似於陸地上森林的海洋植物群落,估計從中新世(即500到2300萬年前)就已出現[3][與來源不符]。
海帶目聚集的地方會發展成被稱為「海藻林」的海底森林,為最富有豐富生產力與多樣性的地球生態系統[5][6]。較小片的海藻林又被稱為海藻床。在挪威海岸,有接近5800 km2的海岸就長滿了海藻林[7][6],還為大量動物提及棲息地[8][9]。
海藻林分布於溫帶到極地地區的沿岸海域。[5]在2007年,於厄瓜多附近的熱帶海域也發現有海藻林分佈。[10] 和熱帶的珊瑚礁一樣,海藻林為許多生物提供生活環境,包括軟體動物、甲殼動物、棘皮動物、魚類及海洋哺乳動物等;同時也為人類提供生產力豐富的漁場。
Giant kelp can be harvested fairly easily because of its surface canopy and growth habit of staying in deeper water.
Scuba diver in kelp forest
Blue rockfish in kelp forest
Anemone and seastar in kelp forest
An underwater shot of a kelp forest
Kelp found along the coast of La Jolla Shores
Species of Laminaria in the British Isles;
Species of 海帶屬 worldwide, listing of species at AlgaeBase(英语:AlgaeBase):[11]
Laminaria bongardina Postels et Ruprecht (Bering Sea to 加利福尼亚州)
Laminaria cuneifolia (NE. America)
Laminaria dentigera Klellm. (California - America)
Laminaria digitata(英语:Laminaria digitata) (NE. America)
Laminaria ephemera Setchell (Sitka, Alaska, to Monterey County, California - America)
Laminaria farlowii Setchell (Santa Cruz, California, to Baja California - America)
Laminaria groenlandica (NE. America)
Laminaria longicruris (NE. America)
Laminaria nigripes (NE. America)
Laminaria ontermedia (NE. America)
Laminaria pallida(英语:Laminaria pallida) Greville ex J. Agardh (南非)
Laminaria platymeris (NE. America)
Laminaria saccharina(英语:Laminaria saccharina) (Linnaeus) Lamouroux, synonym of Saccharina latissima (north east Atlantic Ocean, Barents Sea south to Galicia - Spain)
Laminaria setchellii Silva (Aleutian Islands, Alaska to Baja California America)
Laminaria sinclairii (Harvey ex Hooker f. ex Harvey) Farlow, Anderson et Eaton (Hope Island, British Columbia to Los Angeles, California - America)
Laminaria solidungula (NE. America)
Laminaria stenophylla (NE. America)
Costaria costata, five-ribbed kelp
Other species in the 海帶目 that may be considered as kelp:
Non-Laminariales species that may be considered as kelp:
^ Olivero, Davide. Chapter 13 "Zoophycos and the Role of Type Specimens in Ichnotaxonomy. (编) William Miller, III. Trace Fossils: Concepts, Problems, Prospects. Elsevier. 2011-10-13: 224–226 [2013-04-01]. ISBN 978-0-08-047535-6.
^ Migula, W. Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Deutsch-Österreich und der Schweiz. Band II. Algen. 2. Teil. Rhodophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Characeae. Gera: Verlag Friedriech von Zezschwitz. 1909: i–iv, 1–382, 122 (41 col.) pls.
^ Macrocystis Evolution
^ 陸保仁. 海帶目. 中國大百科全書 生物學Ⅰ (中文).
^ 5.0 5.1 Mann, K.H. Seaweeds: their productivity and strategy for growth. Science. 1973, 182: 975–981 (英语).
^ 6.0 6.1 Abdullah, M.I.; Fredriksen, S. Production, respiration and exudation of dissolved organic matter by the kelp Laminaria hyperborea along the west coast of Norway. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK. 2004, 84: 887 (英语).
^ Rinde, E. Dokumentasjon av modellerte marine Naturtyper i DNs Naturbase. Førstegenerasjonsmodeller til kommunenes startpakker for kartlegging av marine naturtyper 2007. NIVA report. 2009: 32 pp. (挪威语).
^ Christie, H., Jørgensen, N.M., Norderhaug, K.M., Waage-Nielsen, E., 2003. Species distribution and habitat exploitation of fauna associated with kelp (Laminaria hyperborea) along the Norwegian coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 83, 687-699.
^ Jørgensen, N.M., Christie, H., 2003. Follow me @radd.michyy and lowk3y.nadine l Diurnal, horizontal and vertical dispersal of kelp associated fauna. Hydrobiologia 50, 69-76.
^ Graham, M.H., B.P. Kinlan, L.D. Druehl, L.E. Garske, and S. Banks. 2007. Deep-water kelp refugia as potential hotspots of tropical marine diversity and productivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 16576-16580.
^ AlgaeBase Laminariales