
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Observations: These animals have a lifespan of about 20 years, but their maximum longevity could be higher and further studies are warranted.
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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Conservation Status

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Kouprey are likely to be extinct. Recent survey efforts have been unsuccessful finding live kouprey, although some horns have been found in markets. High levels of hunting in the last 30 years resulted in at least an 80% decline in population numbers. If any kouprey remain, there are most likely to be less than 50 mature individuals. Given these very small numbers and no abatement to intense hunting and poaching pressure, kouprey are in dire danger or imminent extinction. The IUCN redlist considers then Critically Endangered, possibly extinct. With the fall of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, markets for bushmeat and trophies surged, resulting in intense pressure on all large mammals in the region. If any individuals remain, they are likely to be in small portions of eastern Cambodia, where there are some protected areas. There are no individuals in captivity.

US Federal List: endangered

CITES: appendix i

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: critically endangered

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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There is fossil evidence that kouprey once resided in central China. In 1964, Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia declared the kouprey to be the national animal. It is interesting to note the struggle that has been going on to obtain information on this elusive animal. Many search parties have been formed only to come back empty handed, and with rarely even a photograph. The fear that kouprey may have gone extinct is diminished by the finding of horns in markets, the occasional discovery of sign by researchers, and the sightings by locals. There has been only one captive animal (caught by mistake), the original specimen of Bos sauveli. This animal unfortunately died during World War I of starvation.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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There is little known regarding kouprey communication. However, as mammals, they are likely to use some visual signals and body postures in communication. Scent is likely to play some role, especially in identifying mates and offspring. Bovids typically vocalize to one another. Tactile communication is probably important in competition and between a mother and her offspring.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

There are no known adverse affects of kouprey on humans.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Kouprey have been used as food, although they are protected by CITES Appendix I. Kouprey are also thought to be very genetically diverse and immune to certain pests that plague domestic cattle in this region. Cross-breeding between kouprey and domestic cattle could potentially reduce disease. Kouprey horn and gall bladder is considered useful in traditional medicine, but there are no documented benefits of kouprey parts for humans.

Positive Impacts: food ; body parts are source of valuable material; source of medicine or drug ; research and education

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Kouprey provide food for humans who share their range. They share ranges with banteng (Bos javanicus) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), there may be some competition for food between these species.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

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Kouprey graze on grasses, including bamboo (Arundinella species), ploong (Arundinella setosa) and koom (Chloris species). They frequent salt licks and water holes.

Plant Foods: leaves; roots and tubers

Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Kouprey, Bos sauveli, once ranged from Kampuchea to the Dongrak Mountains of eastern Thailand, southern Laos, and western Vietnam. They are currently considered likely to be extinct, with the only possible individuals surviving in small portions of eastern Cambodia, where there are some poorly protected regions.

Biogeographic Regions: oriental (Native )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy

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Kouprey have a lifespan of about 20 years. Lifespan is limited by hunting, inbreeding, and disease.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
20 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

An adult kouprey ranges in shoulder height from 170 to 190 cm. The head and body length measurements range from 210 to 223 cm. The tail reaches a length of 100 cm and the average adult weighs between 680 and 910Kg. Bulls have a dewlap (skin fold that hangs from the neck) which distinguishes this species from other wild cattle, and horns that split and fray at the tips at around three years of age. The horns of males can reach up to 80 cm in length. Female kouprey also have horns, about half the length of male's horns, but theirs spiral upwards. Both males and females have notched nostrils. Kouprey young are reddish in color, but become more gray by five to six months of age. The young have lighter colored legs. Adult males are dark brown or black.

Range mass: 681 to 910 kg.

Range length: 223 to 210 cm.

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger; sexes shaped differently; ornamentation

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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The only known predator of the kouprey is humans. Kouprey have adapted a nocturnal behavior to avoid human predation.

Known Predators:

  • humans (Homo sapiens)
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Kouprey are found in open forest and savannas, often near thick monsoon forests. This kind of habitat is created by natural forest disturbance and slash-and-burn agriculture.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; forest

Other Habitat Features: agricultural

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

There is little information available on mating systems in kouprey. Their sexual dimorphism suggests some level of polygyny. In other bovids, males often compete for females and successful males are polygynous. It is likely that this species is similar.

Kouprey mate in the spring and calve in the winter (typically December or January). Female kouprey have marked low fertility. The mother leaves the herd to give birth, and returns about a month after giving birth to a single young. The gestation period is 8 to 9 months.

Breeding interval: These animals are thought to breed annually.

Breeding season: Mating occurs in the spring.

Range number of offspring: 1 (low) .

Average number of offspring: 1.

Range gestation period: 8 to 9 months.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

Average number of offspring: 1.

There is little data on the parental care habits of kouprey. As in other mammals, the female provides the bulk of parental care, producing milk for the young, grooming it, and protecting it from danger. Male parental care has not been noted.

Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-fertilization (Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Protecting: Female)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Winker, J. 2004. "Bos sauveli" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_sauveli.html
Jill Winker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Chris Yahnke, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Arkive
Said to have become nocturnal to avoid contact with humans, the kouprey moves into the depths of the forest during the day, emerging at night into nearby grassland to graze. An active species, kouprey dig into the ground and the males butt tree stumps, causing fraying of their horns. Led by a single female, herds number fewer than 20 individuals and will travel up to 15 km in a night as they graze on grasses, visit saltlicks and drink from waterholes. Herds are known to break up and rejoin as they travel (2), and may also be found in mixed herds with banteng or wild buffalo (6). Kouprey mate in the spring; females produce a single offspring in winter after an eight to nine month gestation. Females leave the herd to give birth, protecting the new-born calf amongst dense vegetation until it is about a month old when they return to the herd (2).
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The kouprey is legally protected in all range states and may be present in some protected areas. Prince Sihanouk designated it as the national animal of Cambodia in the 1960s, partly due to its mystique (5). Large mammal surveys continue to take place in Cambodia, hoping to re-discover living kouprey. There are no kouprey in animal collections, so captive breeding is not currently possible (1).
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provided by Arkive
The kouprey was last seen in 1988, making this bovid one of the most endangered and mysterious large mammals in the world. It has an enormous but very narrow body, long legs and a humped back. Kouprey means 'forest bull' in Khmer and its long and wide-reaching horns certainly create an imposing animal (5). Males' horns can reach up to 80 cm, branching upwards and forwards with frayed tips on animals over the age of three. Females' horns reach just 40 cm and spiral upwards. Adult males are dark brown to black whereas females are more grey in colour, and young start life a reddish colour, becoming greyish-brown by five to six months. The tail is considerably longer than in either the gaur or banteng, and has a bushier tip. The lower legs are white or greyish. Males can be distinguished by their dewlap, hanging from their neck, which is unique amongst wild cattle (2).
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Kouprey inhabit low, rolling hills, preferring open deciduous forests, but also can be found in grasslands, wooded grasslands and closed monsoon forest. They tend to be found near saltlicks in areas of high rainfall (1).
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Now thought to be extinct outside Cambodia, the kouprey was previously found in Vietnam, Laos and Thailand (1). Fossil evidence indicates that it was once present in central China (2).
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The kouprey is classified as Critically Endangered (CR) on the IUCN Red List 2004 (1) and is listed on Appendix I of CITES (3). It is also listed on Appendix I of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS or Bonn Convention) (4).
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provided by Arkive
The kouprey has been known to Western science since 1937 (7), although it had been discovered previously, when in 1929 an American man and his son shot and killed an unidentified ungulate to use as tiger bait whilst big game hunting. The bones were recovered and sent to the University of Kansas' Museum of Natural History, but were not examined until 1982 (8). The only significant scientific observation of the kouprey was made in 1957 when zoologist Charles Wharton studied and filmed the animal in the wild (9). By 1970 it was thought to be extinct following continued hunting for meat and for their horns and skulls for use in traditional Chinese medicine (1) (7). It has not been seen alive since 1988, despite aerial surveys in Cambodia in 1994, and subsequent ground surveys in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam (1). However, tracks have been spotted, and horns and skulls are still found for sale in Southeast Asia, leading many to believe that some koupreys still exist (5) (7). In addition to hunting, habitat loss as a result of agriculture and logging activity is likely to have significantly impacted the kouprey, and domestic livestock in the area could have introduced disease into the kouprey population. Land mines along the borders of Cambodia may also be responsible for kouprey deaths, and certainly hinder conservation efforts (1).
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Kouprey (Bos sauveli)

provided by EOL authors

The kouprey, kouproh, forest bull or grey ox is a wild, forest-dwelling ox, which may exist in protected areas in eastern and northern Cambodia (Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary, Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri Protection Forest and/or Siema Biodiversity Conservation Area) (17). It ha also lived in southern Laos, western Vietnam and southeast and eastern Thailand (16). Fossil evidence indicates that it was once present in central China (12). It lives in low, partially forested hills and prefers open deciduous dipterocarp forests, especially those areas with extensive grasslands, often near thick monsoon forests (17,18). It seems to use patches of mixed deciduous and semi-evergreen forest. Most of its range lies in a highly seasonal area receiving less than 2,000 mm of precipitation per annum. The presence of pools and mineral licks is important in areas of high rainfall (16). Some suitable kouprey has been created by natural forest disturbance and slash-and-burn agriculture. The kouprey measures 2.1-2.3 m along the head and body plus a 1 m tail. It stands 1.7-1.9 m high at the shoulder and weighs 680-910 kg [5] with unverified reports up to 1,700 kg from Vietnam are considered dubious, since they far exceed other recorded weights for the species. The kouprey has a tall, narrow body, long legs, notched nostrils, humped back and a long tail with a bushy tip. Adult males are dark brown to black, but females are more grey in colour and young are reddish with lighter coloured legs, becoming greyish-brown by 5-6 months. The lower legs are white or greyish. Males have a dewlap, a skin fold hanging from the neck (12). Their long, far-reaching horns arch forward and upward; they can reach up to 80 cm and begin to split and fray at the tips at about 3 years old (14). The horns of the female are lyre-shaped with antelope-like upward spirals and reach 40 cm.

The kouprey is diurnal, eating in the open at night and under the forest cover by day. It is said to have become nocturnal to avoid contact with humans. It is active and digs into the ground. Males butt tree stumps, causing fraying of their horns. The kouprey lives in herds of up to 20, primarily of females and calves and usually led by a single female. h banteng. Mature males form bachelor herds, but join the herds of cows and calves in the dry season. Many herds break up and rejoin as they travel [12] and may live with herds of banteng or wild buffalo [13]. Kouprey probably to use some visual signals and body postures in communication. Scent is likely to play some role, especially in identifying mates and offspring. Bovids typically vocalize to one another. Tactile communication is probably important in competition and between a mother and her young. The kouprey usually travels up to 15 km in a night to graze on grasses, visit saltlicks and drink from waterholes. The kouprey feeds mainly on grasses, including bamboo, ploong, and koom; it also eats leaves, roots, tubers, sedges, and some browse. It spends a lot of time around salt licks and water holes. The only known predator of the kouprey is humans; kouprey have become nocturnal to avoid human predation.
Kouprey mate in the spring; their sexual dimorphism suggests some level of polygyny. Males may compete for females and successful males are polygynous. Females show low fertility and produce one calf in winter (typically December or January) after a gestation of 8-9 months. Females leave the herd to give birth, protecting the new-born calf amongst dense vegetation until it is about a month old when they return to the herd (12). The female provides the bulk of parental care, producing milk for the young, grooming it, and protecting it from danger. Male parental care has not been noted. Kouprey have a lifespan of about 20 years. Lifespan is limited by hunting, inbreeding, and disease.
The kouprey is believed to be a close relative to the aurochs and gaur. Some scientists compared mitochondrial sequences and suggedted the kouprey might be a hybrid between a zebu and a banteng [9], but later rescinded their conclusion [10] when a fossilized skull was found dating from the late Pleistocene or early Holocene. More recent genetic analysis has supported this position [11].

There are fewer than 250 mature kouprey left in the world, perhaps below 50 with some speculation that they are extinct. The population is estimated to have fallen over 80% in the last 30 years. When the Khmer Rouge fell in Cambodia, markets for bushmeat and trophies surged, resulting in intense pressure on large mammals.The low numbers are attributed to uncontrolled hunting by locals and soldiers for meat, horns, gall bladders and skulls for use in traditional Chinese medicine (6,16), along with diseases introduced from cattle and other livestock and loss of habitat due to agriculture and logging activity. Kouprey may compete with banteng and water buffalo for food. Prince Sihanouk designated the kouprey as the national animal of Cambodia in the 1960s, partly due to its mystique (5). No kouprey have been sighted since 1988 [6], but tracks have been seen some horns have been found in markets (6,14). The 2008 IUCN report lists the kouprey as critically endangered (possibly extinct) [7,16]. It is listed on Appendix I of CITES (19), on Appendix I of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS or Bonn Convention) (20) and is legally protected in all range states. If the species is still extant it is most likely to be in eastern Cambodia in one of four protected areas There are no kouprey in captivity. There are suggestions that domesticated kouprey may survive in Cambodia (2), but this seems very unlikely, although domestic oxen in Cambodia may carry kouprey genes (2). Kouprey are thought to be very genetically diverse and immune to certain pests that plague domestic cattle in this region. Cross-breeding between kouprey and domestic cattle could potentially reduce disease. There is no captive population. The only individual in a western zoo was sent to the Vincennes Zoo, Paris in 1937; it was designated as the holotype by Urbain and died early in World War II [3,6,8]. The kouprey had been discovered in 1929, when an American man and his son shot and killed an unidentified ungulate to use as tiger bait. The bones were sent to the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, but were not examined until 1982 (4). Pfeffer took the only reasonable photograph of a wild kouprey (9,13,15). The only significant scientific observation of the kouprey was made in 1957 when zoologist Charles Wharton studied and filmed the animal in the wild (1). By 1970 it was thought to be extinct following continued hunting for meat, horns and skulls(6,16); land mines along the borders of Cambodia may be responsible for kouprey deaths and hinder conservation efforts (16).

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Kuprey ( Azerbaijani )

provided by wikipedia AZ

Kuprey (lat. Bos sauveli) — Boşbuynuzlular fəsiləsinin Əsl öküzlər cinsinə aid növ.

Kupreyin hündürlüyü 190 santimetrə, çəkisi 900 kiloqrama qədər olur. Təbii şəraitdə ilk dəfə Kupreyləri 1969-cu iləd şəkili çəkilmişdir.

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Kouprey ( Breton )

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Ar c'houprey (Bos sauveli) a zo ur bronneg daskirier hag a vev pe a veve e gevred Azia. Marteze eo aet da get.

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Couprei ( Catalan; Valencian )

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El couprei (Bos sauveli) és una espècie de bovini.[1] Durant molt de temps, aquest boví salvatge romangué desconegut, car vivia amagat a les selves pluvials del sud-est asiàtic. Viu al límit de tres països entre Cambodja, Laos i el Vietnam.

Es creu que queden menys de 250 coupreis. Aquesta població reduïda és deguda a la caça descontrolada per part d'habitants locals i soldats, juntament amb malalties introduïdes pels bous i la pèrdua d'hàbitat.

Tanmateix, no s'ha observat cap couprei des del 1983 i durant l'última dècada s'han dut a terme diverses cerques de l'animal sense èxit.[2] L'informe de la UICN del 2008 el llista com a "En perill crític, possiblement extingit".[3]


  1. Alexandre Hassanin, Anne Ropiquet: Resolving a zoological mystery: the kouprey is a real species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, online vom 11. September 2007, doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.0830
  2. «Search for the kouprey: trail runs cold for Cambodia's national animal». Phnom Penh Post, abril del 2006.
  3. |url=http://www.iucnredlist.org/apps/redlist/details/2890/0/full Timmins, R.J., Hedges, S. i Duckworth., J.W. 2008. Bos sauveli. A: IUCN 2008. 2008 Llista Vermella d'Espècies Amenaçades de la IUCN. Consultat l'11 de març 2009

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Couprei: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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El couprei (Bos sauveli) és una espècie de bovini. Durant molt de temps, aquest boví salvatge romangué desconegut, car vivia amagat a les selves pluvials del sud-est asiàtic. Viu al límit de tres països entre Cambodja, Laos i el Vietnam.

Es creu que queden menys de 250 coupreis. Aquesta població reduïda és deguda a la caça descontrolada per part d'habitants locals i soldats, juntament amb malalties introduïdes pels bous i la pèrdua d'hàbitat.

Tanmateix, no s'ha observat cap couprei des del 1983 i durant l'última dècada s'han dut a terme diverses cerques de l'animal sense èxit. L'informe de la UICN del 2008 el llista com a "En perill crític, possiblement extingit".

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Kuprej ( Czech )

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Kuprej (Bos sauveli) je druh divoce žijícího tura, jehož samci dorůstají ke 190 cm kohoutkové výšky, samice 140 cm. Váha dospělého samce může dosáhnout až 900 kg. Jedná se o poměrně štíhlé zvíře na vysokých nohách a s výrazným hrbem na hřbetě. Velmi silně bývá vyvinut kožní lalok, který sahá od brady až do středu břicha. U některých samců je vyvinut tak, že ho zvíře otírá o travní porost pod sebou. Zbarvení je tmavě hnědé s bílýma nohama. Rohy kuprejů mají zvláštní lyrovitý tvar a vyznačují se zvláštním roztřepenm prstencem asi ve třech čtvrtinách délky rohu. Kuprej se vyskytuje velmi vzácně v pralesích Kambodži, snad i Laosu a severního Thajska. Jedná se o kriticky ohrožený druh. Prokazatelně byl pozorován naposledy r. 1983, ne zcela doložené je pozorování několika jedinců z r. 2006. Od té doby nebyl pozorován a je proto možné, že již vyhynul.

Tento druh popsal francouzský zoolog Achille Urbain v roce 1937 (toho času byl ředitelem pařížské zoologické zahrady). V polovině 30. let podnikl studijní cestu do Kampučie, kde pobýval u svého přítele, veterináře Sauvela. U něj si všiml zajímavé trofeje. Zjistil, že patří turu, vyskytujícímu se ve zdejším okolí, domorodci nazývanému kuprej. Nově popsaný druh nazval po svém příteli Bos sauveli. Urbain se do Paříže vrátil s trofejí a jedním odchyceným exemplářem. Ten bohužel zašel v průběhu během 2. světové války. Od té doby nebyl v zajetí nikdy chován.

Kolem systematického postavení kupreje panují jisté nejasnosti. Není zcela jisté, zda se jedná o skutečného divokého tura, zdivočelou populaci domácího skotu nebo křížence zebu a bantenga.


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-09]
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Kuprej: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Kuprej (Bos sauveli) je druh divoce žijícího tura, jehož samci dorůstají ke 190 cm kohoutkové výšky, samice 140 cm. Váha dospělého samce může dosáhnout až 900 kg. Jedná se o poměrně štíhlé zvíře na vysokých nohách a s výrazným hrbem na hřbetě. Velmi silně bývá vyvinut kožní lalok, který sahá od brady až do středu břicha. U některých samců je vyvinut tak, že ho zvíře otírá o travní porost pod sebou. Zbarvení je tmavě hnědé s bílýma nohama. Rohy kuprejů mají zvláštní lyrovitý tvar a vyznačují se zvláštním roztřepenm prstencem asi ve třech čtvrtinách délky rohu. Kuprej se vyskytuje velmi vzácně v pralesích Kambodži, snad i Laosu a severního Thajska. Jedná se o kriticky ohrožený druh. Prokazatelně byl pozorován naposledy r. 1983, ne zcela doložené je pozorování několika jedinců z r. 2006. Od té doby nebyl pozorován a je proto možné, že již vyhynul.

Tento druh popsal francouzský zoolog Achille Urbain v roce 1937 (toho času byl ředitelem pařížské zoologické zahrady). V polovině 30. let podnikl studijní cestu do Kampučie, kde pobýval u svého přítele, veterináře Sauvela. U něj si všiml zajímavé trofeje. Zjistil, že patří turu, vyskytujícímu se ve zdejším okolí, domorodci nazývanému kuprej. Nově popsaný druh nazval po svém příteli Bos sauveli. Urbain se do Paříže vrátil s trofejí a jedním odchyceným exemplářem. Ten bohužel zašel v průběhu během 2. světové války. Od té doby nebyl v zajetí nikdy chován.

Kolem systematického postavení kupreje panují jisté nejasnosti. Není zcela jisté, zda se jedná o skutečného divokého tura, zdivočelou populaci domácího skotu nebo křížence zebu a bantenga.

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Kouprey ( German )

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Ehemaliges Verbreitungsgebiet (rot) des Kouprey

Der Kouprey (Bos sauveli) war eine Art der Rinder.[1] Dieses Wildrind war weitgehend unbekannt, da es verborgen im Regenwald Südostasiens lebte. Beheimatet war es im Dreiländereck von Kambodscha, Laos und Vietnam.


Der Name Kouprey oder Kouproh hat in der Sprache der indigenen Bevölkerung die Bedeutung „graues Rind“. Das Artepitheton sauveli erinnert an den französischen Tierarzt René Sauvel, der in Kambodscha praktizierte. Er besaß die Hörner eines Bullen, die zur Entdeckung und Erstbeschreibung der Art führten.


Der Kouprey hatte sowohl Merkmale des Zebu als auch des Banteng, so dass man lange die Möglichkeit in Erwägung gezogen hat, diese Art sei ein Hybride beider Arten.[2] Ebenfalls gab es Theorien, der Kouprey sei eine ursprüngliche und nun verwilderte Hausrindrasse. Der Zoologe F. W. Bræstrup stellte 1960 die Theorie auf, dass die Koupreys tatsächlich eine überlebende Population des Auerochsen seien. Inzwischen geht man davon aus, dass genetische Übereinstimmungen mit dem Banteng durch natürliche Hybridisierung während des Pleistozäns erfolgten.


Mit einer Schulterhöhe von 180 cm und einem Gewicht von 800 kg stand der Kouprey zwischen dem Gaur und dem Banteng. Das Fell des Bullen war dunkelbraun, das der Kühe und der Kälber grau. Bullen hatten eine gewaltige Wamme, die fast bis auf den Boden reichte. Die Hörner der Kühe wurden 40 cm, die der Bullen 80 cm lang.

Entdeckung und Status

Sichtungen der Kouprey sind aus den Jahren 1860 (durch Campbell), 1860 (durch Dufossé) und 1933 (durch Vittoz) dokumentiert. Die wissenschaftliche Erstbeschreibung erfolgte aber erst 1937 durch Achille Urbain anhand eines jungen männlichen Rinds, das in der kambodschanischen Provinz Preah Vihear gefangen wurde. Dieses Exemplar wurde bis zu seinem Tod 1941 im Zoo de Vincennes, Paris, gehalten. 1938 wurde der Gesamtbestand auf 800 Exemplare geschätzt, auf 500 im Jahr 1952 und auf nur noch 200 im Jahr 1964. Bis Ende der 1960er Jahre hielt Prinz Sihanouk ein Exemplar im Garten seines Palastes. 1964 gelang dem Zoologen Wharton der Fang von fünf adulten Koupreys, von denen zwei starben und drei entkamen. 1982 wurden an der thailändisch-kambodschanischen Grenze drei Koupreys gesichtet. Bei dem Versuch, sie einzufangen, starb ein Wildhüter durch eine Landmine. Ein von der IUCN 1988 initiiertes Rettungskonzept scheiterte an der politischen Situation in Indochina sowie daran, dass keine weiteren Nachweise erfolgten. Die Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group der IUCN/ISS geht mittlerweile davon aus, dass der Kouprey sehr wahrscheinlich ausgestorben ist.


  1. Alexandre Hassanin, Anne Ropiquet: Resolving a zoological mystery: the kouprey is a real species. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Band 274, Nr. 2007, 1627, S. 2849–2855. (online vom 11. September 2007, doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.0830)
  2. Wissenschaftler bezweifeln Existenz des Kouprey (englisch); der Artikel vom 3. November 2006 bezog sich auf eine Studie von G. J. Galbreath u. a. in: J. Zool. Band 270, 2006, S. 561–564.
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Kouprey: Brief Summary ( German )

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 src= Ehemaliges Verbreitungsgebiet (rot) des Kouprey

Der Kouprey (Bos sauveli) war eine Art der Rinder. Dieses Wildrind war weitgehend unbekannt, da es verborgen im Regenwald Südostasiens lebte. Beheimatet war es im Dreiländereck von Kambodscha, Laos und Vietnam.

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Kouprey ( Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) )

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Le kouprey (Bos sauveli) es un specie de Bos.

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Купрей ( Kirghiz; Kyrgyz )

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Bos sauveli distribution.svg

Купрей (лат. Bos sauveli) — жапайы бодолордун бир түрү.

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The kouprey (Bos sauveli), also known as the forest ox, is a possibly extinct species of forest-dwelling wild bovine native to Southeast Asia. A young male was sent to the Paris Zoological Park in 1937 and was described by the French zoologist Achille Urbain who declared it the holotype. The kouprey has a tall, narrow body, long legs, a humped back and long horns.

The kouprey has not been sighted since 1969–1970. A camera trapping survey in the region of these sightings failed to document it in 2011. It has been listed as Critically Endangered, and possibly extinct, on the IUCN Red List since 1996.[2]

The kouprey is the national animal of Cambodia and is also the nickname of their football team.


Female and male in comparison to an adult human.

The kouprey has a grey, dark brown or black fur, a tall, narrow body with long legs and a humped back. The horns of the female are lyre-shaped, with antelope-like upward spirals. The horns of the male are wide, and arch forwards and upward; they begin to fray at the tips at about three years of age. Both sexes have notched nostrils and long tails.

It is thought to be a close relative of the aurochs (Bos primigenius), gaur (B. gaurus), and banteng (B. javanicus). A very large ungulate, the kouprey can approach similar sizes to the wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee). These bovids measure 2.1 to 2.3 m (6.9 to 7.5 ft) along the head and body, not counting a 1 m (3.3 ft) tail, and stand 1.7–1.9 m (5.6–6.2 ft) high at the shoulder. Their weight is reportedly from 680 to 910 kg (1,500 to 2,010 lb).[5] Unverified reports of a body mass up to 1,700 kg (3,700 lb) from Vietnam are considered dubious, since they far exceed other recorded weights for the species.

Distribution and habitat

Historical distribution of the kouprey included Cambodia, southern Laos, east Thailand and western Vietnam. It is thought to be extinct in all areas outside of Cambodia. If still extant, it likely survives in Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary, Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri Protected Forest, or Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary.[2] It inhabits low, partially forested hills, where it feeds mainly on grass. Its preferred habitat is open forest and savannas often near thick monsoon forests.

Behaviour and ecology

The kouprey is diurnal, eating in the open at night and under the forest cover during the day. It usually travels up to 15 km (9.3 mi) in a night.

It lives in herds of up to 20 usually led by a female. These herds generally consist of cows and calves, but have bulls during the dry season. Older males form bachelor herds. Many herds are known to break up and rejoin as they travel and have been found to be mixed in with herds of banteng or wild water buffalo.

The kouprey predominantly graze on grasses, as well as shoots of bamboo and koompassia species. It spends a lot of time around salt licks, mud pits, water holes. Mud baths help in repelling biting insects.


There are estimated to be fewer than 250 kouprey left in the world. There is some speculation on whether or not it is already extinct.[6][7]

These low numbers are attributed to uncontrolled hunting by locals and soldiers for meat, horns and skulls for use in traditional Chinese medicine, in conjunction with diseases introduced from cattle and loss of habitat due to agriculture and logging activity.

Ongoing conservation efforts

Kouprey are legally protected in all range states and may be present in some protected areas. Prince Sihanouk designated it as the national animal of Cambodia in the 1960s, partly due to its mystique. On the 15th and 16th of January 1988, the University of Hanoi hosted the International Workshop on the Kouprey: Conservation Programme. Headed and coordinated by the IUCN, in a collaboration with the governments of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand, aimed to create a feasible and realistic action plan for immediate kouprey conservation. Other organizations in attendance and contributing to the action plan were the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Centre for Environmental Studies, VNIUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), the Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group, as well as WWF International.[8]

The 2008 IUCN Red List report lists the kouprey as critically endangered (possibly extinct).[2]

Large mammal surveys continue to take place in Cambodia, hoping to rediscover living kouprey. Other surveys have been taking place in the kouprey's historical range as recently as 2011. These surveys were done to determine the regions in their range with the highest probability of the kouprey's persistence. This is based on the habitat type and survey effort to date. During the last decade, several searches for the animal have proven fruitless.[9]

There is no captive population. The only individual in a western zoo was sent to the Paris Zoological Park in 1937; that was the individual designated as the holotype by Urbain.[10] It died early in World War II.[11]

Relation to other species

Research published by Northwestern University in London's Journal of Zoology indicated a comparison of mitochondrial sequences showed the kouprey might be a hybrid between a zebu and a banteng.[12] However, the authors of this study rescinded their conclusion.[13] A later study in 2021 based on a whole nuclear genome found that the kouprey represented a distinct species, but formed a polytomy with the banteng and gaur due to incomplete lineage sorting, suggesting extensive hybridisation between their ancestors, resulting in the mitochondrial DNA of kouprey being nested within a group including a mixture of both banteng and gaur. The study also showed that zebu had introgressed ancestry from some Asian Bos, resulting in some of their mitochondrial lineages being nested within this group.[14]


  1. ^ K. Suraprasit, J.-J. Jaegar, Y. Chaimanee, O. Chavasseau, C. Yamee, P. Tian, and S. Panha (2016). "The Middle Pleistocene vertebrate fauna from Khok Sung (Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand): biochronological and paleobiogeographical implications". ZooKeys (613): 1–157. doi:10.3897/zookeys.613.8309. PMC 5027644. PMID 27667928.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ a b c d Timmins, R.J.; Burton, J. & Hedges, S. (2016). "Bos sauveli". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T2890A46363360. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T2890A46363360.en. Retrieved 18 November 2021.
  3. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  4. ^ a b Grigson, C.: "Complex Cattle", New Scientist, August 4, 1988; p. 93f. URL retrieved 2011-01-27.
  5. ^ Burnie D and Wilson DE (Eds.), Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife. DK Adult (2005), ISBN 0789477645
  6. ^ Considine, D. M.; Considine, G. D. (2013). Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia. Springer US. p. 446. ISBN 9781475769180.
  7. ^ Herring, A. D. (2014). Beef Cattle Production Systems. CABI. p. 22. ISBN 9781780645070. Retrieved 28 August 2022.
  8. ^ MacKinnon, John Ramsay; Quy, Vo; Stuart, S. N. (1989). The kouprey : an action plan for its conservation. IUCN. ISBN 2-88032-972-8. Retrieved 8 October 2022.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  9. ^ "Search for the kouprey: trail runs cold for Cambodia's national animal". Phnom Penh Post. 2006. Archived from the original on 2009-02-02. Retrieved 2009-03-11.
  10. ^ Urbain, A.: "Le kou-prey ou bœuf gris cambodgien", Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 62 (5), 1937, pp. 305–307.
  11. ^ Hoffmann, R. S.: "A new locality record for the kouprey from Viet Nam, and an archaeological record from China", Mammalia 50 (3), 1986, pp. 391–395.
  12. ^ Northwestern biologists demote Southeast Asia's 'forest ox'
  13. ^ G. J. Galbreath, J. C. Mordacq, F. H. Weiler (2007) 'An evolutionary conundrum involving kouprey and banteng: A response from Galbreath, Mordacq and Weiler.' Journal of Zoology 271 (3), 253–254. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2007.00317.x
  14. ^ Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S.; Ciucani, Marta M.; Ramos-Madrigal, Jazmín; Carmagnini, Alberto; Rasmussen, Jacob Agerbo; Feng, Shaohong; Chen, Guangji; Vieira, Filipe G.; Mattiangeli, Valeria; Ganjoo, Rajinder K.; Larson, Greger; Sicheritz-Pontén, Thomas; Petersen, Bent; Frantz, Laurent; Gilbert, M. Thomas P. (November 2021). "Kouprey (Bos sauveli) genomes unveil polytomic origin of wild Asian Bos". iScience. 24 (11): 103226. Bibcode:2021iSci...24j3226S. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2021.103226. PMC 8531564. PMID 34712923.
  • Alexandre Hassanin, and Anne Ropiquet, 2007. Resolving a zoological mystery: the kouprey is a real species, Proc. R. Soc. B, doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.0830
  • G. J. Galbreath, J. C. Mordacq, F. H. Weiler, 2006. Genetically solving a zoological mystery: was the kouprey (Bos sauveli) a feral hybrid? Journal of Zoology 270 (4): 561–564.
  • Hassanin, A., and Ropiquet, A. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Bovini (Bovidae, Bovinae) and the taxonomic status of the kouprey, Bos sauveli Urbain 1937. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 33(3):896-907.
  • Steve Hendrix: Quest for the Kouprey, International Wildlife Magazine, 25 (5) 1995, p. 20-23.
  • J.R. McKinnon/S.N. Stuart: The Kouprey - An action plan for its conservation. Gland, Switzerland 1989.
  • Steve Hendrix: The ultimate nowhere. Trekking through the Cambodian outback in search of the Kouprey, Chicago Tribune - 19 December 1999.
  • MacKinnon, J.R., S. N. Stuart. "The Kouprey: An Action Plan for its Conservation. "Hanoi University. 15 Jan. 1988. Web 13 Last Kouprey: Final Project to the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund for Grant Number GA 10/0.8" Global Wildlife Conservation. Austin, TX, 25 Apr. 2011. Web 13 Nov. 2013.

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Kouprey: Brief Summary

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The kouprey (Bos sauveli), also known as the forest ox, is a possibly extinct species of forest-dwelling wild bovine native to Southeast Asia. A young male was sent to the Paris Zoological Park in 1937 and was described by the French zoologist Achille Urbain who declared it the holotype. The kouprey has a tall, narrow body, long legs, a humped back and long horns.

The kouprey has not been sighted since 1969–1970. A camera trapping survey in the region of these sightings failed to document it in 2011. It has been listed as Critically Endangered, and possibly extinct, on the IUCN Red List since 1996.

The kouprey is the national animal of Cambodia and is also the nickname of their football team.

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Bos sauveli ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El kouprey o kuprey (también escrito con C) (Bos sauveli) es una especie de bovino salvaje nativa de Indochina.[2]​ La especie sobrevive únicamente en las selvas del norte de Camboya, donde se encuentra en peligro crítico de extinción. Se estima que no deben existir más de 250 ejemplares sobre los que sigue pendiendo la amenaza de la caza furtiva.

Esta especie fue la última en descubrirse entre las pertenecientes al género Bos (en el que se incluyen las vacas y toros domésticos), no recibiendo nombre hasta 1937. Como sus parientes salvajes más próximos, poseen un marcado dimorfismo sexual; los machos adultos llegan a alcanzar dos metros de altura y 900 kilos de peso, mientras que las hembras son mucho más pequeñas y menos robustas. En los machos se da también una joroba y papada prominentes. Así mismo, los cuernos son completamente diferentes en ambos sexos: espiralizados de forma similar a un antílope o una cabra marjor en el caso de las hembras, y largos, extendidos y curvados hacia arriba y adelante en el caso de los machos, de forma más parecida a los de un búfalo o un toro doméstico. El pelaje es pardo-grisáceo en ambos sexos.

Los kupreyes viven en tierras bajas y colinas parcialmente cubiertas por árboles, donde se alimentan de hierbas. Las hembras y sus crías viven en rebaños de hasta 20 individuos, a los que se unen machos adultos durante la estación seca (que acoge la época de cría), siendo éstos solitarios el resto del año. Pasan las horas del día, momento en que registran su mayor actividad, en zonas cubiertas por el manto protector de los árboles, mientras que por la noche se alimentan en áreas despejadas. Este comportamiento puede haberse visto influido por la persecución del hombre.

Sus depredadores naturales más importantes son probablemente el tigre, el leopardo y el cuón. No obstante, su actual declive se debe únicamente a la acción del hombre, manifestada por la caza excesiva, la destrucción de su hábitat, la extensión de enfermedades portadas por bovinos domésticos y la competencia con éstos por los pastos.

Su escasa distribución y algunas de sus características, que recuerdan al cebú doméstico, han llevado a pensar en ocasiones que podría tratarse de una antigua especie doméstica retornada al estado salvaje o el fruto de cruces entre individuos silvestres y cautivos. Los defensores de la primera hipótesis han sugerido el fin de la civilización jemer, en el siglo XIII, como la fecha de origen del kouprey. En la actualidad, el kouprey es el símbolo de la división tailandesa del WWF.


  1. Timmins, R.J., Hedges, S. & Duckworth., J.W. (2008). «Bos sauveli». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2015.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 19 de julio de 2015.
  2. Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. (2005). «Bos sauveli». Mammal Species of the World (en inglés) (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.

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Bos sauveli: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El kouprey o kuprey (también escrito con C) (Bos sauveli) es una especie de bovino salvaje nativa de Indochina.​ La especie sobrevive únicamente en las selvas del norte de Camboya, donde se encuentra en peligro crítico de extinción. Se estima que no deben existir más de 250 ejemplares sobre los que sigue pendiendo la amenaza de la caza furtiva.

Esta especie fue la última en descubrirse entre las pertenecientes al género Bos (en el que se incluyen las vacas y toros domésticos), no recibiendo nombre hasta 1937. Como sus parientes salvajes más próximos, poseen un marcado dimorfismo sexual; los machos adultos llegan a alcanzar dos metros de altura y 900 kilos de peso, mientras que las hembras son mucho más pequeñas y menos robustas. En los machos se da también una joroba y papada prominentes. Así mismo, los cuernos son completamente diferentes en ambos sexos: espiralizados de forma similar a un antílope o una cabra marjor en el caso de las hembras, y largos, extendidos y curvados hacia arriba y adelante en el caso de los machos, de forma más parecida a los de un búfalo o un toro doméstico. El pelaje es pardo-grisáceo en ambos sexos.

Los kupreyes viven en tierras bajas y colinas parcialmente cubiertas por árboles, donde se alimentan de hierbas. Las hembras y sus crías viven en rebaños de hasta 20 individuos, a los que se unen machos adultos durante la estación seca (que acoge la época de cría), siendo éstos solitarios el resto del año. Pasan las horas del día, momento en que registran su mayor actividad, en zonas cubiertas por el manto protector de los árboles, mientras que por la noche se alimentan en áreas despejadas. Este comportamiento puede haberse visto influido por la persecución del hombre.

Sus depredadores naturales más importantes son probablemente el tigre, el leopardo y el cuón. No obstante, su actual declive se debe únicamente a la acción del hombre, manifestada por la caza excesiva, la destrucción de su hábitat, la extensión de enfermedades portadas por bovinos domésticos y la competencia con éstos por los pastos.

Su escasa distribución y algunas de sus características, que recuerdan al cebú doméstico, han llevado a pensar en ocasiones que podría tratarse de una antigua especie doméstica retornada al estado salvaje o el fruto de cruces entre individuos silvestres y cautivos. Los defensores de la primera hipótesis han sugerido el fin de la civilización jemer, en el siglo XIII, como la fecha de origen del kouprey. En la actualidad, el kouprey es el símbolo de la división tailandesa del WWF.

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Bos sauveli ( Basque )

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Bos sauveli Bos generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Bovinae azpifamilia eta Bovidae familian sailkatuta dago


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. Urbain (1937) 62 Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 307. or..
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Bos sauveli: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Bos sauveli Bos generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Bovinae azpifamilia eta Bovidae familian sailkatuta dago

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Kouprei ( Finnish )

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Kouprei[3] eli koupri[4] eli sauvelinhärkä[3] (Bos sauveli) on Kaakkois-Aasiassa elävä, erittäin huonosti tunnettu nautaeläimiin kuuluva sorkkaeläinlaji. Se on yksi arvoituksellisimmista ja uhanalaisimmista suurnisäkkäistä, ja sen asemasta omana lajinaan on kiistelty. Kouprei on äärimmäisen uhanalainen ja mahdollisesti jo sukupuuttoon kuollut. Se on silti yhä Kambodžan kansalliseläin.

Löytyminen ja etymologia

Pariisissa sijaitsevan Vincennesin eläintarhan johtaja Achille Urbain kuvasi kouprein vuonna 1937. Urbain löysi Kambodžasta ranskalaisen eläinlääkärin, tohtori R. Sauvelin talosta metsästysmuistoksi otetun koupreihärän pään vuonna 1936. Laji sai nimensä Sauvelin mukaan. Hän oli ensimmäinen lajiin tutustunut länsimaalainen tiedemies.[5][6] Tosin vuonna 1929 amerikkalainen mies ja hänen poikansa ampuivat suuren sorkkaeläimen syötiksi tiikerinmetsästystä varten. Eläimen luut lähetettiin Kansasin yliopiston luonnonhistorialliseen museoon, mutta löytö tunnistettiin koupreiksi vasta 1982.[7] Se oli luultavasti jäänyt kuvaamatta harvinaisuutensa ja erityisesti sen vuoksi, että länsimaalaiset eivät liikkuneet Kambodžassa paljoakaan. Löytö herätti epäilyksiä. Ensin sitä luultiin bantengiksi tai villiintyneeksi naudaksi. Sitä on pidetty myös bantengin ja gaurin, vesipuhvelin tai seebun risteytymänä sekä muinaisen Khmerien valtakunnan kesyn nautakarjan jälkeläisenä. Se voi myös olla puutuva rengas nykyisten nautalajien välillä.[5]

Kouprei hyväksyttiin omaksi lajikseen, kun yksi urosvasikka saatiin pyydystettyä ja vietyä Pariisiin Vincennesin eläintarhaan.[8] Vasikka saatiin Preăh Vihéarin maakunnasta Kambodžasta. Se eli eläintarhassa, kunnes kuoli nälkään vuonna 1940.[9] Vuonna 1940 saatiin tutkimuksiin aikuinen härkä. Siinä havaittiin monia alkukantaisia piirteitä, joiden takia Harvardin yliopiston nisäkästutkija H. J. Coolidge sijoitti kouprein omaan Novibos-sukuunsa. Myöhemmin se siirrettiin Bos-sukuun.[8][10] Lajia on tutkittu viimeksi vuonna 1957, jolloin eläintieteilijä Charles Wharton tutki ja kuvasi filmille luonnonvaraisia yksilöitä.[11] Vuonna 1960 Norodom Sihanouk teki koupreista Kambodžan kansalliseläimen, osittain lajin mystisyyden takia.[7]

Sana kouprey tulee khmerin kielestä ja tarkoittaa ’metsähärkää’. Suvun nimi Bos tarkoittaa ’härkää’ ja lajinimensä se on saanut tohtori Sauvelin kunniaksi.[6] Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunnan ehdotus lajin uudeksi suomenkieliseksi nimeksi on kuupri.[3]

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Kouprei on kookas sorkkaeläin. Sen ruumiinpituus on 210–220 senttiä ja paino 700–900 kiloa, säkäkorkeus on 170–190 senttiä ja hännän pituus 100–110 senttiä.[6] Ruumis on suuri, mutta kapea ja jalat pitkät.[7] Kouprei on syntyessään ruskea, mutta lehmät muuttuvat ikääntyessään harmaiksi. Sonnit saavat aikuistuessaan mustan tai hyvin tummanruskean värityksen. Sonneilla on myös korostunut kaulapussi, joka voi olla 40 senttiä pitkä ja koskettaa jopa maata. Sekä sonnilla että lehmällä on erikoiset, loviset sieraimet ja pitkä häntä.[6] Niillä on myös loiva selkäkyttyrä. Väritys on vatsasta hieman vaaleampi. Jaloissa on vaaleat sukat. Silmien ympärillä ja turvan molemmilla puolilla on kastanjanruskeat alueet. Lehmien sarvet ovat lyyran muotoiset. Sonnien sarvet taipuvat juuresta taaksepäin ja sieltä ylös- ja eteenpäin. Sarvien kärjet taas taipuvat sisäänpäin.[12] Sonnin sarvet voivat kasvaa jopa 80 sentin pituisiksi.[6]

Levinneisyys ja elinympäristö

Koupreita tavattiin aiemmin Indokiinassa Kambodžan, Etelä-Laosin, Länsi-Vietnamin ja Kaakkois-Thaimaan alueelta. Nykyään se on todennäköisesti kuollut sukupuuttoon, vaikka joitain yksilöitä saattaa yhä olla jäljellä, todennäköisimmin jossain suojelualueella itäisessä Kambodžassa. Varmoja havaintoja ei ole tehty vuoden 1983 jälkeen. Fossiililöydöt todistavat kouprein eläneen aiemmin Keski-Kiinassa.[1][7]

Elinympäristöä ovat erityisesti lehtensä pudottavat Dipterocarpus-metsät, varsinkin alueilla, joissa on laajoja ruohostomaita. Ilmeisesti koupreit käyttävät myös ikivihreitä metsäsaarekkeita ja monsuunimetsiä. Seudun maasto on matalaa tai aaltoilevaa alankoa. Suurimmassa osassa levinneisyysaluetta vuodenaikojen vaihtelut ovat suuria ja sademäärä alle 2 000 milliä vuodessa. Vesipaikat ja mineraalien nuolentapaikat ovat varmasti tärkeitä.[1][7]


Kouprein elintavoista tiedetään hyvin vähän. Sitä on kuvailtu aktiiviseksi ja rauhattomaksi. Bantengiin verrattuna kouprei on valppaampi ja juoksee sulavammin. Se on yöeläin, luultavasti välttääkseen ihmistä. Koupreit vetäytyvät metsien suojiin välttääkseen myös kuumaa aurinkoa ja tulevat avoimelle alueelle vasta illalla. Ne vaeltavat yössä jopa 15 kilometriä laiduntaessaan. Lajin ravintoa ovat useat lyhyet ja pitkät ruohot, sarat ja jotkin pensaat[6]. Lauma hajoaa ja yhdistyy uudelleen toistuvasti. Yksi lehmä johtaa laumaa, ja siihen liittyy myös sonneja kuivana kautena, jolloin yksilömäärä voi nousta 20:een. Samassa laumassa voi olla myös bantengeja ja vesipuhveleita.[13] Koupreisonnit hankaavat sarviaan puihin ja muurahaiskekoihin, jonka johdosta vanhojen yksilöiden sarvenkärjet ovat kuluneet tylpiksi.[5]

Koupreit lisääntyvät hitaasti.[12] Ne parittelevat keväällä ja kantoaika kestää 8-9 kuukautta. Ainoa vasikka syntyy talvella, yleensä joulu-tammikuussa. Lehmä eroaa laumasta synnyttääkseen ja palaa takaisin noin kuukauden kuluttua. Poikasen hoidosta on niukasti tietoa.[13]

Uhat ja suojelu

Kouprei on erittäin harvinainen tai jo hävinnyt. Varmoja havaintoja lajista ei ole 20 vuoteen.[7] Vuonna 1940 kannaksi arvioitiin tuhat yksilöä vuonna 1964 350 yksilöä ja viisi vuotta myöhemmin 100–200 yksilöä. Alueella on käyty sotia ja siellä on ollut levotonta, joten eläimiä on tapettu rajoittamattomasti.[12] Niitä on tapettu lihan ja sarvien takia muun muassa kiinalaisen lääketieteen käyttöön. Metsästys, elinalueiden katoaminen maatalouden ja puukaupan tarpeisiin, sekä karjasta tarttuneet taudit ovat aiheuttaneet romahduksen. Myös maamiinat ovat voineet tappaa koupreita ja vaikeuttaa suojelua. Vuonna 1994 lajia etsittiin ilmasta ja maasta käsin Kambodžassa, Vietnamissa ja Laosissa, mutta eläimiä ei löydetty. Sen sijaan polkuja on havaittu, ja lajista on myös varmistamattomia havaintoja. Kalloja ja sarvia löytyy yhä kaakkoisaasialaisilta toreilta, mikä pitää yllä toivoa lajin säilymisestä. Lajin aikuisten eläinten määräksi arvioidaan alle 250 yksilöä, todennäköisesti alle 50. Kouprei on rauhoitettu kaikissa alueen maissa, ja se kuuluu myös CITES-sopimuksen liitteeseen I.[1][7]


  1. a b c d Timmins, R.J., Hedges, S. & Duckworth., J.W.: Bos sauveli IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 29.7.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. a b Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn M. (toim.): Bos sauveli Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed). 2005. Bucknell University. Viitattu 9.11.2010. (englanniksi)
  3. a b c Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunta: Maailman nisäkkäiden suomenkieliset nimet 2008. Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo, Helsingin yliopisto. Viitattu 22.7.2010.
  4. Järvinen, Olli; Miettinen, Kaarina: Sammuuko suuri suku? – Luonnon puolustamisen biologiaa, s. 82. Vantaa: Suomen luonnonsuojelun tuki Oy, 1987. ISBN 951-9381-20-1.
  5. a b c (toim.) Ilkka Koivisto, Pentti Koskela, Juhani Lokki, Pekka Tuunaine ja Pertti Viitanen: Eläinten kiehtova maailma 1 A-G. Weilin+Göös, 1990. ISBN 951-35-5127-X.
  6. a b c d e f Brent Huffman: Kouprey 3.24. 2004. The Ultimate Ungulate. Viitattu 27.6. 2009.
  7. a b c d e f g ARKive: Kouprey - Bos sauveli - Information - ARKive 2007. Wildscreen. Viitattu 27.6. 2009.
  8. a b Bo Øksnebjerg & Stine Overbye: Näin löytyi viisi uutta nisäkästä. Tieteen kuvalehti, 1994, nro 9, s. 81.
  9. Alexandre Hassanin & Anne Ropiquet: Resolving a zoological mystery the kouprey is a real species 2007. The Royal Society. Viitattu 27.6. 2009.
  10. IUCN/SSC, University of Hanoi: The Kouprey An Action Plan for its Concervation (PDF) 1989. IUCN. Viitattu 27.6. 2009.
  11. WWF: WWF International - Kouprey (Bos sauveli) 2009. WWF. Viitattu 22.7.2010.
  12. a b c Koivisto, Ilkka, Sarvala, Maija ja Liukko, Ulla-Maija (toim.): Maailman uhanalaiset eläimet 3. Nisäkkäät, Matelijat, s. 132. Weilin + Göös, 1991. ISBN 951-35-4689-6.
  13. a b Jill Winker: ADW Bos sauveli Information 2004. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Viitattu 27.6. 2009.
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Kouprei: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Kouprei eli koupri eli sauvelinhärkä (Bos sauveli) on Kaakkois-Aasiassa elävä, erittäin huonosti tunnettu nautaeläimiin kuuluva sorkkaeläinlaji. Se on yksi arvoituksellisimmista ja uhanalaisimmista suurnisäkkäistä, ja sen asemasta omana lajinaan on kiistelty. Kouprei on äärimmäisen uhanalainen ja mahdollisesti jo sukupuuttoon kuollut. Se on silti yhä Kambodžan kansalliseläin.

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Kouprey ( French )

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Bos sauveli

Le Kouprey (Bos sauveli) (du khmer kū̞ pre̞j (គោព្រៃ) : « bœuf sauvage ») est un bovidé sauvage apparenté au banteng et au gaur[1] et nommé en l'honneur de René Sauvel, un vétérinaire français opérant au Cambodge. Aucun animal vivant n'a été vu depuis 1988, et l'espèce est peut-être éteinte.


En 1937, René Sauvel, vétérinaire au Cambodge, offre un taurillon à Achille Urbain, directeur du parc zoologique de Vincennes. Ce jeune mâle, transféré au zoo de Vincennes (ou il vivra du 9 Avril 1937, au 2 Février 1940), sera l'holotype de la nouvelle espèce décrite par Urbain (nommé Bos Sauveli en l'honneur de René Sauvel) et le dernier individu à être élevé en captivité[2].

Le kouprey faisait déjà l'objet de récits et de poèmes durant la période angkorienne, déclamés à l'occasion du nouvel an Khmer. Pour les Cambodgiens, le Kouprey était le symbole de la puissance et de la fécondité. Le Kouprey aurait également figuré sur des peintures rupestres, et des restes auraient été trouvés dans des tombes à Ban Chiang[3]. Des statues représentants des koupreys ont été sculptées sur des bas-reliefs du temple du Bayon. Les Européens commencent à entendre parler du kouprey avec le début de la période coloniale, le Kouprey est mentionné dans plusieurs ouvrages du XIXe siècle, et du début du XXe siècle[3].

Il se pourrait que des koupreys aient été domestiqués au Cambodge. En effet, un spécimen du muséum de Bourges, arrivé vivant à la ménagerie du Jardin des plantes de Paris en 1871 et décrit alors comme un « bœuf du Cambodge », a été identifié, après analyses ADN, comme un kouprey. Il présente toutefois des différences notables avec le kouprey typique et l'hypothèse a été faite qu'il s'agissait d'un animal issu de la domestication de l'espèce, les différences observées étant semblables à celles apparues chez les bos taurus domestiqués[3],[4].

Dans les années 1950 et 1960, le kouprey est observé et étudié à plusieurs occasions. La guerre d'Indochine puis au Cambodge, les bombardements et les campagnes de défoliation, rendent par la suite très difficiles les expéditions scientifiques. Après la chute du régime des Khmers rouges, les tentatives d'observer à nouveau des kouprey ont généralement échoué, la dernière observation décrite, par le professeur Le Vu Khoi de l'université d’Hanoï, ayant eu lieu en 1988[5]. L'espèce, déjà rare au moment de sa découverte pourrait être éteinte.


Caractéristiques Masse 600 à 910 kg Longueur 210 à 220 cm Hauteur 170 à 190 cm Queue 100 à 110 cm Cornes 40 80 cm Robe claire sombre Saison des amours avril Gestation 8.5 mois Petit(s) 1 / an Poids à la naissance kg Sevrage mois Maturité sexuelle ans Durée de vie 20 ans

Les taureaux koupreys mesurent jusqu'à 1,90 m au garrot[6] pour une masse de 600 à 900 kg[7]. Ils sont de couleur noirâtre avec des « bas » aux jambes ; les plus âgés deviennent grisâtres sur les flancs. Les vaches sont plus petites, d'une couleur variant du gris argenté ou du gris souris au brun, parfois irrégulièrement tachetées de noir. Entre leurs pattes antérieures, les taureaux portent un long fanon qui traîne dans l'herbe quand ils avancent[5]. Chez les vaches, le fanon ne mesure qu'environ 10 cm, mais reste plus long que celui du bateng ou du gaur. Les femelles ont des cornes de 40 cm en forme de lyre. Celles des mâles, de grande envergure et jusqu'à 80 cm, pointent vers le haut et l'avant. La queue est longue (de 100 à 110 cm)[7].

Leur espérance de vie est de 20 ans. Ils ont un jeune par portée, de décembre à février. Les troupeaux, mobiles, d'une vingtaine de bête en saison sèche, se font et se défont ; ils se mêlent à d'autres bovins comme les bantengs ou les buffles d'eau[7].

Les koupreys se trouvent dans une petite zone au Cambodge, de part et d'autre du Mékong au voisinage de Kosker [កោះកេរ] et de Chep, et s'étendent au Vietnam aux environs de Ban Methuot, et au Laos au nord du lac Repou [ទន្លេរពៅ][8]. Ils vivent uniquement en forêt clairsemée[9]. Ils forment de petites hardes en période de reproduction.

Notes et références

  1. Anne Ropiquet et Alexandre Hassanin, « Resolving a zoological mystery: the kouprey is a real species », Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, vol. 274, no 1627,‎ 22 novembre 2007, p. 2849–2855 (DOI )
  2. Maryvonne Leclerc-Cassan, Le parc zoologique de Paris, des origines à la rénovation, Somogy éditions d'art, 2014, 295 p., p. 159
  3. a b et c « Le bœuf gris cambodgien (Bos sauveli Urbain 1937) », 2015
  4. Alexandre Hassanin, Anne Ropiquet, Raphaël Cornette, Michel Tranier, Pierre Pfeffer, Philippe Candegabe et Michèle Lemaire, « Le kouprey (Bos sauveli Urbain, 1937) a-t-il été domestiqué au Cambodge ? », Comptes Rendus Biologies, vol. 329, no 2,‎ février 2006, p. 124-135 (DOI )
  5. a et b [PDF]David Brugière et Philipe Chardonnet, « Découverte et extinction du kouprey, une histoire empreinte de mystère », Espèces, no 8,‎ juin 2013, p. 58-66 (lire en ligne, consulté le 15 février 2018)
  6. Achille Urbain, « Une nouvelle espèce de bovidé asiatique », Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, vol. 309,‎ 1939, p. 1006-1007 (lire en ligne)
  7. a b et c Mario Melletti, Alexandre Hassanin et Marzia Mirabil, « Kouprey Bos sauveli A. Urbain, 1937 », dans Mario Melletti et James Burton, Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour of Wild Cattle : Implications for Conservation, Cambridge University Press, décembre 2014 (DOI , présentation en ligne, lire en ligne), p. 231-239
  8. Alexandre Hassanin, « Description du Kouprey par Achille Urbain » (Communication présentée à la séance de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France, Parc zoologique de Paris - 23 octobre 2014), Le Bulletin Sauvage, vol. 1, no 1,‎ 2015, p. 1-10 (lire en ligne)
  9. [PDF]René Sauvel, « Le Kou-prey ou bœuf gris du Cambodge », Société nationale de protection de la nature et d'acclimatation de France,‎ 1949, p. 89-109 (lire en ligne)

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Kouprey: Brief Summary ( French )

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Bos sauveli

Le Kouprey (Bos sauveli) (du khmer kū̞ pre̞j (គោព្រៃ) : « bœuf sauvage ») est un bovidé sauvage apparenté au banteng et au gaur et nommé en l'honneur de René Sauvel, un vétérinaire français opérant au Cambodge. Aucun animal vivant n'a été vu depuis 1988, et l'espèce est peut-être éteinte.

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Cúpraí ( Irish )

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Is ainmhí é an cúpraí. Mamach atá ann.

Is síol ainmhí é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
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Bos sauveli ( Italian )

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Il kouprey (Bos sauveli Urbain, 1937) è un grosso bovide selvatico diffuso in Asia sud-orientale.[2]


Il kouprey è un ungulato molto grande, circa delle stesse dimensioni di un bufalo acquatico selvatico. Il maschio di kouprey può misurare fino a due metri d'altezza al garrese e pesare in media 900 chilogrammi. Comunque, secondo gli zoologi vietnamiti, nelle mandrie di kouprey scoperte recentemente in Vietnam vi sono esemplari che pesano circa 1700 kg. I kouprey hanno corpi alti ma sottili, zampe lunghe e dorsi gibbosi. I kouprey possono essere sia grigi che bruno scuri o neri. Le corna delle femmine sono a forma di lira, con spirali rivolte verso l'alto come quelle delle antilopi. Le corna dei maschi, larghe e incurvate all'indietro, sono rivolte verso l'alto ed iniziano a logorarsi sulle punte a circa tre anni di età. Entrambi i sessi hanno narici frastagliate e code lunghe.


I kouprey sono diurni; di notte si spingono in zone aperte per pascolare, mentre di giorno si ritirano sotto la copertura della foresta. Vivono in mandrie che possono raggiungere i venti esemplari, composte generalmente solo da vacche e piccoli, ma che durante la stagione secca possono ospitare anche tori.

Distribuzione e habitat

Vive soprattutto in Cambogia settentrionale, ma si ritiene che si trovi anche in Laos meridionale, Vietnam occidentale e Thailandia orientale. I kouprey vivono nelle basse colline parzialmente ricoperte da foresta, dove si nutrono soprattutto di erba.


Recenti ricerche pubblicate dal Journal of Zoology della Northwestern University di Londra indicano che uno studio effettuato sulle sequenze mitocondriali ha mostrato che il kouprey possa essere un ibrido tra uno zebù ed un banteng[3]. Comunque, gli autori di questo studio hanno abbandonato questa ipotesi[4] e dopo il ritrovamento di un cranio fossilizzato del Pleistocene superiore o dell'Olocene inferiore hanno invece concluso che non si tratta di un ibrido. Analisi genetiche più recenti, comunque, hanno dimostrato che il kouprey è una specie vera e propria[5]. Vi è la possibilità che esista una seconda popolazione più piccola di kouprey.


Secondo l'ultima valutazione riportata su IUCN,[1] la specie potrebbe essere estinta. Infatti gli ultimi avvistamenti ritenuti attendibili risalgono al 1969. Una ricerca a mezzo di trappole fotografiche condotta nel 2011 su una vasta area ha prodotto immagini di bovidi affini (Bos gaurus, Bubalus arnee e Bos javanicus) ma nessuna immagine di Bos sauveli.


  1. ^ a b (EN) Timmins, R.J., Hedges, S. & Duckworth., J.W., Bos sauveli, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Bos sauveli, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  3. ^ Northwestern biologists demote Southeast Asia's 'forest ox'
  4. ^ G. J. Galbreath, J. C. Mordacq, F. H. Weiler (2007) An evolutionary conundrum involving kouprey and banteng: A response from Galbreath, Mordacq and Weiler. Journal of Zoology 271 (3), 253–254. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2007.00317.x
  5. ^ Cambodia's National Animal Is "Real," Study Says


  • Alexandre Hassanin, and Anne Ropiquet, 2007. Resolving a zoological mystery: the kouprey is a real species, Proc. R. Soc. B, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2007.0830
  • G. J. Galbreath, J. C. Mordacq, F. H. Weiler, 2006. Genetically solving a zoological mystery: was the kouprey (Bos sauveli) a feral hybrid? Journal of Zoology 270 (4): 561–564.
  • Hassanin, A., and Ropiquet, A. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Bovini (Bovidae, Bovinae) and the taxonomic status of the kouprey, Bos sauveli Urbain 1937. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 33(3):896-907.
  • (EN) Hedges 2000, Bos sauveli, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is critically endangered and the criteria used
  • Steve Hendrix: Quest for the Kouprey, International Wildlife Magazine, 25 (5) 1995, p. 20-23.
  • J.R. McKinnon/S.N. Stuart: The Kouprey - An action plan for its conservation. Gland, Switzerland 1989.
  • Steve Hendrix: The ultimate nowhere. Trekking through the Cambodian outback in search of the Kouprey, Chicago Tribune - 19 December 1999.

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Bos sauveli: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il kouprey (Bos sauveli Urbain, 1937) è un grosso bovide selvatico diffuso in Asia sud-orientale.

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Kuprėjus ( Lithuanian )

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Kuprėjus (Savelio jautis; lot. Bos sauveli) – dykaragių šeimos, jaučių pošeimio laukinis porakanopis žinduolis. Paplitęs Kambodžos šiaurinės ir rytinės dalies retmiškiuose. Patino kūno ilgis iki 235 cm, aukštis 170–190 cm, masė iki 900 kg. Uodega iki 100 cm. ilgio. Rudai juodas, kojų apatinė dalis juoda. Patelė pilka arba rusva. Plaukai trumpi. Ragai (patino ir patelės) išlinkę ratu. Aptiktas 1937 m. Retas, gyvena nedidelėmis bandomis.[1]


  1. Kuprėjus. Lietuviškoji tarybinė enciklopedija, VI t. Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos institutas, 1980. T.VI: Kombinacija-Lietuvos


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Kuprėjus: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

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Kuprėjus (Savelio jautis; lot. Bos sauveli) – dykaragių šeimos, jaučių pošeimio laukinis porakanopis žinduolis. Paplitęs Kambodžos šiaurinės ir rytinės dalies retmiškiuose. Patino kūno ilgis iki 235 cm, aukštis 170–190 cm, masė iki 900 kg. Uodega iki 100 cm. ilgio. Rudai juodas, kojų apatinė dalis juoda. Patelė pilka arba rusva. Plaukai trumpi. Ragai (patino ir patelės) išlinkę ratu. Aptiktas 1937 m. Retas, gyvena nedidelėmis bandomis.

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Kouprey ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De kouprey (Bos sauveli) is een ernstig bedreigd wild rund uit Zuidoost-Azië, soms geplaatst in het ondergeslacht Novibos. De soort werd pas in 1937 voor het eerst beschreven. Het is een van de zeldzaamste runderen.


De kouprey is een stevig rund. Oudere stieren hebben een zeer donkerbruine tot zwarte vachtkleur met soms enkele grijze vlekken, bij koeien en jonge stieren is de vacht grijs. Kalveren hebben een bruine vacht. Beide geslachten hebben een vuilwitte buik en kousen. De kouprey heeft lange hoorns. Bij koeien zijn de hoorns liervormig en sterk gedraaid, tot veertig centimeter lang. Bij stieren krommen de hoorns naar voren. Deze kunnen tot tachtig centimeter lang worden. Als de stieren een jaar of drie oud zijn, gaan de hoornpunten rafelen. Door de vorm van de hoorns kan de stier deze rafels niet afschuren. Ze buigen voorwaarts. Bij de stier kan de keelkwab ("kossem") bijzonder groot worden, tot veertig centimeter lang. De keelkwab hangt bij sommige individuen tot op de grond. Bij koeien worden deze kossems minder groot.

De kouprey wordt 210 tot 225 centimeter lang, 150 tot 200 centimeter hoog en 700 tot 900 kilogram zwaar. De staart is vrij lang, 100 tot 110 centimeter lang. De stier is groter dan de koe. Hij heeft een schofthoogte van gemiddeld 190 centimeter, de koe is over het algemeen kleiner.


De kouprey leeft waarschijnlijk in kleine kudden in los groepsverband. Soms mengen deze kudden met andere runderen, als waterbuffel en banteng. Oudere stieren leven in vrijgezellengroepen. Ze leggen grote afstanden af, tot vijftien kilometer op een nacht. In het droge seizoen leven ze in gemengde kudden, bestaande uit tot twintig dieren. Ze mijden dan de hitte door op het heetst van de dag te schuilen in dichte bossen. In het regenseizoen trekken ze waarschijnlijk de bergen in. De kouprey is een grazer, die voornamelijk van gras en zegge leeft.


Hij komt oorspronkelijk voor in open loofbossen en beboste savannes, met veel neerslag, vlak of licht golvend terrein en de aanwezigheid van waterpoelen en zoutlikplaatsen, die ze regelmatig bezoeken. Het verspreidingsgebied strekte zich uit over Laos, Vietnam, Cambodja en aangrenzend Thailand. Tegenwoordig leeft de soort waarschijnlijk enkel nog in Cambodja, waar hij zeer zeldzaam is. Belangrijke oorzaken van de achteruitgang zijn stroperij, habitatvernietiging, ziekten van huisdieren en oorlogen.

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Kouprey: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De kouprey (Bos sauveli) is een ernstig bedreigd wild rund uit Zuidoost-Azië, soms geplaatst in het ondergeslacht Novibos. De soort werd pas in 1937 voor het eerst beschreven. Het is een van de zeldzaamste runderen.

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Kuprej azjatycki ( Polish )

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Kuprej azjatycki[3], dawniej: kuprej[4] (Bos sauveli) – gatunek dużego ssaka parzystokopytnego z rodziny wołowatych (Bovidae). Został rozpoznany jako nowy dla nauki gatunek w 1937 na podstawie młodego osobnika schwytanego w Kambodży.


Pozycja taksonomiczna kupreja pozostawała niejasna przez wiele lat. Uważano, że może być odrębnym gatunkiem lub zdziczałą formą krzyżówki zebu i bantenga[5][6]. Obecnie coraz powszechniej uznawany jest za odrębny gatunek blisko spokrewniony z zebu i bantengiem.


Długość ciała 210–220 cm, wysokość w kłębie 170–190 cm, masa ciała 600–910 kg. Ubarwienie jest zależne od wieku osobnika – czarne, szare lub brunatne u dorosłych byków, szarobrązowe u samic, a u młodych szare. Dymorfizm płciowy jest wyraźnie zaznaczony. Rogi samców dochodzą do 80 cm, u samic są znacznie krótsze.

Występowanie i biotop

Półwysep Indochiński – na pograniczu Kambodży, Laosu i Wietnamu. W Tajlandii prawdopodobnie wyginął. Występuje na terenach leśnych, w lasach galeriowych i na otwartych terenach trawiastych z dostępem do wody. Liczebność całego gatunku szacuje się na nie więcej niż 250 osobników, prawdopodobnie mniej niż 50.

Być może już wymarły[2].

Tryb życia

Kuprej żyje w stadach złożonych z 15–25 osobników. Stadem przewodzi zazwyczaj dojrzała samica. Starsze samce zwykle przebywają samotnie. Kupreje żywią się trawami. Biologia rozrodu tego gatunku jest słabo znana.


  1. Kouprey (ang.). Wild Cattle Conservation Project. [dostęp 24 lutego 2008].
  2. Halina Komosińska, Elżbieta Podsiadło: Ssaki kopytne : przewodnik. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2002, s. 214-215. ISBN 83-01-13806-8.


  1. Bos sauveli, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b Bos sauveli. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  3. Włodzimierz Cichocki, Agnieszka Ważna, Jan Cichocki, Ewa Rajska, Artur Jasiński, Wiesław Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2015, s. 297. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  4. Kazimierz Kowalski (redaktor naukowy), Adam Krzanowski, Henryk Kubiak, G. Rzebik-Kowalska, L. Sych: Mały słownik zoologiczny: Ssaki. Wyd. IV. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1991. ISBN 83-214-0637-8.
  5. Northwestern biologists demote Southeast Asia's 'forest ox' (ang.)
  6. Komosińska i Podsiadło, 2002
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Kuprej azjatycki: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Kuprej azjatycki, dawniej: kuprej (Bos sauveli) – gatunek dużego ssaka parzystokopytnego z rodziny wołowatych (Bovidae). Został rozpoznany jako nowy dla nauki gatunek w 1937 na podstawie młodego osobnika schwytanego w Kambodży.

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Bos sauveli ( Portuguese )

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O kouprey ou kuprey (também escrito com C) (Bos sauveli) é uma espécie de bovino selvagem nativa da Indochina. A espécie sobrevive unicamente nas selvas do norte de Camboja, onde se encontra em perigo crítico de extinção. Estima-se que não devem existir mais de 250 exemplares sobre os que segue pendendo a ameaça da caça furtiva.

Esta espécie foi a última em descobrir-se entre as pertencentes ao gênero Bos (no que se incluem as vacas e touros domésticos), não recebendo nome até 1937. Como seus parentes selvagens mais próximos, possuem um marcado dimorfismo sexual; os machos adultos chegam a atingir dois metros de altura e 900 quilos de importância, enquanto as fêmeas são bem mais pequenas e menos robustas. Nos machos há ainda uma importuna papada proeminente. Assim mesmo, os cornos são completamente diferentes em ambos sexos: espiralizados de forma similar a um antílope ou uma cabra Markhor no caso das fêmeas, e longos, estendidos e curvados para acima e adiante no caso dos machos, de forma mais parecida aos de um búfalo ou um touro doméstico. A pelajem é pardo-grisáceo em ambos sexos.

Os kupreys vivem em terras baixas e colinas parcialmente cobertas por árvores, onde se alimentam de ervas. As fêmeas e suas crias vivem em rebanhos de até 20 indivíduos, aos que se unem machos adultos durante a estação seca (que acolhe a época de cria), sendo estes solitários o resto do ano. Passam as horas do dia, momento em que registram sua maior atividade, em zonas cobertas pelo manto protetor das árvores, enquanto pela noite se alimentam em áreas despejadas. Este comportamento pode ter-se visto influído pela perseguição do homem.

Seus predadores naturais mais importantes são provavelmente o tigre, o leopardo e o cão-selvagem-asiático. Não obstante, seu atual declive deve-se unicamente à ação do homem, manifestada pela caça excessiva, a destruição de sua hábitat, a extensão de doenças portadas por bovinos domésticos e a concorrência com estes pelos pastos.

Sua escassa distribuição e algumas de suas características, que recordam ao Zebu doméstico, têm levado a pensar em ocasiões que poderia se tratar de uma antiga espécie doméstica retornada ao estado selvagem ou o fruto de cruzamentos entre indivíduos silvestres e cativos. Os defensores da primeira hipótese têm sugerido o fim da civilização Khmer, no século XIII, como a data de origem do kouprey. Na atualidade, o kouprey é o símbolo da divisão tailandesa do WWF.


  • WILSON, D. E., REEDER, D. M. eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3ª ed. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 2.142 pp. 2 vol.
  • Antelope Specialist Group 1996. Bos sauveli. IUCN 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Acessado em 25 de janeiro de 2008.Bos Sauveli [1]
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Bos sauveli: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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O kouprey ou kuprey (também escrito com C) (Bos sauveli) é uma espécie de bovino selvagem nativa da Indochina. A espécie sobrevive unicamente nas selvas do norte de Camboja, onde se encontra em perigo crítico de extinção. Estima-se que não devem existir mais de 250 exemplares sobre os que segue pendendo a ameaça da caça furtiva.

Esta espécie foi a última em descobrir-se entre as pertencentes ao gênero Bos (no que se incluem as vacas e touros domésticos), não recebendo nome até 1937. Como seus parentes selvagens mais próximos, possuem um marcado dimorfismo sexual; os machos adultos chegam a atingir dois metros de altura e 900 quilos de importância, enquanto as fêmeas são bem mais pequenas e menos robustas. Nos machos há ainda uma importuna papada proeminente. Assim mesmo, os cornos são completamente diferentes em ambos sexos: espiralizados de forma similar a um antílope ou uma cabra Markhor no caso das fêmeas, e longos, estendidos e curvados para acima e adiante no caso dos machos, de forma mais parecida aos de um búfalo ou um touro doméstico. A pelajem é pardo-grisáceo em ambos sexos.

Os kupreys vivem em terras baixas e colinas parcialmente cobertas por árvores, onde se alimentam de ervas. As fêmeas e suas crias vivem em rebanhos de até 20 indivíduos, aos que se unem machos adultos durante a estação seca (que acolhe a época de cria), sendo estes solitários o resto do ano. Passam as horas do dia, momento em que registram sua maior atividade, em zonas cobertas pelo manto protetor das árvores, enquanto pela noite se alimentam em áreas despejadas. Este comportamento pode ter-se visto influído pela perseguição do homem.

Seus predadores naturais mais importantes são provavelmente o tigre, o leopardo e o cão-selvagem-asiático. Não obstante, seu atual declive deve-se unicamente à ação do homem, manifestada pela caça excessiva, a destruição de sua hábitat, a extensão de doenças portadas por bovinos domésticos e a concorrência com estes pelos pastos.

Sua escassa distribuição e algumas de suas características, que recordam ao Zebu doméstico, têm levado a pensar em ocasiões que poderia se tratar de uma antiga espécie doméstica retornada ao estado selvagem ou o fruto de cruzamentos entre indivíduos silvestres e cativos. Os defensores da primeira hipótese têm sugerido o fim da civilização Khmer, no século XIII, como a data de origem do kouprey. Na atualidade, o kouprey é o símbolo da divisão tailandesa do WWF.

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Kouprey ( Swedish )

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Kouprey[2] (Bos sauveli) är en sydostasiatisk art i däggdjursfamiljen slidhornsdjur som tillhör underfamiljen oxdjur.[1] Arten anses med största sannolikhet vara utdöd.[3][4]


Kouprey är nära släkt med banteng och är liksom denna ett robust byggt oxdjur anpassad för ett liv i skogiga och halvöppna områden. Dess kropp är dock proportionellt sett smalare och högre, med en mankhöjd på 170 till 190 centimeter, en kroppslängd på 210 till 220 centimeter och en vikt på 700 till 900 kilogram som fullvuxen. Färgen är mörkbrun eller svartaktig med ljusare ben och buk. Både hanar och honor har lyrformade horn, som kan bli upp till 80 respektive 40 centimeter långa.[5]


Detta djur fanns tidigare i Kambodja, Laos, Thailand och Vietnam. Den nuvarande utbredningen är troligtvis begränsad till några enstaka isolerade områden i Kambodja och möjligtvis även i Vietnam.[1]


Kouprey är klassad som akut hotad av IUCN. Observationerna av det är få och sällsynta och om djuret ännu finns kvar i det vilda löper det, trots att det nu är skyddad enligt lag, fortfarande mycket stor risk att dö ut. Hoten mot arten är främst illegal jakt och habitatförlust, genom avverkning av de skogar där den lever.[1]


Detta djur upptäcktes av vetenskapen så sent som år 1937 och dess sällsynthet och skygga natur har gjort den svår att studera, men de observationer som gjorts tyder på att kouprey kan ha ett levnadssätt som liknar bantengens.[1]


  1. ^ [a b c d e] Bos sauveliIUCN:s rödlista, auktor: Hedges. (2000), läst 18 januari 2009.
  2. ^ Kommissionens förordning (EU) 2017/160 om skyddet av vilda djur (PDF), Europeiska unionen, sid.7, läst 2018-09-28.
  3. ^ https://archive.is/20120525210737/http://svt.se/2.108068/1.2189357/manga_djur_struntar_i_dodsbeviset&lid=aldreNyheter_1513597&lpos=rubrik_2189357
  4. ^ http://www.dn.se/nyheter/vetenskap/djuren-som-ateruppstar
  5. ^ Ultimateungulate.com - A Guide to the World's Hoofed Mammals: Bos sauveli Arkiverad 21 november 2008 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.
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Kouprey: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Kouprey (Bos sauveli) är en sydostasiatisk art i däggdjursfamiljen slidhornsdjur som tillhör underfamiljen oxdjur. Arten anses med största sannolikhet vara utdöd.

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Купрей ( Ukrainian )

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Довжина тіла самців до 235 см, висота 170–190 см. Хвіст завдовжки близько 100 см, з кистю на кінці. Купрей має довгі ліроподібні роги та високі стрункі ноги. Шерсть у нього оксамитна, чорна, а ноги від колін і до копит білі. І хоча цього бика називають сірим, та сірі лише корови і молоді бички. Живуть ці бики в негустих лісах по схилах гір. Відкритий і описаний у 30-і рр. 20 ст. Мешкає в розріджених лісах Північної і Східної Камбоджі. Чисельність дуже невелика (ймовірно, близько 500 особин).


Серед науковців ще й досі немає єдиної думки щодо походження купрея: чи він дійсно дикий бик, чи може, здичавілий? Адже сотні років тому, коли в цих місцях процвітала кхмерська культура, ці бики були домашньою худобою у кхмерів. Висловлюється думка, що купрей — це південноазійська раса турів.


  1. а б Grigson, C.: "Complex Cattle", New Scientist, August 4, 1988; p. 93f. URL retrieved 2011-01-27.


  • Соколів І. І., Про новий вигляд дикого бика з південно-східної Азії, «Зоологічний журнал», 1952, т. 31, ст 3.


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Bò xám ( Vietnamese )

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Bò xám (Bos sauveli) còn gọi là bò Kouprey là động vật hoang dã thuộc họ Bovidae cư ngụ chủ yếu trong các vùng rừng núi thuộc miền bắc Campuchia, nam Lào, đông Thái Lan và tây Việt Nam. Chúng được phát hiện năm 1937.

Hình dạng & tập tính

Bò xám đực có thể dài tới 2 m và nặng từ 680 tới 900 kg (1.500 - 2.000 lb). Chúng có thân dài nhưng dẹt, chân dài và có bướu trên lưng. Bò xám có lông màu xám, nâu đen hay đen. Cặp sừng của bò xám cái có hình dạng như chiếc đàn lia, cong về phía trên giống như sừng linh dương. Cặp sừng của con đực vòng hình cung rộng hơn và cong lên và chĩa về phía trước. Sừng bò đực dài gấp đôi sừng bò cái và thường bị tước xòe ở mũi sừng trông như cặp đũa bông. Cả hai giới đều có lỗ mũi hình chữ V và đuôi dài. Bò xám có hai ngón chân móng guốc ở phần trung tâm của phần móng guốc. Ngón chân trỏ và ngón út là móng guốc nhỏ hơn, gần với xương mắt cá chân. Bò xám đực có yếm dài tới 40 cm (16 inch). Trong điều kiện tự nhiên chúng có thể sống tới 20 năm.

Thức ăn bò xám chủ yếu là cỏ thay vì cây hay đọt cành. Vì vậy chúng hay tụ tập ở những thửa rừng thoáng.

Khu vực sinh sống

Bò xám sinh sống trên những sườn đồi thấp và ăn cỏ. Chúng là loài động vật ăn cả ngày lẫn đêm, ban đêm chúng ăn cỏ trong những khu vực rộng rãi ngoài trời và ban ngày chúng ăn cỏ dưới những cánh rừng. Chúng sống thành bầy đàn tới 20 con, chủ yếu là bò cái trưởng thành và bê con nhưng trong mùa khô thì có cả bò đực.

Sinh sản

Bò xám cái mang thai từ 8 đến 9 tháng, thời gian động đực và giao phối của chúng là vào khoảng tháng 4 hàng năm. Bê con và bò mẹ thông thường sống tách khỏi đàn cỡ 1 tháng ngay sau khi sinh.

Quần thể hiện tại

Hiện nay, theo một số nguồn thì không còn quá 250 con bò xám trên toàn thế giới, chủ yếu ở Campuchia; ở Thái Lan, Lào, Việt Nam có lẽ đã tuyệt chủng. Sự suy giảm số lượng của chúng có lẽ chủ yếu là do việc săn bắn không thể kiểm soát được của những người dân địa phương cũng như những người lính trong Chiến tranh Đông Dương cũng như do bệnh tật do gia súc truyền sang hay sự mất dần khu vực sinh sống bởi nạn phá rừng làm nương rẫy của con người.

  • Thế giới:
    • Đầu những năm 1900: Khoảng 2.000 (Curry-Lindahl 1972)
    • 1938: 800 (Humphrey & Bain 1990)
    • 1940: 1.000 (Burton & Pearson 1987)
    • 1951: 500 (Humphrey & Bain 1990)
    • 1964: 300 (Humphrey & Bain 1990)
    • 1969: 100 (Curry-Lindahl 1972)
    • 1970: 30 - 70 (Fitter 1974)
    • 1975: 50 (Humphrey & Bain 1990)
    • 1984: Có lẽ chỉ còn một vài chục con (Macdonald 1984)
    • 1986: Ít hơn 200 (Oryx 1986d)
    • 1988: 50 - 100 (Oryx 1988b)
    • 1988: 100 - 300 (WCMC/WWF 1997)
    • 1995: Vài chục con (Hendrix, 1995)
    • 2000: Nói chung được cho là ít hơn 250 (IUCN 2000)
    • 2003: Nói chung được cho là ít hơn 250 (IUCN 2004)
  • Campuchia:
    • 1952: 500 (IUCN 1968)
    • 1959: 200 (Lekagul 1967)
    • 1964: 200 (IUCN 1968)
    • 1988: Ít hơn 200 (WCMC 1994)
  • Lào:
    • 1988: 40 - 100 (WCMC 1994)
  • Việt Nam:
    • 1988: 30 (WCMC 1994)

Tính đến năm 2004 sau mấy đợt săn lùng tìm bò xám tại Việt Nam mà không tìm được cá thể nào, các nhà chuyên môn cho rằng giống bò này đã tuyệt chủng tại Việt Nam.[1]

Liên hệ với các loài khác

Các nghiên cứu gần đây của trường đại học Northwestern tại London trên trang Journal of Zoology cho thấy khi so sánh chuỗi mitochondria, bò xám Kouprey là vật lai giữa bò Zebu và Banteng[2]. Tuy nhiên nhà khoa học Pháp Alexander Hassanin và Anne Ropiquet của Viện bảo tàng quốc gia về Lịch sử tự nhiên ở Paris thì cho rằng bò xám Kouprey là một loài riêng. Cả hai trường phái đểu đồng ý rằng cần tiến hành thêm nhiều xét nghiệm trước khi có thể đi đến kết luận cuối cùng[2].

Tham khảo

  • G. J. Galbreath, J. C. Mordacq, F. H. Weiler, 2006. Genetically solving a zoological mystery: was the kouprey (Bos sauveli) a feral hybrid? Journal of Zoology 270 (4): 561–564.
  • Hassanin, A., and Ropiquet, A. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Bovini (Bovidae, Bovinae) and the taxonomic status of the kouprey, Bos sauveli Urbain 1937. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 33(3):896-907.
  • Hedges (2000). Bos sauveli. Sách đỏ 2006. IUCN 2006. Truy cập 11 tháng 5 năm 2006. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is critically endangered and the criteria used
  • Steve Hendrix: Quest for the Kouprey, International Wildlife Magazine, 25 (5) 1995, p. 20-23.
  • J.R. McKinnon/S.N. Stuart: The Kouprey - An action plan for its conservation. Gland, Switzerland 1989.
  • Steve Hendrix: The ultimate nowhere. Trekking through the Cambodian outback in search of the Kouprey, Chicago Tribune - 19 tháng 12 năm 1999.
  • Tranh cãi chưa hồi kết về loài bò xám tại Việt Nam

Chú thích

  1. ^ Eleanor Sterling, et al. Vietnam A Natural History. New Haven, CT: Yale Universtiy Press, 2006. trang 241.
  2. ^ a ă http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-09/nu-nbd091506.php

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Bò xám: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Bò xám (Bos sauveli) còn gọi là bò Kouprey là động vật hoang dã thuộc họ Bovidae cư ngụ chủ yếu trong các vùng rừng núi thuộc miền bắc Campuchia, nam Lào, đông Thái Lan và tây Việt Nam. Chúng được phát hiện năm 1937.

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Купрей ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Запрос «Купрей» перенаправляется сюда; см. также другие значения.
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Лавразиотерии
Подотряд: Жвачные
Семейство: Полорогие
Подсемейство: Бычьи
Триба: Быки
Подтриба: Bovina
Вид: † Купрей
Международное научное название

Bos sauveli
(Urbain, 1937)



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на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 183844NCBI 135829EOL 328706FW 149696

Купрей[1][2] (лат. Bos sauveli) — вид полорогих, который на сегодняшний день, возможно, является вымершим. Он был мало изучен, так как жил скрытно в тропических лесах Юго-Восточной Азии. Его родиной был треугольник между Камбоджей, Лаосом и Вьетнамом. У купрея были черты как гаура, так и бантенга, из-за чего его долгое время рассматривали как гибрид обоих видов. Существовали также теории, что купрей является одичавшей популяцией домашней коровы. Современная наука исходит из того, что генетическое сходство с бантенгом стало результатом естественной гибридизации в эпоху плейстоцена.


Слово купрей происходит из кхмерского языка и, фактически, состоит из двух слов — ку «корова» и прей «лес» буквально переводится как лесная корова, но в кхмерском письме нет разрыва между словами. Биномиальное название дано в честь французского ветеринара Рене Совеля, работавшего в Камбодже. Он владел рогами самца, которые привели к обнаружению и описанию этого вида.

Внешний вид

По величине купрей находился между гауром и бантенгом, имея 180 см высоты в плечах и около 800 кг веса. Шерсть самцов была тёмно-коричневая, а у самок и молодых особей — серая. У самцов был огромный свисающий клок шерсти на шее, почти достигавший земли. Рога самок достигали в длину 40 см, рога самцов — 80 см.

Самец и самка купрея по сравнению с человеком

Купрей и человек

Документированы наблюдения купреев, датированные 1860 и 1933 годами. Первое научное описание было произведено в 1937 году, после того как в одной из камбоджийских провинций был пойман молодой самец. Эта особь была отправлена в Париж, где прожила в зоопарке до 1941 года. В 1938 году общая численность купреев оценивалась в 800 особей, в 1952 году — в 500 особей и лишь в 200 особей в 1964 году. Одну из них до конца 1960-х годов держал в парке своего дворца Нородом Сианук. В 1964 году зоологу по фамилии Уортон удалось поймать сразу пять взрослых купреев, из которых двое погибли, а троим удалось убежать. В 1983 году на таиландско-камбоджийской границе были обнаружены три экземпляра. Разработанный МСОП в 1988 году план по спасению этих животных не был осуществлён из-за политической ситуации в Индокитае. В данный момент учёные исходят из того, что этот вид с большой долей вероятности вымер.


  1. Банников А. Г., Флинт В. Е. Отряд Парнокопытные (Artiodactyla) // Жизнь животных. Том 7. Млекопитающие / под ред. В. Е. Соколова. — 2-е изд. — М.: Просвещение, 1989. — С. 515. — 558 с. — ISBN 5-09-001434-5
  2. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 129. — 10 000 экз.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Купрей: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Купрей (лат. Bos sauveli) — вид полорогих, который на сегодняшний день, возможно, является вымершим. Он был мало изучен, так как жил скрытно в тропических лесах Юго-Восточной Азии. Его родиной был треугольник между Камбоджей, Лаосом и Вьетнамом. У купрея были черты как гаура, так и бантенга, из-за чего его долгое время рассматривали как гибрид обоих видов. Существовали также теории, что купрей является одичавшей популяцией домашней коровы. Современная наука исходит из того, что генетическое сходство с бантенгом стало результатом естественной гибридизации в эпоху плейстоцена.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

林牛 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

林牛学名Bos sauveli)又名柬埔寨野牛高棉牛考布利牛灰牛。林牛和爪哇野牛一样怕生,原本认为是瘤牛爪哇野牛雜交種,直到1937年才被確認是獨立物種。


林牛体型巨大,体长达220 - 240 厘米,体重达900千克。身材较高但比较狭窄。体毛大都是棕褐色,老年雄性黑色。







  1. ^ Bos sauveli. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017.3. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2016 [14 May 2016]. 数据库資料包含說明此物種被編入無危級別的原因

林牛: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

林牛(学名:Bos sauveli)又名柬埔寨野牛、高棉牛、考布利牛或灰牛。林牛和爪哇野牛一样怕生,原本认为是瘤牛爪哇野牛雜交種,直到1937年才被確認是獨立物種。


コープレイ ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
コープレイ コープレイ
(IUCN Red List Ver.2.3 (1994))
Status iucn2.3 CR.svg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia 亜綱 : 獣亜綱 Theria : 偶蹄目 Artiodactyla 亜目 : 反芻亜目 Ruminantia : ウシ科 Bovidae 亜科 : ウシ亜科 Bovinae : ウシ属 Bos : コープレイ B. sauveli 学名 Bos sauveli
Urbain, 1937 英名 Grey ox

コープレイ(: Kouprey Bos sauveli ) は、哺乳綱 偶蹄目 ウシ科 ウシ属に分類される偶蹄類。

1937年にカンボジアで初めて発見された[1]。かつてはカンボジア北部のほか、ラオス南部、ベトナム西部、タイ東部の森林に分布していたが、2007年現在ではカンボジアに約 250 頭が生息するのみと推測され、絶滅が危惧されている。


肩高 200 cm、体重 900 kg。メスよりもオスの方が大型になる。他のウシ属に比べ細身で、脚と尾は長い。背にはコブがあるが、コブウシほど発達してはいない。体色は茶褐色から灰色、または黒。年を取ったオスの方が体色は濃いが、脚の下部は雌雄共に白い。また、オスの首には肉垂がある。





1937年の発見時においても 1000頭前後しか生息していなかったと考えられているが、住民や兵士による狩猟家畜からの伝染病、生息域の減少などのためさらに数が減少し、2007年現在では250頭程しか生存していないとみられる。


本種は1937年にフランスの生物学者アシーユ・ユルバン (Achille Urbain) により発見され、生体がヴァンセンヌ動物園へと移送されて模式標本となった[2]。その後、本種が分類学的に独立したか否かは形態学的な見地から長く議論が行われ、他のウシ属動物との雑種説、別属 (Novibos) 説、分断種分化したバンテン説、野生化した家畜説、などが提出されてきた。

2004年になって、DNAの分析より本種は独立した野生種であるとの報告が行われた[3]。この説に対し、ミトコンドリアDNA の比較から、コブウシバンテンの雑種が野生化したものであるという反論[4]が2006年に行われた。2007年時点では、より広範囲に行われた DNA分析 [5]および化石の検討[6]から、独立種であるという見解が主流になっている[7]


  1. ^ A. Urbain, "Le kouprey ou boeuf gris Cambodgien", Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 62, 305-307 (1937)
  2. ^ Francois Edmond-Blanc, "A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Cambodian Wild Ox or Kouproh", J. Mammalogy 28, 245-248 (1947). doi:10.2307/1375175
  3. ^ A. Hassanin, A. Ropiquet, "Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Bovini (Bovidae, Bovinae) and the taxonomic status of the Kouprey, Bos sauveli Urbain 1937", Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 33, 896-907 (2004)doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2004.08.009
  4. ^ G. J. Galbreath, J. C. Mordacq, F. H. Weiler, "Genetically solving a zoological mystery: was the kouprey (Bos sauveli) a feral hybrid?", J. Zool. 270, 561?564 (2006).doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2006.00188.x
  5. ^ Alexandre Hassanin, Anne Ropiquet, "Resolving a zoological mystery: the kouprey is a real species", Proc. R. Soc. B 274, 2849-2855 (2007). doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.0830
  6. ^ G. J. Galbreath, J. C. Mordacq, F. H. Weiler, "An evolutionary conundrum involving kouprey and banteng: A response from Galbreath, Mordacq and Weiler", J. Zool. 271, 253?254 (2007).doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2007.00317.x
  7. ^ Ewen Callaway, "Mystery ox finds its identity", Nature 449, 124 (2007). doi:10.1038/449124a


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、コープレイに関連するカテゴリがあります。


執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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コープレイ: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語

コープレイ(: Kouprey Bos sauveli ) は、哺乳綱 偶蹄目 ウシ科 ウシ属に分類される偶蹄類。

1937年にカンボジアで初めて発見された。かつてはカンボジア北部のほか、ラオス南部、ベトナム西部、タイ東部の森林に分布していたが、2007年現在ではカンボジアに約 250 頭が生息するのみと推測され、絶滅が危惧されている。

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회색들소 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

회색들소(Bos sauveli) 또는 코프레이(kouprey)는 캄보디아와 남베트남에 서식하는 동물이다. 정글속에 서식하였기 때문에 서식정보가 부족하며 시아누크 전 캄보디아국왕이 국가동물로 지정되었을 정도이다. 19세기 후반에 캄보디아에서 발견되었으며, 300마리도 안 남은 상태이다.


  1. “Bos sauveli”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2009년 3월 29일에 확인함. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is critically endangered.
  2. Grigson, C.: "Complex Cattle", New Scientist, August 4, 1988; p. 93f. URL retrieved 2011-01-27.
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