Apheloecion antarctica Thomsen, Garrison and Kosman, 1997. Cells are solitary. The cell (4-6 x 3-4 microns) posteriorly is finely pointed and has its maximum diameter anterior to the level of the single transverse costa. The single anterior flagellum (11-17 microns long) is surrounded by a ring of tentacles forming a collar. The 5-7 longitudinal costal strips forming the lorica chamber continue above the transverse costa forming finely attenuating and pointed spines (about one half costal strip long). Posteriorly they join in two groups of 2-4 costal strips, each group attaches one strip from the pair of extended costal strips forming the pedicel. The single transverse costa consists of 5-6 costal strips which are each 2-3 microns long. Patterns of costal strip attachment at the anterior lorica end appear to vary. The exceptionally long pair of costal strips forming the pedicel measures 12-30 microns The middle part of these costal strips is very narrow, whereas both ends of the strips are somewhat swollen, most conspicuously at the posterior tip. A protoplast suspensory membrane is present. Cell division caudiform.