Syncephalastrum racemosumis the principle member of the genus and a potential human pathogen, however well documented cases are lacking. It often isolated from soil and dung in tropical and subtropical regions and it can be a persistent laboratory contaminant. The sporangiophore and merosporangia ofSyncephalastrumcould also be mistaken forAspergillusif the isolate is not looked at carefully.
Last Modified 30/06/2015David Ellis
CRICOS Provider Number 00123M (Accessed site Mycology Online 29 June 2015)
Syncephalastrum racemosum is a filamentous fungus.[1][2]
It can cause nail disease, especially in damaged nails[3] and has been proposed as associated with Alzheimer's disease, though this work has been heavily criticized for methodological issues.[4]
Syncephalastrum racemosum is a filamentous fungus.