Figure 8.Austrarchaea wallacei sp. n. A–D, Holotype male (QMB S25964) from Mount Misery, Monkhouse Timber Reserve, NE. Queensland: A, cephalothorax and abdomen, lateral view; B, chelicerae, lateral view, showing accessory setae; C–D, right pedipalpal bulb (expanded; flipped horizontal for inter-specific comparison), retrolateral view. bH = basal haematodocha; C = conductor; E = embolus; ESp = embolic spur; H = haematodocha; T = tegulum; (TS)1-3 = tegular sclerites 1-3. Scale bars: A = 1.0 mm; D = 0.2 mm.
Figure 17.Distribution of Austrarchaea wallacei sp. n.: A, topographic map showing the known distribution of Archaeidae in the north-eastern Queensland Wet Tropics bioregion, with collection localities for Austrarchaea wallacei highlighted in yellow; B–C, topographic and satellite maps showing detail of inset (A). Labelled boundaries in (B) denote upland subregional zones of faunal endemism identified by Winter et al. (1984), Williams et al. (1996) and other authors for the northern Wet Tropics (modified from Edward 2011). Small squares in (B–C) denote unidentified juvenile specimens; small circles denote unidentified female specimens; large circles denote described species of Austrarchaea. BM = Black Mountain Corridor; CU = Carbine Uplands; FU = Mt Finnigan Uplands; TU = Thornton Uplands; WU = Windsor Uplands.
Figure 25. Summary distribution of the Austrarchaea daviesae species-group in tropical north-eastern Queensland, showing collections records for described species (labelled, with black circles) and unidentified juveniles or females (yellow circles) (see Table 1). Note the high proportion of unidentified specimens, especially within the Wet Tropics bioregion between Cooktown and Ingham.