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Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae Subrahm., B. S. Mehrotra & Thirum. 1977


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Thermomucorsporangiophores are branched and they often arise from stolons and rhizoids. Sporangia are globose, apophysate, columellate, and multispored. Sporangiospores are subglobose and smooth-walled. Zygospores with a smooth zygosporangial wall, suspensors more or less equal, opposed, and formed in the aerial hyphae; homothallic. Thermophilic.

Thermomucoralso was known in the literature asMucorindicae-seudaticae(Schipper et al., 1975). Later, this fungus was described asThermomucor indicae-seudaticae(Subrahamanyam et al., 1977). Schipper (1979) studiedT. indicae-seudaticaeand determined the best method of inducing zygospore formation in culture. Good zygospore formation can be induced onAPDA[Potato dextrose agar (Difco) + 6 drops of 50% lactic acid per liter (based on Tuite, 1969)]. (Zygomycetes.org 2015)

Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae columella and zygospore

Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae columella and zygospore


THERMOMUCOR Subrahamanyam, B.S. Mehrotra & Thirumalacher, 1977 (Georgia J. Sci. 35:1); 1 sp. (Schipper, 1979—monograph).

Gerald L. Benny
bibliographic citation
BIBLIOGRAPHY Schipper, M.A.A. 1979. Thermomucor (Mucorales). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek J. Serol. Microbiol. 45:275-280. Schipper, M.A.A., R.A. Samson, and J.A. Stalpers. 1975. Zygospore ornamentation in the genera Mucor andZygorhynchus. Persoonia 8:321-328. Subrahamanyam, A., B.S. Mehrotra, and M.J. Thirumalacher. 1977. Thermomucor — a new genus of Mucorales. Georgia J. Sci. 35:1-4. Tuite, J. 1969. Plant pathological methods. Fungi and bacteria. Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 239 p.
C Robertson
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Production and characterization of a milk-clotting protease produced in submerged fermentation by the thermophilic fungus Thermomucor indicae-seuda... - PubMed - NCBI

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Proteases are some of the most important industrial enzymes, and one of their main applications is for the production of cheese in the dairy industry. Due to a shortage of animal rennet, microbial coagulant proteases are being sought. In this work, the production of microbial rennet fromThermomucorindicae-seudaticaeN31 was studied in submerged fermentation. The best enzyme production was obtained in a fermentation medium containing 4 % wheat bran as the substrate in 0.3 % saline solution, incubated for 72 h at 45 °C and 150 rpm. The value of the milk clotting activity (MCA) was 60.5 U/mL, and the ratio to proteolytic activity (MCA/PA) was 510. The crude enzyme showed optimum pH at 5.5 and two peaks of optimum temperature (MCA at 65 °C and PA at 60 °C). The MCA was stable in the pH range 4.0-4.5 for 24 h and up to 55 °C for 1 h. It was stable during storage at different temperatures (-20 to 25 °C) for 10 weeks. Based on these results, we conclude that microbial rennet from T.indicae-seudaticaeN31 produced by submerged fermentation showed good prospects of replacing traditional rennet.

C Robertson
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Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae on human skin“ - Subrahmanyam - 2009 - Mycoses - Wiley Online Library

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Thermomucor indicae-seudaticaeSubrahmanyamet al. was found for the first time growing as commensal associated with pityriasis versicolor on the skin of a 25-year-old man living in a small village near Pune, Maharastra, India. The clinical observations and morphological characters are presented. A small percentage of zygospores was found to germinatein situbut further stages of development could not be found.

C Robertson
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