Stenophylla, ye un xéneru de la familia Acanthopidae. Esti xéneru de mantis tien 3 especies reconocíes.
Stenophylla, ye un xéneru de la familia Acanthopidae. Esti xéneru de mantis tien 3 especies reconocíes.
Stenophylla is a genus of praying mantis in the subfamily Stenophyllinae, which is now placed in the family Acanthopidae. It the sole genus of the tribe Stenophyllini.[1]
Females of the species Stenophylla lobivertex have an inflatable green pheromone gland on their backs, presumably to attract male conspecifics.[2] It is unknown whether such an organ is found on other species in the genus, or indeed in other members of Mantodea.
These three species belong to the genus Stenophylla:[3]
Stenophylla is a genus of praying mantis in the subfamily Stenophyllinae, which is now placed in the family Acanthopidae. It the sole genus of the tribe Stenophyllini.
Females of the species Stenophylla lobivertex have an inflatable green pheromone gland on their backs, presumably to attract male conspecifics. It is unknown whether such an organ is found on other species in the genus, or indeed in other members of Mantodea.
Stenophylla, es un género de la familia Acanthopidae.[1] Este género de mantis tiene 3 especies reconocidas.
Stenophylla, es un género de la familia Acanthopidae. Este género de mantis tiene 3 especies reconocidas.
Stenophylla est un genre de mantes de la famille des Acanthopidae comprenant trois espèces.
Stenophylla est un genre de mantes de la famille des Acanthopidae comprenant trois espèces.