provided by eFloras
Monoecious. Branches and branchlets terete, brown to blackish when dry, striate. Petiole 3--8 cm; leaf blade palmately 3--6-foliolate; petiolules 1--2 cm; leaflets obovate, oblanceolate, or elliptic, 5--7 × 3.5--5 cm, leathery, abaxially glaucous, adaxially pale green, base narrowly rounded to cuneate, margin thickened, apex rounded and mucronate to cuspidate; primary veins 3; secondary veins 5 or 6 pairs, nearly at right angles to primary veins, conspicuously prominent on both surfaces; tertiary veinlets conspicuously prominent on both surfaces. Corymbose racemes 3 or 4, ca. 10 cm, laxly flowered; bracts persistent; peduncle slender. Pedicel slender, 2.5--4.5 cm; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, caducous. Sepals pale yellow. Petals absent. Male flowers: outer 3 sepals ovate-lanceolate, ca. 8 × 3 mm; inner 3 sepals narrowly linear, ca. 6 × 1 mm. Filaments 1.5--2 mm, connate into a short tube but apically free; anthers free, ca. 1.5 mm; connective apically with a ca. 2 mm hornlike appendage. Pistillodes subulate, ca. 1.5 mm. Female flowers: outer 3 sepals oblong-lanceolate, ca. 11 × 4.5 mm; inner 3 sepals narrowly lanceolate, ca. 2 mm wide. Staminodes clavate, ca. 1 mm. Carpels sublanceolate, ca. 5 mm. Fruit not seen. Fl. Aug--Nov.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
* Mixed forest on mountain slopes, along valleys; 500--800 m.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA