Brief Summary
provided by IABIN
Diagnosis A little smaller frog. Adpressed heel reaching center of eye; disk of third finger larger than tympanum, that of fourth toe; tympanum indistinct; belly texture smooth; largest disk tip shape triangularly ovate; fingers disks size: I<
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
provided by IABIN
Known from the States of Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. It is a high-altitude species, occurring at 800-2,500m asl.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Diagnostic Description
provided by IABIN
Redescription of the lectotype Vomerine teeth in two small, oblique, narrowly separated patches behind the choanae and well within their internal margins ; maxillary teeth well developed ; a transverse row of odontoids n the palatine bone; tongue covered with small conical glandules, large, its width equalling more than three-fourths the large mouthopening, notched and free posteriorly; a very minute toothlike process in front of lower jaw; snout semicircular in outline when seen from above, rounding in profile, the upper jaw projecting beyond the lower; nostrils more lateral than superior, nearer to tip of snout than to eye, separated from each other by an interval equal to their distance from eye. Canthus rostralis well defined, the loreal region concave, the upper lip flaring out at an obtuse angle below it. Eye large, its diameter nearly equal to its distance from end of snout; interorbital diameter barely as great as that of the wide upper eyelid which is clearly set off from the top of the head. Pupil transverse. Tympanum rather indistinct, small, without a prominent encircling rim, its diameter equal to one-third that of the eye, separated from eye by an interval of 1 1/2 times its own diameter. Fingers free, without lateral ridges, the tips of the second, third, and fourth dilated with large disks, notched at the tips (heart-shaped), that of the third finger larger than the tympanic area; tip of first finger rounded and ball-like but scarcely dilated; fourth finger longer than second, reaching nearly to base of disk of third; no rudiment of a pollex; subarticular tubercles single, strongly developed, but carpal callosities scarcely evident; toes free, without lateral ridges, all their disks enlarged and notched, that of the fourth toe larger than the others but much smaller than those of the fingers, covering a little less than the area of the tympanum; fifth toe very slightly longer than third, reaching to base of antepenultimate phalanx of fourth; a small but prominent oval inner metatarsal tubercle and a weaker smaller outer one; subarticular tubercles of toes very well developed; a prominent tubercle on heel, but no tarsal ridge. Body rather stout, in postaxillary region greater than greatest width of head; when hind leg is adpressed, heel reaches to center of eye; when limbs are laid along the body, knee and elbow are well separated; when hind legs are bent at right angles to body, heels overlap. Skin of upper parts quite smooth except for a few small tubercles on upper eyelid, snout, and coccyx, and a faint median glandular line on top of head; a weak post-tympanic diagonal ridge, with three or four large tubercles behind the corner of the mouth; a very slight indication of a low, wide dorsolateral glandular ridge; venter smooth, excepting for a large patch of coarse granules behind anus extending halfway along the lower surface of femur. A ventral disk indicated by a weak ventrolateral skin fold. Color in alcohol: dorsal ground color cream-buff; a narrow chocolate line along canthus, and a triangular chocolate mark from eye to edge of lip, followed by two smaller diagonal dark marks to corner of mouth; a very irregular series of dark spots from behind eye along dorsolateral region, the largest of these spots coming above the shoulder, with another diagonal one on the side running down to the groin; some coarse dark spots along the sides beginning in the axilla; upper surface of femur with two or three narrow, hregular, diagonal crossbars; upper tibia and upper arm immaculate except for a few scattered dark spots; foot and forearm indistinctly barred and spotted; venter drab-gray, with faint darker suffusions over chest, throat, belly, and lower leg surfaces; upper surfaces of digital disks darkened. Measurements (in mm): head and body 33, head length 11, width 11, femur 14, tibia 15, hind limb 47, fore limb 21.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Ischnocnema lactea: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
Ischnocnema lactea is a species of frog in the family Brachycephalidae. It is endemic to Brazil. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest and subtropical or tropical moist montane forest. It is threatened by habitat loss.
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