While in the wild, this species of vampire bat may live about 9 years. In captivity they may survive much longer ("Vampire Bats" 2001).
Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical
Hairy-legged vampire bats are the rarest of the three vampire bat species (McCarthy 1987).
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
Because hairy-legged vampire bats almost always feed by taking the blood of birds, they rarely attack humans. If they were to bite a human, the wounds would not be serious. However, it is possible for them to transmit rabies and other diseases through those wounds. Because hairy-legged vampire bats may occasionally take blood from livestock and trasmit diseases, they are potentially economically important to cattlemen and sportsmen of Texas as a reservoir of bovine paralytic rabies (Texas Parks & Wildlife 1994; Carattini 2001; Britannica 1999-2000).
Diphylla ecaudata produces an anticoagulant in their saliva that is about 20 times more powerful than any other anticoagulant known. The saliva has been used as a blood-thinning drug to treat heart attacks and strokes in humans ("Vampire Bats" 2001).
Hairy-legged vampire bats feed on the blood of warm-blooded vertebrates, mostly birds, including domestic chickens. Through the use of heat sensors on their nose, these vampire bats can seek an area of the prey's skin where there is a good amount of blood close to the surface. They lick the skin to soften the bite area and to rid it of hair or feathers. They then bite a small, V-shaped wound which is about 2.5 mm deep. Usually the victim is not aware of the bite. It has been observed that these bats attack the legs and cloacal region of chickens and then suck up the blood while in an upright position. When feeding on birds roosting in trees, these bats grip a branch with their hind feet and thumbs. They then situate themselves underneath a bird and make an incision. Terrestrial locomotion has not been reported in this species of vampire bat. An anticoagulant in the saliva allows blood to flow freely from the wound.
The feeding process usually takes about a half an hour. An adult may consume about 5 teaspoons of blood, which is about half of its body weight. After the bat feeds, it urinates continuously until it is light enough to fly again. The longest this bat can go without eating is 2 nights. If Diphylla ecaudata does not eat for more than 2 nights in a row then it will die from starvation. It has been estimated that about 1/3 of hairy-legged vampire bats does not eat each night, they must then rely on shared food from roost mates (Schutt & Altenbach 1997; Tomlinson; Texas Parks & Wildlife 1994).
Diphylla ecaudata can be found from southern Texas to eastern Peru and southern Brazil (Carattini 2001; Texas Parks & Wildlife 1994).
Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native ); neotropical (Native )
Diphylla ecaudata is primarily an inhabitant of tropical and subtropical forestlands. They can be found in both mesic, forested and arid, open areas. During the daytime these bats roost in caves, mine tunnels, hollow trees, or abandoned buildings ("Vampire Bats" 2001; Texas Parks & Wildlife 1994).
Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest
Diphylla ecaudata, commonly referred to as hairy-legged vampire bats, range from reddish brown to sooty brown in color. They have a narrow, hairy interfemoral membrane and a pug-nosed snout. Hairy-legged vampire bats are distinguished by their typically smaller body and ears than other vampire bats. They also have a total of 26 teeth, more than other vampire bat species. Hairy-legged vampire bats have highly modified upper incisors. These incisors are larger than the canines and occlude against each other so that they are continuously sharpened to a very fine edge. The outer incisors are much reduced (Carattini 2001; Texas Parks and Wildlife 1994).
Range mass: 30 to 40 g.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
Diphylla ecaudata is sexually mature at 9 months and reproductively active throughout the year. Common months of pregnancy for females have been reported to be in March, July, August, October, and November. Gestation is 6 to 8 months. The number of embryos per female is normally one and they may produce a single offspring one or two times a year (Texas Parks & Wildlife 1994).
Key Reproductive Features: gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual
The hairy-legged vampire bat (Diphylla ecaudata) is one of three extant species of vampire bats. It mainly feeds on the blood of wild birds, but can also feed both on domestic birds and humans.[2] This vampire bat lives mainly in tropical and subtropical forestlands of South America, Central America, and southern Mexico. It is the sole member of the genus Diphylla.
It was described by German biologist Johann Baptist von Spix in 1823. Spix first encountered the species in Brazil.[3] Spix coined the genus name Diphylla (from Latin dis 'double', and phyllon 'leaf') and the species name ecaudata (from Latin e 'without', and caudatus 'tail').[4]
The two recognized subspecies are:[5]
It is similar in appearance to the common vampire bat. It differs, however, in its broad, short ears; padless, short thumb; and large, shiny eyes. It also has more teeth than the common vampire bat (26 compared to 18), with a dental formula of Additionally, its brain is smaller than that of the common vampire bat, at two-thirds the size by mass. Its uropatagium is narrow and very furry; as its species name indicates, it lacks a tail. The fur on its back is dark brown, while the fur on its ventral surface is lighter in color. Its fur is soft and long. Its nose-leaf is greatly reduced in size relative to other leaf-nosed bats. It weighs 24–43 g (0.85–1.52 oz). Its head and body combined are 75–93 mm (3.0–3.7 in) long. Its forearm is 50–56 mm (2.0–2.2 in) long.[5]
There are no lingual grooves under the tongue as in Desmodus and Diaemus (the white-winged vampire bat), but it does have a groove along the roof of the mouth which may serve as a "blood gutter".[6]
It is thought to be polyestrous, with individuals capable of becoming pregnant throughout the year and no clearly defined breeding season.[5] Females are capable of becoming pregnant at approximately one year of age. Pregnancy lasts a relatively long time considering the small body size of the species, at gestation length of approximately 5.5 months.[7] Females give birth to usually only one young, called a pup. Pups are born with their eyes open and a set of deciduous teeth. There are fewer deciduous teeth than permanent teeth (20 compared to 26), with a deciduous dental formula of[5] Females who have lost their pups will continue to lactate, and females have been observed nursing the young of unrelated females. Pups will fledge at approximately 57 days old, though they will continue to nurse and seek regurgitated blood from their mothers long after that, up until approximately 223 days of age.[7]
It is nocturnal, and roosts in sheltered areas during the day. Caves and mines are preferred roosts, though hollow trees may also be used.[5] It is generally solitary, but may be found roosting in small groups of twelve or fewer individuals. Groups of up to 50 individuals have been reported, though.[1] It will share its roosts with the common vampire bat, as well as other leaf-nosed bats.[5] It was originally described to have a diploid karyotype of 28 chromosomes, but it actually has 32.[5][8]
It is sanguivorous, feeding on the blood of vertebrates. It was formerly believed to feed exclusively on birds.[5][9] However, it has since been documented that it will feed on the blood of mammals, including humans[2] and cattle.[1] Previously thought to have not been a vector species for rabies due to exclusively feeding on bird blood, it is now a possibility that it can transmit rabies while feeding on cattle, like the common vampire bat.[2] It also shares its food with other individuals via regurgitation, mouth to mouth.[10]
It has a wide geographic range, occurring throughout Central and South America. It has been documented in Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. A single individual was once documented in southern Texas in the United States. This individual, a female found close to Comstock, Texas in 1967, was in an abandoned railroad tunnel. The individual was approximately 700 km (430 mi) north of the previous documented extent of the species's range.[5] Its altitudinal range is 0–1,900 m (0–6,234 ft).[1]
It is currently evaluated as least-concern species by the IUCN—the lowest conservation priority. It meets the criteria for this designation because it has a large range, tolerates a variety of habitats, and its population is thought to be stable.[1]
It can be maintained in captivity by allowing them access to live hens.[7]
The hairy-legged vampire bat (Diphylla ecaudata) is one of three extant species of vampire bats. It mainly feeds on the blood of wild birds, but can also feed both on domestic birds and humans. This vampire bat lives mainly in tropical and subtropical forestlands of South America, Central America, and southern Mexico. It is the sole member of the genus Diphylla.