
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Tillandsia compacta Griseb. Nachr. Ges. Wiss Gott. 1864: 18. 1865.
Steraless, 3-5 dm. high; leaves about 20 in a narrowly crateriform rosette, up to 4 dm. long; sheaths broadly ovate, 1 dm. long, pale-brown or purple, brown-punctulate-lepidote; blades ligulate, rounded-apiculate, 3-4 cm. wide, flat; scape curved, 4 mm. in diameter; scape-bracts erect, imbricate and wholly concealing the scape, broadly elliptic, acute, punctulate-lepidote, red toward the apex; inflorescence nodding, pinnately compound with simple branches, dense at least toward the apex, ovoid tosubcylindric, 6-18 cm. long; axis angled, glabrous; primary bracts broadly elliptic, acute, equaling or exceeding the lower spikes, even, subglabrous; spikes sessile, erect to divergent, ovate or lanceolate, densely 5-10-flowered, complanate, 3-5 cm. long, 2 cm. wide; floral bracts erect, imbricate, broadly ovate, acute, carinate, 18-23 mm. long, exceeding the sepals, three to five times as long as the internodes, even or somewhat nerved, coriaceous, glabrous; flowers subsessile; sepals lanceolate, acute, 14—16 mm. long, coriaceous, even, glabrous, the posterior ones connate for three-fourths of their length; petals 2 cm. long; capsule prismatic, acute, 3 cm. long.
Type locality: Venezuela.
Distribution; Eastern Cuba and Haiti; also in Venezuela.
bibliographic citation
Lyman Bradford Smith. 1938. (XYRIDALES); BROMELIACEAE. North American flora. vol 19(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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Tillandsia compacta

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Tillandsia compacta: Brief Summary

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Tillandsia compacta is a species of flowering plant in the genus Tillandsia. This species is native to Cuba, Hispaniola, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador.

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Tillandsia compacta ( Vietnamese )

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Tillandsia compacta là một loài thuộc chi Tillandsia. Đây là loài bản địa của Bolivia, VenezuelaEcuador.

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Tillandsia compacta: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Tillandsia compacta là một loài thuộc chi Tillandsia. Đây là loài bản địa của Bolivia, VenezuelaEcuador.

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