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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Winged Insects
Common Thrips
Cellular Organisms
Winged Insects
Common Thrips
Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Providing information on the World's thrips in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Thrips italicus
(Bagnall 1926)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Euthrips annulatus
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Taeniothrips italicus Bagnall
Recognized by
NMNH type specimens
Thrips italicus
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Euthrips annulatus Karny 1908
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Providing information on the World's thrips in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Taeniothrips arcangelii Cappelletto 1933
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Providing information on the World's thrips in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Taeniothrips italicus Bagnall 1926
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Providing information on the World's thrips in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Taeniothrips sodalis Bagnall 1926
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Providing information on the World's thrips in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Euthrips annulatus
Karny 1908
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Taeniothrips arcangelii
Cappelletto 1933
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Taeniothrips italicus
Bagnall 1926
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Taeniothrips sodalis
Bagnall 1926
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Euthrips annulatus Karny 1908
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Euthrips annulatus Karny 1908
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Taeniothrips arcangelii Cappelletto 1933
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Taeniothrips arcangelii Cappelletto 1933
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Taeniothrips italicus Bagnall 1926
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Taeniothrips italicus Bagnall 1926
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Taeniothrips sodalis Bagnall 1926
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Taeniothrips sodalis Bagnall 1926
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
(this page)
Thrips acaciae Trybom 1910
Thrips alatus Bhatti 1980
Thrips alavii Mirab-balou, Tong & Chen 2012
Thrips aleuritis Moulton & Steinweden 1933
Thrips alius Palmer 1992
Thrips alni Uzel 1895
Thrips alysii Hood 1954
Thrips antiaropsidis Zerega, Mound & Weiblen 2004
Thrips apicatus Priesner 1934
Thrips arorai Bhatti 1980
Thrips assimilis Bagnall 1913
Thrips aurantithoracis Hood 1932
Thrips bianchii (Sakimura 1969)
Thrips brevisetosus Trybom 1912
Thrips cereolus Oettingen 1944
Thrips cerno Palmer 1992
Thrips coloratus Schmutz 1913
Thrips conferticornis Priesner 1922
Thrips conicus Fabricius 1803
Thrips conocephali Priesner 1934
Thrips coprosmae Mound 1978
Thrips crassicornis Bagnall 1923
Thrips crawfordi Nakahara 1994
Thrips cynorrhodi Haliday 1836
Thrips decens Palmer 1992
Thrips dilatatus Uzel 1895
Thrips discolor Haliday 1836
Thrips excaeletus Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips femoralis Blanchard 1851
Thrips florum Schmutz 1913
Thrips formosanus Priesner 1934
Thrips fraudulentus (Priesner 1954)
Thrips fulvipes Bagnall 1923
Thrips fumosus (Trybom 1908)
Thrips funebris Bagnall 1924
Thrips fuscicornis Ishida 1936
Thrips fuscipennis Haliday 1836
Thrips gardeniae Palmer 1992
Thrips garuda Bhatti 1980
Thrips gentluteae Bournier 1983
Thrips georgicus Pelikan 1973
Thrips gossypii Yakhontov 1929
Thrips gowdeyi (Bagnall 1919)
Thrips griseus Bagnall 1916
Thrips helvolvus Nakahara 1994
Thrips heraclei Moulton 1926
Thrips himalayanus (Pelikan 1970)
Thrips hispidus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish 1966
Thrips hoddlei Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips hoodi Priesner 1938
Thrips idahoensis Nakahara 1994
Thrips imaginis Bagnall 1926
Thrips impar Hood 1915
Thrips inferus Chen 1979
Thrips iranicus Yakhontov 1951
Thrips knoxi (Girault 1927)
Thrips kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish 1966
Thrips latiareus Vierbergen 2004
Thrips leptocerus (Schliephake 1985)
Thrips longalatus Schmutz 1913
Thrips major Uzel 1895
Thrips medialis Oettingen 1951
Thrips mediterraneus Priesner 1934
Thrips meridionalis (Priesner 1926)
Thrips modicus Bianchi 1953
Thrips monotropae Hood 1927
Thrips mucidus Moulton 1936
Thrips nelsoni Nakahara 1994
Thrips obscuripes Priesner 1934
Thrips oneillae (Titschack 1968)
Thrips orientalis (Bagnall 1915)
Thrips origani Priesner 1926
Thrips palmi Karny 1925
Thrips palustris Reuter 1899
Thrips paradoxa Linnaeus 1758
Thrips parvispinus (Karny 1922)
Thrips pauciporus Nakahara 1994
Thrips physapus Linnaeus 1758
Thrips pini (Uzel 1895)
Thrips pusillus Bagnall 1926
Thrips quilicii Bournier 2000
Thrips ranunculi Schrank 1781
Thrips razanii Ng, Eow & Mound 2010
Thrips rhabdotus Sakimura 1969
Thrips robustus Priesner 1920
Thrips roepkei Doeksen 1953
Thrips rugicollis Blanchard 1851
Thrips setipennis (Bagnall 1916)
Thrips shiranesanus Masumoto & Okajima 2013
Thrips sierrensis Gentile & Bailey 1968
Thrips solari Mound 2010
Thrips speratus zur Strassen 1978
Thrips stannardi Nakahara 1994
Thrips sukki Bhatti & Lee 1999
Thrips sumatrensis Priesner 1934
Thrips unispinus Moulton 1940
Thrips unonae Priesner 1934
Thrips vackari (Pelikan 1990)
Thrips vulgatissimus Haliday 1836
Thrips wedeliae (Priesner 1934)
192 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Thysanoptera Haliday 1836
Thripidae Stephens 1829
Thripinae Stephens 1829
Thrips Linnaeus 1758
Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
(this page)
Thrips abyssiniae (Moulton 1928)
Thrips acaciae Trybom 1910
Thrips addendus (Priesner 1933)
Thrips alatus Bhatti 1980
Thrips alavii Mirab-balou, Tong & Chen 2012
Thrips albogilvus Nakahara 1994
Thrips albopilosus Uzel 1895
Thrips aleuritis Moulton & Steinweden 1933
Thrips alius Palmer 1992
Thrips alliorum (Priesner 1935)
Thrips alni Uzel 1895
Thrips andrewsi (Bagnall 1921)
Thrips annulata Menge 1856
Thrips annulicornis Blanchard 1851
Thrips antiaropsidis Zerega, Mound & Weiblen 2004
Thrips antiquus Heer 1856
Thrips apicatus Priesner 1934
Thrips arizonensis Morrill 1918
Thrips arorai Bhatti 1980
Thrips asparagi zur Strassen 1968
Thrips aspera Haliday 1852
Thrips assimilis Bagnall 1913
Thrips atactus Bhatti 1967
Thrips atratus Haliday 1836
Thrips aurantithoracis Hood 1932
Thrips aureolariae Nakahara 1994
Thrips aureus Hood 1915
Thrips aurulentus Nakahara 1994
Thrips austellus Mound 1978
Thrips australis (Bagnall 1915)
Thrips benseleri Frauenfeld 1836
Thrips beta Palmer 1992
Thrips bianchii (Sakimura 1969)
Thrips biunculatus (Priesner 1940)
Thrips bourbonensis Bournier 2000
Thrips brevialatus Nakahara 1994
Thrips brevicornis Priesner 1920
Thrips brevipilosus Moulton 1927
Thrips brevisetosus Trybom 1912
Thrips brunneus Ishida 1936
Thrips buxi Berzosa 1987
Thrips cacuminis Vierbergen 2014
Thrips calcaratus Uzel 1895
Thrips candidus Bournier & Bournier 1988
Thrips cardui Yakhontov 1947
Thrips carthami Shumsher 1946
Thrips cedri Bhatti 1980
Thrips cereolus Oettingen 1944
Thrips chandni Bhatti 1999
Thrips cinchonae Priesner 1934
Thrips coloratus Schmutz 1913
Thrips compressicornis (Sakimura 1969)
Thrips conferticornis Priesner 1922
Thrips conicus Fabricius 1803
Thrips conocephali Priesner 1934
Thrips coprosmae Mound 1978
Thrips corymbiferarum Haliday 1836
Thrips crassicornis Bagnall 1923
Thrips cynorrhodi Haliday 1836
Thrips darwini Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips extensicornis Priesner 1934
Thrips facetus Palmer 1992
Thrips fedorovi (Priesner 1933)
Thrips femoralis Blanchard 1851
Thrips flavidulus (Bagnall 1923)
Thrips flavus Schrank 1776
Thrips floreus Kurosawa 1968
Thrips floricola (zur Strassen 1995)
Thrips florum Schmutz 1913
Thrips formosanus Priesner 1934
Thrips frosti Moulton 1936
Thrips fulmeki (Priesner 1938)
Thrips fulvipes Bagnall 1923
Thrips fumosoides (Priesner 1938)
Thrips fumosus (Trybom 1908)
Thrips funebris Bagnall 1924
Thrips fuscipennis Haliday 1836
Thrips gardeniae Palmer 1992
Thrips garuda Bhatti 1980
Thrips georgicus Pelikan 1973
Thrips gossypii Yakhontov 1929
Thrips gowdeyi (Bagnall 1919)
Thrips gracilis (Moulton 1936)
Thrips gramineae Moulton 1936
Thrips griseus Bagnall 1916
Thrips grossulariae Haliday 1836
Thrips hanifahi Mound & Azidah 2009
Thrips helianthi Morgan 1913
Thrips helvolvus Nakahara 1994
Thrips heraclei Moulton 1926
Thrips herricki Bagnall 1926
Thrips himalayanus (Pelikan 1970)
Thrips hispidus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish 1966
Thrips hoddlei Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips hoodi Priesner 1938
Thrips idahoensis Nakahara 1994
Thrips imaginis Bagnall 1926
Thrips impar Hood 1915
Thrips incognitus Priesner 1914
Thrips inferus Chen 1979
202 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
(this page)
Thrips acaciae Trybom 1910
Thrips alatus Bhatti 1980
Thrips alavii Mirab-balou, Tong & Chen 2012
Thrips aleuritis Moulton & Steinweden 1933
Thrips alius Palmer 1992
Thrips alni Uzel 1895
Thrips alysii Hood 1954
Thrips antiaropsidis Zerega, Mound & Weiblen 2004
Thrips apicatus Priesner 1934
Thrips arorai Bhatti 1980
Thrips assimilis Bagnall 1913
Thrips aurantithoracis Hood 1932
Thrips bianchii (Sakimura 1969)
Thrips brevisetosus Trybom 1912
Thrips cereolus Oettingen 1944
Thrips cerno Palmer 1992
Thrips coloratus Schmutz 1913
Thrips conferticornis Priesner 1922
Thrips conicus Fabricius 1803
Thrips conocephali Priesner 1934
Thrips coprosmae Mound 1978
Thrips crassicornis Bagnall 1923
Thrips crawfordi Nakahara 1994
Thrips cynorrhodi Haliday 1836
Thrips decens Palmer 1992
Thrips dilatatus Uzel 1895
Thrips discolor Haliday 1836
Thrips excaeletus Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips femoralis Blanchard 1851
Thrips florum Schmutz 1913
Thrips formosanus Priesner 1934
Thrips fraudulentus (Priesner 1954)
Thrips fulvipes Bagnall 1923
Thrips fumosus (Trybom 1908)
Thrips funebris Bagnall 1924
Thrips fuscicornis Ishida 1936
Thrips fuscipennis Haliday 1836
Thrips gardeniae Palmer 1992
Thrips garuda Bhatti 1980
Thrips gentluteae Bournier 1983
Thrips georgicus Pelikan 1973
Thrips gossypii Yakhontov 1929
Thrips gowdeyi (Bagnall 1919)
Thrips griseus Bagnall 1916
Thrips helvolvus Nakahara 1994
Thrips heraclei Moulton 1926
Thrips himalayanus (Pelikan 1970)
Thrips hispidus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish 1966
Thrips hoddlei Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips hoodi Priesner 1938
Thrips idahoensis Nakahara 1994
Thrips imaginis Bagnall 1926
Thrips impar Hood 1915
Thrips inferus Chen 1979
Thrips iranicus Yakhontov 1951
Thrips knoxi (Girault 1927)
Thrips kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish 1966
Thrips latiareus Vierbergen 2004
Thrips leptocerus (Schliephake 1985)
Thrips longalatus Schmutz 1913
Thrips major Uzel 1895
Thrips medialis Oettingen 1951
Thrips mediterraneus Priesner 1934
Thrips meridionalis (Priesner 1926)
Thrips modicus Bianchi 1953
Thrips monotropae Hood 1927
Thrips mucidus Moulton 1936
Thrips nelsoni Nakahara 1994
Thrips obscuripes Priesner 1934
Thrips oneillae (Titschack 1968)
Thrips orientalis (Bagnall 1915)
Thrips origani Priesner 1926
Thrips palmi Karny 1925
Thrips palustris Reuter 1899
Thrips paradoxa Linnaeus 1758
Thrips parvispinus (Karny 1922)
Thrips pauciporus Nakahara 1994
Thrips physapus Linnaeus 1758
Thrips pini (Uzel 1895)
Thrips pusillus Bagnall 1926
Thrips quilicii Bournier 2000
Thrips ranunculi Schrank 1781
Thrips razanii Ng, Eow & Mound 2010
Thrips rhabdotus Sakimura 1969
Thrips robustus Priesner 1920
Thrips roepkei Doeksen 1953
Thrips rugicollis Blanchard 1851
Thrips setipennis (Bagnall 1916)
Thrips shiranesanus Masumoto & Okajima 2013
Thrips sierrensis Gentile & Bailey 1968
Thrips solari Mound 2010
Thrips speratus zur Strassen 1978
Thrips stannardi Nakahara 1994
Thrips sukki Bhatti & Lee 1999
Thrips sumatrensis Priesner 1934
Thrips unispinus Moulton 1940
Thrips unonae Priesner 1934
Thrips vackari (Pelikan 1990)
Thrips vulgatissimus Haliday 1836
Thrips wedeliae (Priesner 1934)
192 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
(this page)
Thrips acaciae Trybom 1910
Thrips alatus Bhatti 1980
Thrips aleuritis Moulton & Steinweden 1933
Thrips alius Palmer 1992
Thrips alni Uzel 1895
Thrips alysii Hood 1954
Thrips annulata Menge 1856
Thrips antiaropsidis Zerega, Mound & Weiblen 2004
Thrips apicatus Priesner 1934
Thrips arorai Bhatti 1980
Thrips assimilis Bagnall 1913
Thrips aurantithoracis Hood 1932
Thrips bianchii (Sakimura 1969)
Thrips brevisetosus Trybom 1912
Thrips cereolus Oettingen 1944
Thrips cerno Palmer 1992
Thrips coloratus Schmutz 1913
Thrips conferticornis Priesner 1922
Thrips conicus Fabricius 1803
Thrips conocephali Priesner 1934
Thrips coprosmae Mound 1978
Thrips crassicornis Bagnall 1923
Thrips crawfordi Nakahara 1994
Thrips cynorrhodi Haliday 1836
Thrips decens Palmer 1992
Thrips dilatatus Uzel 1895
Thrips discolor Haliday 1836
Thrips excaeletus Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips femoralis Blanchard 1851
Thrips florum Schmutz 1913
Thrips formosanus Priesner 1934
Thrips fraudulentus (Priesner 1954)
Thrips fulvipes Bagnall 1923
Thrips fumosus (Trybom 1908)
Thrips funebris Bagnall 1924
Thrips fuscicornis Ishida 1936
Thrips fuscipennis Haliday 1836
Thrips gardeniae Palmer 1992
Thrips garuda Bhatti 1980
Thrips gentluteae Bournier 1983
Thrips georgicus Pelikan 1973
Thrips gossypii Yakhontov 1929
Thrips gowdeyi (Bagnall 1919)
Thrips griseus Bagnall 1916
Thrips helvolvus Nakahara 1994
Thrips heraclei Moulton 1926
Thrips himalayanus (Pelikan 1970)
Thrips hispidus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish 1966
Thrips hoddlei Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips hoodi Priesner 1938
Thrips idahoensis Nakahara 1994
Thrips imaginis Bagnall 1926
Thrips impar Hood 1915
Thrips inferus Chen 1979
Thrips iranicus Yakhontov 1951
Thrips knoxi (Girault 1927)
Thrips kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish 1966
Thrips latiareus Vierbergen 2004
Thrips leptocerus (Schliephake 1985)
Thrips longalatus Schmutz 1913
Thrips major Uzel 1895
Thrips medialis Oettingen 1951
Thrips mediterraneus Priesner 1934
Thrips meridionalis (Priesner 1926)
Thrips modicus Bianchi 1953
Thrips monotropae Hood 1927
Thrips mucidus Moulton 1936
Thrips nelsoni Nakahara 1994
Thrips obscuripes Priesner 1934
Thrips oneillae (Titschack 1968)
Thrips orientalis (Bagnall 1915)
Thrips origani Priesner 1926
Thrips palmi Karny 1925
Thrips palustris Reuter 1899
Thrips paradoxa Linnaeus 1758
Thrips parvispinus (Karny 1922)
Thrips pauciporus Nakahara 1994
Thrips physapus Linnaeus 1758
Thrips pini (Uzel 1895)
Thrips pusillus Bagnall 1926
Thrips quilicii Bournier 2000
Thrips ranunculi Schrank 1781
Thrips razanii Ng, Eow & Mound 2010
Thrips rhabdotus Sakimura 1969
Thrips robustus Priesner 1920
Thrips roepkei Doeksen 1953
Thrips rugicollis Blanchard 1851
Thrips setipennis (Bagnall 1916)
Thrips shiranesanus Masumoto & Okajima 2013
Thrips sierrensis Gentile & Bailey 1968
Thrips solari Mound 2010
Thrips speratus zur Strassen 1978
Thrips stannardi Nakahara 1994
Thrips sukki Bhatti & Lee 1999
Thrips sumatrensis Priesner 1934
Thrips unispinus Moulton 1940
Thrips unonae Priesner 1934
Thrips vackari (Pelikan 1990)
Thrips vulgatissimus Haliday 1836
Thrips wedeliae (Priesner 1934)
194 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
(this page)
Thrips acaciae Trybom 1910
Thrips alatus Bhatti 1980
Thrips alavii Mirab-balou, Tong & Chen 2012
Thrips aleuritis Moulton & Steinweden 1933
Thrips alius Palmer 1992
Thrips alni Uzel 1895
Thrips alysii Hood 1954
Thrips antiaropsidis Zerega, Mound & Weiblen 2004
Thrips apicatus Priesner 1934
Thrips arorai Bhatti 1980
Thrips assimilis Bagnall 1913
Thrips aurantithoracis Hood 1932
Thrips bianchii (Sakimura 1969)
Thrips brevisetosus Trybom 1912
Thrips cereolus Oettingen 1944
Thrips cerno Palmer 1992
Thrips coloratus Schmutz 1913
Thrips conferticornis Priesner 1922
Thrips conicus Fabricius 1803
Thrips conocephali Priesner 1934
Thrips coprosmae Mound 1978
Thrips crassicornis Bagnall 1923
Thrips crawfordi Nakahara 1994
Thrips cynorrhodi Haliday 1836
Thrips decens Palmer 1992
Thrips dilatatus Uzel 1895
Thrips discolor Haliday 1836
Thrips excaeletus Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips femoralis Blanchard 1851
Thrips florum Schmutz 1913
Thrips formosanus Priesner 1934
Thrips fraudulentus (Priesner 1954)
Thrips fulvipes Bagnall 1923
Thrips fumosus (Trybom 1908)
Thrips funebris Bagnall 1924
Thrips fuscicornis Ishida 1936
Thrips fuscipennis Haliday 1836
Thrips gardeniae Palmer 1992
Thrips garuda Bhatti 1980
Thrips gentluteae Bournier 1983
Thrips georgicus Pelikan 1973
Thrips gossypii Yakhontov 1929
Thrips gowdeyi (Bagnall 1919)
Thrips griseus Bagnall 1916
Thrips helvolvus Nakahara 1994
Thrips heraclei Moulton 1926
Thrips himalayanus (Pelikan 1970)
Thrips hispidus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish 1966
Thrips hoddlei Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips hoodi Priesner 1938
Thrips idahoensis Nakahara 1994
Thrips imaginis Bagnall 1926
Thrips impar Hood 1915
Thrips inferus Chen 1979
Thrips iranicus Yakhontov 1951
Thrips knoxi (Girault 1927)
Thrips kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish 1966
Thrips latiareus Vierbergen 2004
Thrips leptocerus (Schliephake 1985)
Thrips longalatus Schmutz 1913
Thrips major Uzel 1895
Thrips medialis Oettingen 1951
Thrips mediterraneus Priesner 1934
Thrips meridionalis (Priesner 1926)
Thrips modicus Bianchi 1953
Thrips monotropae Hood 1927
Thrips mucidus Moulton 1936
Thrips nelsoni Nakahara 1994
Thrips obscuripes Priesner 1934
Thrips oneillae (Titschack 1968)
Thrips orientalis (Bagnall 1915)
Thrips origani Priesner 1926
Thrips palmi Karny 1925
Thrips palustris Reuter 1899
Thrips paradoxa Linnaeus 1758
Thrips parvispinus (Karny 1922)
Thrips pauciporus Nakahara 1994
Thrips physapus Linnaeus 1758
Thrips pini (Uzel 1895)
Thrips pusillus Bagnall 1926
Thrips quilicii Bournier 2000
Thrips ranunculi Schrank 1781
Thrips razanii Ng, Eow & Mound 2010
Thrips rhabdotus Sakimura 1969
Thrips robustus Priesner 1920
Thrips roepkei Doeksen 1953
Thrips rugicollis Blanchard 1851
Thrips setipennis (Bagnall 1916)
Thrips shiranesanus Masumoto & Okajima 2013
Thrips sierrensis Gentile & Bailey 1968
Thrips solari Mound 2010
Thrips speratus zur Strassen 1978
Thrips stannardi Nakahara 1994
Thrips sukki Bhatti & Lee 1999
Thrips sumatrensis Priesner 1934
Thrips unispinus Moulton 1940
Thrips unonae Priesner 1934
Thrips vackari (Pelikan 1990)
Thrips vulgatissimus Haliday 1836
Thrips wedeliae (Priesner 1934)
192 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Thrips Linnaeus 1758
Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
(this page)
Thrips acaciae Trybom 1910
Thrips albogilvus Nakahara 1994
Thrips albopilosus Uzel 1895
Thrips alysii Hood 1954
Thrips andrewsi (Bagnall 1921)
Thrips angusticeps Uzel 1895
Thrips annulicornis Blanchard 1851
Thrips antiaropsidis Zerega, Mound & Weiblen 2004
Thrips antiquus Heer 1856
Thrips arizonensis Morrill 1918
Thrips aspera Haliday 1852
Thrips assimilis Bagnall 1913
Thrips aureus Hood 1915
Thrips aurulentus Nakahara 1994
Thrips beharensis (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu 1939)
Thrips benseleri Frauenfeld 1836
Thrips beta Palmer 1992
Thrips brevistylus (Priesner 1938)
Thrips brunneus Ishida 1936
Thrips cardui Yakhontov 1947
Thrips cereolus Oettingen 1944
Thrips cerno Palmer 1992
Thrips cinchonae Priesner 1934
Thrips conicus Fabricius 1803
Thrips conocephali Priesner 1934
Thrips corydali
Thrips corymbiferarum Haliday 1836
Thrips decens Palmer 1992
Thrips dentatus Solowiow 1924
Thrips dorax Bhatti 1980
Thrips excaeletus Mound & Masumoto 2005
Thrips femoralis Blanchard 1851
Thrips flavidulus (Bagnall 1923)
Thrips fulmeki (Priesner 1938)
Thrips fulvipes Bagnall 1923
Thrips funebris Bagnall 1924
Thrips fuscicornis Ishida 1936
Thrips gossypii Yakhontov 1929
Thrips gramineae Moulton 1936
Thrips griseus Bagnall 1916
Thrips hanifahi Mound & Azidah 2009
Thrips helvolvus Nakahara 1994
Thrips himalayanus (Pelikan 1970)
Thrips idahoensis Nakahara 1994
Thrips iranicus Yakhontov 1951
Thrips kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish 1966
Thrips laevicollis Blanchard 1851
Thrips latis Bhatti 1967
Thrips leeuweni (Priesner 1938)
Thrips leptocerus (Schliephake 1985)
Thrips levatus Bhatti 1980
Thrips lini Ladureau 1878
Thrips longalatus Schmutz 1913
Thrips longiceps (Bagnall 1916)
Thrips magnus Moulton 1911
Thrips medialis Oettingen 1951
Thrips melastomae Priesner 1934
Thrips merae Mound & Wells 2015
Thrips mirus (Bhatti 1967)
Thrips modicus Bianchi 1953
Thrips monotropae Hood 1927
Thrips ochracea Curtis 1839
Thrips ogasawarensis Masumoto & Okajima 2013
Thrips oryzophagus Rondani 1871
Thrips pallidicollis Hood 1934
Thrips palmerae Reyes 1994
Thrips palmi Karny 1925
Thrips paramadroni Nakahara 1994
Thrips pavettae (Priesner 1938)
Thrips pectinatus Hood 1932
Thrips pectiniprivus Priesner 1934
Thrips persicae Haliday 1837
Thrips pillichi Priesner 1924
Thrips pini (Uzel 1895)
Thrips pistaciae Yakhontov 1951
Thrips porteri Brethes 1916
Thrips pseudoflavus Nakahara 1994
Thrips ranunculi Schrank 1781
Thrips reticulatus Moulton 1940
Thrips rhabdotus Sakimura 1969
Thrips rhamni Masumoto & Okajima 2019
Thrips rostratus Priesner 1934
Thrips schliephakei Pelikan 1985
Thrips sensarmai Vijay Veer & Srivastava 1985
Thrips setipennis (Bagnall 1916)
Thrips shiranensis Masumoto & Okajima 2019
Thrips shiranesanus Masumoto & Okajima 2013
Thrips sieversiae Hood 1934
Thrips spinosus Morgan 1913
Thrips sukki Bhatti & Lee 1999
Thrips syringae Masumoto & Okajima 2013
Thrips tanicus Bhatti 1970
Thrips taraxaci Yakhontov & Stovichek 1953
Thrips taurus Bhatti 1980
Thrips typicus Masumoto & Okajima 2013
Thrips vackari (Pelikan 1990)
Thrips validus Uzel 1895
Thrips variegatus Von Gleichen 1764
Thrips varipes Hood 1913
Thrips xenos Bhatti 1980
206 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Thysanoptera Haliday 1836
Terebrantia Haliday 1836
Thripidae Stephens 1829
Thripinae Karny 1921
Thrips Linnaeus 1758
Thrips italicus (Bagnall 1926)
(this page)
Thrips acaciae Trybom 1910
Thrips albogilvus Nakahara 1994
Thrips albopilosus Uzel 1895
Thrips alysii Hood 1954
Thrips angusticeps Uzel 1895
Thrips atratus Haliday 1836
Thrips aureolariae Nakahara 1994
Thrips aureus Hood 1915
Thrips aurulentus Nakahara 1994
Thrips australis (Bagnall 1915)
Thrips brevialatus Nakahara 1994
Thrips brevicornis Priesner 1920
Thrips brevipilosus Moulton 1927
Thrips calcaratus Uzel 1895
Thrips crawfordi Nakahara 1994
Thrips discolor Haliday 1836
Thrips distinctus Nakahara 1994
Thrips fallaciosus Nakahara 1994
Thrips florum Schmutz 1913
Thrips frosti Moulton 1936
Thrips fulvipes Bagnall 1923
Thrips funebris Bagnall 1924
Thrips fuscipennis Haliday 1836
Thrips gracilis Moulton 1936
Thrips gramineae Moulton 1936
Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan 1913)
Thrips helianthi Morgan 1913
Thrips helvolus Nakahara 1994
Thrips heraclei Moulton 1926
Thrips herricki Bagnall 1926
Thrips idahoensis Nakahara 1994
Thrips impar Hood 1915
Thrips intricatus Nakahara 1994
Thrips konoi Nakahara 1994
Thrips madronii Moulton 1907
Thrips magnus Moulton 1911
Thrips major Uzel 1895
Thrips mareoticus Priesner 1932
Thrips meridionalis (Priesner 1926)
Thrips microchaetus Karny 1920
Thrips minutissimus Linnaeus 1758
Thrips monotropae Hood 1927
Thrips mucidus Moulton 1936
Thrips nelsoni Nakahara 1994
Thrips nigropilosus Uzel 1895
Thrips orientalis (Bagnall 1915)
Thrips pallicornis Hood 1912
Thrips pallidicollis Hood 1934
Thrips palmi Karny 1925
Thrips paramadronii Nakahara 1994
Thrips pauciporus Nakahara 1994
Thrips pectinatus Hood 1932
Thrips physapus Linnaeus 1758
Thrips pillichi Priesner 1924
Thrips pini (Uzel 1895)
Thrips pruni Nakahara 1994
Thrips pseudoflavus Nakahara 1994
Thrips quinciensis Morgan 1913
Thrips sierrensis Gentile & Bailey 1968
Thrips sieversiae Hood 1934
Thrips simplex (Morison 1930)
Thrips simulator Nakahara 1994
Thrips spadix Hood 1932
Thrips spinosus Morgan 1913
Thrips stannardi Nakahara 1994
Thrips sylvanus Stannard 1957
Thrips tabaci Lindeman 1889
Thrips tenellus Trybom 1912
Thrips thalictri Hood 1931
Thrips trehernei Priesner 1927
Thrips tripartitus Hood 1940
Thrips urticae Fabricius 1781
Thrips validus Uzel 1895
Thrips varipes Hood 1913
Thrips vulgatissimus Haliday 1836
Thrips winnemanae Hood 1913
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Thrips italicus
(this page)
Thrips acaciae
Thrips albogilvus
Thrips albopilosus
Thrips alni
Thrips alysii
Thrips atratus
Thrips aureolariae
Thrips aureus
Thrips aurulentus
Thrips australis
Thrips brevialatus
Thrips brevicornis
Thrips brevipilosus
Thrips calcaratus
Thrips crawfordi
Thrips dilatatus
Thrips discolor
Thrips distinctus
Thrips fallaciosus
Thrips flavus
Thrips florum
Thrips frosti
Thrips fulvipes
Thrips fumosus
Thrips funebris
Thrips gowdeyi
Thrips gracilis
Thrips gramineae
Thrips hawaiiensis
Thrips helianthi
Thrips helvolus
Thrips heraclei
Thrips herricki
Thrips hoddlei
Thrips hoodi
Thrips idahoensis
Thrips imaginis
Thrips impar
Thrips intricatus
Thrips juniperinus
Thrips konoi
Thrips kurahashii
Thrips madronii
Thrips magnus
Thrips major
Thrips mareoticus
Thrips martini
Thrips meridionalis
Thrips meruensis
Thrips microchaetus
Thrips minutissimus
Thrips monotropae
Thrips moundi
Thrips mucidus
Thrips nelsoni
Thrips nigropilosus
Thrips obscuratus
Thrips orientalis
Thrips pallicornis
Thrips pallidicollis
Thrips paramadronii
Thrips parvispinus
Thrips pauciporus
Thrips pectinatus
Thrips physapus
Thrips pillichi
Thrips pini
Thrips pretiosus
Thrips priesneri
Thrips pruni
Thrips pseudoflavus
Thrips pusillus
Thrips quadridentatus
Thrips quilicii
Thrips quinciensis
Thrips razanii
Thrips rufescens
Thrips safrus
Thrips scotti
Thrips sierrensis
Thrips sieversiae
Thrips simplex
Thrips simulator
Thrips solari
Thrips stannardi
Thrips subnudula
Thrips sylvanus
Thrips tenebricosus
Thrips tenellus
Thrips thalictri
Thrips tomeus
Thrips trehernei
Thrips tripartitus
Thrips urticae
Thrips validus
Thrips varipes
Thrips viminalis
Thrips vulgatissimus
Thrips wellsae
Thrips winnemanae
52 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.