Haeckel says: Entire shell and central capsule. Numerous club-shaped radial apophyses or coecal sacs arise from the pink central capsule and are protruded through the pores of the medullary shell, which is completely hidden by them. The sarcomatrix in the calymma, surrounding the central capsule, exhibits a fine radial striation. Numerous retracted pseudopodia, bearing red granules, arise from the sarcomatrix and piece the calymma radially. the interval between the two concentric shells is filled up by the hyaline calymma.
Haechel says: Medullary shell and the basal parts of the radial spines arising from it.
Shell with vertical section through the wall.
Haeckel says, "The central capsule (somewhat irregular by compression?) exhibits a large excentric nucleus (probably dislocated artificially?)"
Haeckel says, "The central shell-cavity encloses the spherical central capsule and the concentric nucleus."
Haeckel says, "The entire inner shell, but only a small part of the outer spongy envelope is represented."
Left: Haeckel says, "Inner medullary shell." Right: Haeckel says, "A part of the two outer shells is removed."