Figures 127–133.Aptostichus asmodaeus sp. n. from Contra Costa Co., Mt. Diablo. 127–132 male holotype (AP428); scale bars = 1.0mm 127 habitus [805850] 128–130 leg I 128 retrolateral aspect [805844] 129 prolateral aspect [805848] 130 line drawing of spination patterns on leg I, retrolateral aspect, tibia and metatarsus 131–132 pedipalp, retrolateral aspect of photograph [805852] and line drawing 133 cleared spermathecae (AP551) [806573]; scale bar = 0.1mm.
Map 1.Distribution of type localities for all known species of Aptostichus. Three letter identifiers are defined in Table 1; inset shows approximate scope of study area.