
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cambarus (Erebicambarus) hubbsi Creaser

Cambarus (Bartonius) hubbsi Creaser, 1931a:4, figs. 7–12.

Cambarus hubbsi.—Hobbs, 1942a:356.—Williams, 1954:904, figs. 233, 235–245.

Cambarus (Erebicambarus) hubbsi.—Hobbs, 1969b: 100, fig. 17D.

TYPES.—Holotype and allotype, USNM 98332, 98333 (I, ); paratypes, USNM.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Little Creek, tributary to St. Francis River, 1 mile northeast of Chloride, Iron County, Missouri.

RANGE.—Southeastern Missouri and northeastern Arkansas.

HABITAT.—Rocky streams.
bibliographic citation
Hobbs, Horton Holcombe, Jr. 1974. "A Checklist of the North and Middle American Crayfishes (Decapoda: Astacidae and Cambaridae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-161. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.166

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cambarus (Erebicambarus) hubbsi Creaser

Cambarus (Bartonius) hubbsi Creaser, 1931a:4, figs. 7–12.

Cambarus hubbsi.—Hobbs, 1942a:356.—Williams, 1954:904, figs. 233, 235–245.—Pflieger, 1987a:23; 1987b:7.

Cambarus (Erebicambarus) hubbsi.—Hobbs, 1969b:100, fig. 17d; 1974b:14, fig. 40.—Gardner, 1986:19.

TYPES.—Holotype and allotype, USNM 98332, 98333 (male I, female); paratypes, USNM.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Little Creek, tributary to St. Francis River, 1 mile (1.6 km) northeast of Chloride, Iron County, Missouri.

RANGE.—Southeastern Missouri and northeastern Arkansas.

HABITAT.—Streams, burrows, and caves.
bibliographic citation
Hobbs, Horton Holcombe, Jr. 1989. "An Illustrated Checklist of the American Crayfishes (Decapoda, Astacidae, Cambaridae, Parastacidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-236. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.480