Ventral Infraciliature of the armophorid ciliate Caenomorpha simplex (Jankowski,1964). Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.
Infraciliature of the armophorid ciliate Caenomorpha simplex (Jankowski,1964). The light blue arrowhead indicates the single anterior cirral file. The green, dark blue and yellow arrowheads indicate the undulating membrane, adoral zone of membranelles and perizonal ciliary stripe respectively. The red arrowhead indicates one of the densely stained methanogenic bacteria in the cytoplasm.Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.
Dorsal infraciliature of the armophorid ciliate Caenomorpha simplex (Jankowski,1964). Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.
Caenomorpha simplex (Jankowski,1964).Phase contrast.