Dichorisandra is a genus of perennial monocotyledonous flowering plants in the dayflower family (Commelinaceae). It is found in the Neotropics.[1] The genus is characterised by its slightly zygomorphic flowers with large anthers usually releasing pollen by means of pores at the apex, as well as by its seeds that are embedded in a red or sometimes white aril, and tubers that often form at the tips of the roots.[2] Both morphology and an analysis of DNA sequences indicate it is very closely related to the genus Siderasis.[3]
Dichorisandra is a genus of perennial monocotyledonous flowering plants in the dayflower family (Commelinaceae). It is found in the Neotropics. The genus is characterised by its slightly zygomorphic flowers with large anthers usually releasing pollen by means of pores at the apex, as well as by its seeds that are embedded in a red or sometimes white aril, and tubers that often form at the tips of the roots. Both morphology and an analysis of DNA sequences indicate it is very closely related to the genus Siderasis.
Species Dichorisandra acaulis Cogn. - Bahia Dichorisandra alba Seub. & Warm. - Minas Gerais Dichorisandra amabilis J.R.Grant - southern Mexico, Central America Dichorisandra angustifolia L.Linden & Rodigas - Ecuador Dichorisandra begoniifolia Kunth - southern Brazil Dichorisandra bonitana Philipson - Ecuador, Colombia Dichorisandra conglomerata Aona & M.C.E.Amaral - Bahia Dichorisandra densiflora Ule - northwestern Brazil Dichorisandra diederichsanae Steyerm. - Guyana, Venezuela Dichorisandra fluminensis Brade - Rio de Janeiro Dichorisandra foliosa Kunth - eastern Brazil Dichorisandra gaudichaudiana Kunth - Brazil Dichorisandra glaziovii Taub. - southern Brazil Dichorisandra gracilis Nees & Mart - eastern Brazil Dichorisandra hexandra (Aubl.) Standl. - widespread from southern Mexico to Argentina Dichorisandra hirtella Mart. - eastern Brazil Dichorisandra incurva Mart. - Brazil Dichorisandra interrupta Mart. - eastern Brazil Dichorisandra jardimii Aona & M.C.E.Amaral - Bahia Dichorisandra leonii Aona & M.C.E.Amaral - Minas Gerais Dichorisandra leucophthalmos Hook. - southern Brazil Dichorisandra macrophylla Gleason - Minas Gerais Dichorisandra micans C.B.Clarke - Minas Gerais Dichorisandra mosaica Linden ex K.Koch - Peru Dichorisandra neglecta Brade - Espírito Santo Dichorisandra nutabilis Aona & M.C.E.Amaral - Espírito Santo Dichorisandra ordinatiflora Aona & Faden - Bahia Dichorisandra oxypetala Hook. - southern Brazil Dichorisandra paranaensis D.Maia, Cervi & Tardivo - Paraná Dichorisandra penduliflora Kunth - eastern Brazil Dichorisandra perforans C.B.Clarke - Brazil Dichorisandra picta G.Lodd. - southern Brazil Dichorisandra procera Mart. - eastern Brazil Dichorisandra puberula Nees & Mart. - eastern Brazil Dichorisandra pubescens Mart. - southeastern Brazil Dichorisandra radicalis Nees & Mart. - Minas Gerais Dichorisandra reginae (L.Linden & Rodigas) H.E.Moore - Peru Dichorisandra rhizophya Mart. - eastern Brazil Dichorisandra rupicola Aona & M.C.E.Amaral - Minas Gerais †Dichorisandra saundersii Hook.f. - Brazil but extinct Dichorisandra tenuior Mart. - southern Brazil Dichorisandra thyrsiflora J.C.Mikan - southeastern Brazil; naturalized in Peru + Java Dichorisandra ulei J.F.Macbr. - Peru, Ecuador Dichorisandra variegata Aona & Faden - Bahia Dichorisandra velutina Aona & M.C.E.Amaral - Espírito Santo Dichorisandra villosula Mart. - Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia