Image of <i>Pristiphora ettera</i> Smith
Unresolved name

Pristiphora ettera Smith


provided by Journal of Hymenoptera Research
Female. Length, 7.0 mm. Antenna black; scape and pedicel white. Head black with labrum and palpi white. Thorax black; tegula, pronotum, and postspiracular sclerite (except anterior margin) white; mesoscutellum white at center, black at sides, scutellar appendage and metanotum pale orange. Abdomen with basal plates black; tergites 4–5 with broad anterior halves half or more black; posterior portion black, 6-9 with very narrow posterior portion white; sheath black. Legs white, only apical tarsomeres black. Wings hyaline, veins and stigma black. Head and body shiny, with fine, minute punctures; covered with fine, white pubescence. Antennal length 2.3× head width; 3rd and 4th antennomeres subequal in length. Malar space linear. Distance between eye and hind ocellus subqual to slightly shorter than distance between hind ocelli. Postocellar area 2.4× broader than long. Lower interocular distance slightly less than eye height. Forewing with 4 cubital cells; intercostal crossvein present and interstitial with M. Pulvilli small; only evident on tarsomeres 3 and 4. Hind basitarsomere subequal to slightly shorter than length of remaining tarsomeres combined; inner hind tibial spur about 0.4× length of basitarsomere and subequal to width of hind tibia at apex. Tarsal claws with long inner tooth, about equal in length and width of outer tooth. Sheath broadened at apex, with distinct rounded scopae (similar to Benson 1958, fig. 414). Lancet (Fig. 21) with 14 serrulae; each with 6–8 very fine subbasal teeth, large spurette dorsal to anterior edge of serrulae 3 to apex, spurette about as large as serrula; basal annuli curved, each with broad band of long stout spines. Male. Length, 6.5 mm. Similar to female except head with clypeus and spot on lower inner orbit white; pronotum black with posterior edge narrowly white; and mesoscutellum black. Malar space about half diameter of front ocellus. Lower interocular distance about 1.1× eye height. Forewing with intercostal crossvein present and basal to vein M; with 3 cubital cells. Genitalia in Figs 32, 33; penis valve slender, with a short small valvispina directed vertically near center of valve.
David R. Smith
bibliographic citation
Smith D (2011) Nematinae (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) of Thailand, with notes on some other southeastern Asian nematines Journal of Hymenoptera Research 22: 1–27
David R. Smith


provided by Journal of Hymenoptera Research (archived)
Female. Length, 7.0 mm. Antenna black; scape and pedicel white. Head black with labrum and palpi white. Thorax black; tegula, pronotum, and postspiracular sclerite (except anterior margin) white; mesoscutellum white at center, black at sides, scutellar appendage and metanotum pale orange. Abdomen with basal plates black; tergites 4–5 with broad anterior halves half or more black; posterior portion black, 6-9 with very narrow posterior portion white; sheath black. Legs white, only apical tarsomeres black. Wings hyaline, veins and stigma black. Head and body shiny, with fine, minute punctures; covered with fine, white pubescence. Antennal length 2.3× head width; 3rd and 4th antennomeres subequal in length. Malar space linear. Distance between eye and hind ocellus subqual to slightly shorter than distance between hind ocelli. Postocellar area 2.4× broader than long. Lower interocular distance slightly less than eye height. Forewing with 4 cubital cells; intercostal crossvein present and interstitial with M. Pulvilli small; only evident on tarsomeres 3 and 4. Hind basitarsomere subequal to slightly shorter than length of remaining tarsomeres combined; inner hind tibial spur about 0.4× length of basitarsomere and subequal to width of hind tibia at apex. Tarsal claws with long inner tooth, about equal in length and width of outer tooth. Sheath broadened at apex, with distinct rounded scopae (similar to Benson 1958, fig. 414). Lancet (Fig. 21) with 14 serrulae; each with 6–8 very fine subbasal teeth, large spurette dorsal to anterior edge of serrulae 3 to apex, spurette about as large as serrula; basal annuli curved, each with broad band of long stout spines. Male. Length, 6.5 mm. Similar to female except head with clypeus and spot on lower inner orbit white; pronotum black with posterior edge narrowly white; and mesoscutellum black. Malar space about half diameter of front ocellus. Lower interocular distance about 1.1× eye height. Forewing with intercostal crossvein present and basal to vein M; with 3 cubital cells. Genitalia in Figs 32, 33; penis valve slender, with a short small valvispina directed vertically near center of valve.
David R. Smith
bibliographic citation
Smith D (2011) Nematinae (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) of Thailand, with notes on some other southeastern Asian nematines Journal of Hymenoptera Research 22: 1–27
David R. Smith