Brachionus manjavacas is a species of the Ltype B. plicatilis complex, and cannot be reliably distinguished from B. plicatilis s.s. on lorica shape, body size, shape of anterior spines, and trophi size, so that a morphological stasis has been proposed and here confirmed, despite ancient divergence. Presently, the only available morphological feature to distinguish B. manjavacas from B. plicatilis s.s. is the shape of the satellites of the rami, which are much more acutely pointed along the inner upper margin in B. manjavacas. The most reliable feature to discriminate this species is still molecular barcoding, and genbank deposited sequences for this clone are AF387257 for COI, and AF387213 for ITS1 for SEM, in the collection of G. Melone at the University of Milan, Department of Biology.
Type locality: Laguna de Manjavacas, Guadiana basin, Spain, approx. coord. 39'25°N, 2'53'W.
Holotype: A parthenogenetic female in a permanent, glycerin glass slide mount deposited in the Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Milano (MSNM), Italy, catalogue nr. IV75.
Paratypes: Two slides with one specimen each, catalogue MSNM nr. IV76–77; one stub with 20 parthenogenetic females prepared for SEM, and three stubs with 8, 9, and 46 trophi preparations