Individual male bats defend and advertise their territories, typically 2-4 km2, through aerial pursuits, vocalizations, scent marking, and wing displays (Banack, 2001). Males also scent mark their territories. They do this by rubbing neck gland secretions on the branches and trunks of trees (Banack, 1998).
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Other Communication Modes: pheromones ; scent marks
Perception Channels: tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Pteropus samoensis experienced a dramatic population decline, 50-80%, in the late 1980s and the early 1990s (Banack, 1998). Since this species relies upon primary forest, it is very vulnerable to habitat destruction due to deforestation and hurricanes. Yet, commercial hunting has been the major contributor to the decline of this animal. In many Pacific Islands bat meat is considered a delicacy. Pteropus samoensis is one of the species that is preferred because of its superior taste and low number of ectoparasites. Rainey (1990) described the situation: "For the Chamorro people of Guam and the adjacent Commonwealth of Northern Marianas (CNMI), flying foxes are a traditional delicacy, served at birthdays and other personal and community social gatherings." The flying fox trade had been growing strong since the 1960s and 1981-1984 saw large exports of P. samoensis to Guam (Banack, 1998). Since then, this species has been listed as a Category 2 Candidate Endangered Species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (Banack, 1998) and classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Brooke, 2001). Also, American Samoa and Western Samoa have both passed legislation to protect these bats from hunting and exportation.
US Federal List: endangered
CITES: appendix i
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: near threatened
The genus Pteropus, as a whole, is responsible for the pollination and seed dispersal of 300 plants species in Southeast Asia, tropical Africa, and the Pacific Islands. Fujita (1988) established that humans use more than 450 products that are derived from 134 of these plants. Most of these plants are not grown in plantations; therefore, they absolutely rely on these bats for regeneration. Most of these products are used locally, but some are exported. Bananas provide a good example of the importance of these bats. Although the cultivated varieties do not require pollination for fruit development, most of the 20 known wild species do. These wild bananas are primarily pollinated by bats and these plants in turn, according to Fujita (1988), "provide important genetic reservoirs for cultivar improvement and for combating disease, such as fungal root rot." Some of the other plants pollinated by flying foxes may also have medicinal properties that have not yet been studied.
Positive Impacts: pollinates crops
All flying foxes of the genus Pteropus play an important role as pollinators and seed dispersers. Brooke (2001) describes this well: "Particularly on small isolated islands with low biodiversity, flying foxes play an important role in maintaining forests by enabling seed and pollen dispersal. Loss of valuable flying fox populations may have a cascading effect on native forest ecosystems." Without flying fox species such as P. samoensis the dominant trees of these native forests would have a hard time regenerating and the genetic flow between different populations of each individual tree species would be greatly reduced (Banack, 1998).
Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds; pollinates
This species is considered a generalist. It feeds on 32 different plant species of which 91% grow in primary forest. Fruit is the main component of this bat's diet, but leaves and flower parts are also eaten.
Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore , Frugivore , Nectarivore )
Pteropus samoensis is endemic to the Samoan and Fijian archipelagos of the South Pacific. Two distinct subspecies have been recognized. The first, P. s. nawaiensis, is found in Fiji on Nauai, Ovalau, Taveuni, Vanua Levu, and Viti Luvu islands. The other subspecies, P. s. sameonsis is found living on the major Samoan islands; Savaii and Upolu in Western Samoa and Tutuila, Ofu, Olosega, and Ta'u in American Samoa.
Biogeographic Regions: oceanic islands (Native )
Other Geographic Terms: island endemic
This species roosts and forages in primary forests. Roosts are often found along ridge tops. The bats tend to evenly space their roosts across these ridges and locate them in trees that are clear of understory. This allows for a clear drop-off exit. The ideal drop-off exit can also be found in trees that grow along roadsides, on the edges of plantations, and open pastureland.
Habitat Regions: tropical
Terrestrial Biomes: rainforest
Pteropus samoensis is a medium sized flying fox. Adults typically weigh between 400-500 grams and have a forearm length of 130-150 mm (Brooke, 2001). The body and wings of this bat tend to be dark brown in color with variations in fur color ranging from blonde to grey on the head, neck, and shoulders (Brooke, 2001). Banack (2001) described the hairs of the fur as, "seal brown at base with lighter tips" with "pale-colored (yellowish to grayish white) hairs sprinkled throughout."
Skull characteristics: The mandible length of this species is 44.0-49.2 mm and the coronoid process height is 25.2-28.7 mm. The basal ledges of the cheek teeth are strongly developed compared to other species of the genus Pteropus. The dental formula is i2/2, c1/1, p3/3, m2/3, with a total of 34 teeth. (Banack, 2001).
Wing specifications: P. samoensis has a wingspan (±SD) of 0.86 ± 0.04 m and a wing area of 0.11 ± 0.01 m2. The aspect ratio for the wings is 6.59 ± 0.12 and the wing loading is 33.08 ± 3.67 N/ m2 (Banack, 2001). Banack (2001) reported that, "P. samoensis soars despite wing morphology that is not specifically adapted for this behavior." Brooke (2001) observed frequent soaring above the tree tops that was comparable to that of a large hawk.
Range mass: 400 to 500 g.
Average wingspan: 860 mm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
The most dangerous predators of Pteropus samoensis are humans. Humans hunt these bats when they are roosting. Owls and peregrine falcons may also prey on them in certain portions of their range. (Banack, 2001).
Known Predators:
Mating System: monogamous
Pteropus samoensis females give birth to one young per year. This species has a long seasonal reproductive period that lasts from March through October, with the peak birthing times falling in May and June. Copulation can occur from August to December, with some occurring while females are still caring for large young. When juveniles become half the size of the adults, they begin to fly. Often times, the mother will still feed the young when they are three-fourths her size.
Breeding season: March through October
Range number of offspring: 1 to 1.
Key Reproductive Features: gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous
The Samoa flying fox or Samoan flying fox (Pteropus samoensis) is a species of flying fox in the family Pteropodidae. It is found in American Samoa, Fiji, and Samoa (where it is known as pe'a and pe'a vao). Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry forests.
The Samoan flying fox is a medium-sized bat weighing about 450 grams (16 oz) with a wingspan of about 0.86 metres (2 ft 10 in). It has a fox-like face with a pointed muzzle, a brown body and wings and the fur on its head and shoulders is blond or silvery-grey.[3]
The Samoan flying fox is native to Fiji, Samoa and American Samoa. Its habitat is primary or secondary moist forest, plantations, agroforest and the vicinity of villages. Unlike most flying foxes, this species roosts alone or in small family groups.[1]
This bat is mostly diurnal, making foraging expeditions in early mornings and late afternoons. The diet consists mainly of fruit but leaves, flowers and nectar are also eaten. This bat is believed to be monogamous and males defend a territory of about 3 square kilometres (1.2 sq mi). A single offspring is born each year, usually in May or June. The juveniles begin to fly when they are about half the size of the adults, but may remain dependent on their mothers until three-quarters of her size.[3]
The IUCN lists the Samoan flying fox as being "Near Threatened". Populations of this bat are thought to be in slow decline, but it has a wide range, and it is quite common within that range, and the rate of decline is believed not to be sufficient to justify putting it in a more-threatened category. The main threats it faces are forest clearance and the hunting of it for food. In the 1980s, it was killed commercially for export as a luxury food item, but a stop was put to that trade when it was listed in Appendix I of CITES in 1990.[1] This made it illegal to export it for commercial purposes, and hunting since then has been on a smaller scale and only for domestic use. It is present in some national parks and other protected areas which gives it some measure of protection.[1]
The Samoan word for the flying fox fruit bat, pe'a, is also the name of the traditional Samoan male tattoo. In Samoan and Polynesian mythologies, stories, myths, proverbs, and legends are associated with this winged creature.[4] One legend from the island of Savai'i in Samoa is about Nafanua, goddess of war; she was rescued by flying foxes when stranded on an inhospitable island,[5] similar to the goddess, Leutogi.
In 2018, the U.S. Mint had several candidate designs developed for the 2020 America the Beautiful National Park of American Samoa Quarter, which was in accordance with the act that authorized them. One of the designs features the familiar image of George Washington by John Flanagan, used on the quarter (heads) since 1932. The (tails) of the quarter features a Samoan fruit bat mother hanging in a tree with her pup. The image represents the remarkable care and energy that this species puts into their offspring. This design is intended to promote awareness to the threatened status of this species due to habitat loss and commercial hunting. The National Park of American Samoa is the only known park in the United States that is home to the Samoan fruit bat. The bats on the coins were designed by Richard Masters, who worked as Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh's Department of Art. The designs were selected by the Citizen's Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) and the Commission on Fine Art (CFA). The coin was released to the public in February 2020, and will be followed by four other America the Beautiful quarters for the remainder of 2020.[6][7]
The Samoa flying fox or Samoan flying fox (Pteropus samoensis) is a species of flying fox in the family Pteropodidae. It is found in American Samoa, Fiji, and Samoa (where it is known as pe'a and pe'a vao). Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry forests.