
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Isegama meaculpa

Cladobethylus ceylonicus Krombein, 1980:254, figs. 2, 9 [, not ].

This species has a wide distribution both in the Dry Zone and Wet Zone, occurring in areas having an average annual rainfall ranging from 1300 to 3900 mm, and from sea level to 2200 ft (668.8 m). It is distinguished at once from I. aridula (Krombein), the only other Ceylonese Isegama, by the more strongly converging sides of the lower front of the head (see Figures 7, 8).

HOLOTYPE.—; Sri Lanka, Uva Province, Monaragala District, Angunakolapelessa, 23 Jan 1979, in Malaise trap, K.V. Krombein, P.B. Karunaratne, T. Wijesinhe, S. Siriwardane, T. Gunawardane (USNM Type 100443).

FEMALE.—Length 3.3 mm. Integument mostly black and shining, without metallic reflections; legs except coxae and most of mesosternum light red; erect setae on head, thorax, and metasomal terga short, cinereous; wings clear; stigma, costa, and radius dark brown, other veins lighter brown.

Head in frontal view (Figure 7); width 1.25 times height (apex of clypeus to occiput), sides of lower front converging beneath more strongly than in I. aridula; interocular distance at anterior ocellus 0.43 times head width; frontal concavity with short, close, transverse rugulae, laterad of this the front subcontiguously punctate; front above concavity and vertex with slightly more separated small punctures except within ocellar triangle, where they are denser.

Median lengths of pronotum, scutum, scutellum, and postscutellum 18:21:12:10; thoracic dorsum with punctures of same size as on vertex; pronotal punctation subcontiguous; scutum similarly punctured except somewhat more closely; punctures on scutellum mostly separated by about the diameter of a puncture, becoming sparser posteriorly; median triangular area of postscutellum more closely punctate, bordered laterally by a moderately broad groove bearing about six weak oblique rugulae; mesopleuron (Figure 14) with very scattered punctures on upper posterior third, lower two-thirds with relatively large, confluent to subconfluent pits; propodeum with a strong median carina on dorsal and posterior surfaces; sculpture of dorsal surface very weak; posterior surface with a narrow, median, finely ruguloso-reticulate triangular area, laterad of this a smooth area except for shallow pits above and below, adjacent to which is a narrow strip bounded on each side by a low ridge and bearing transverse ridges.

Dorsum of first and second metasomal terga with a very narrow, median impunctate strip, the rest of surface with small, very close punctures tending to be confluent in longitudinal rows, punctation on second becoming smaller and sparser on apical sixth; punctation of last two terga fine and dense; punctures of second sternum a bit larger than on second tergum, mostly confluent in longitudinal rows.

ALLOTYPE.— same locality and date as holotype, but K.V. Krombein (USNM).

MALE.—Length 3.1 mm. Color, vestiture, and punctation as in female except interocular distance at fore ocellus 0.40 times head width, and median lengths of pronotum, scutum, scutellum, and postscutellum 17:17:11:9.

PARATYPES.—All USNM. NORTHERN PROVINCE. Mannar District: 1, Ma Villu, 16–19 Sep 1980, K.V. Krombein, P.B. Karunaratne, T. Wijesinhe, L. Jayawickrema, V. Gunawardane; 2, 0.5 mi (0.8 km) NE Kokmotte Bungalow, Wilpattu National Park, 15–16 Feb 1979, in Malaise trap, K.V. Krombein, T. Wijesinhe, S. Siriwardane, T. Gunawardane; 1, same location, 6 Oct 1977, T. Wijesinhe. NORTH CENTRAL PROVINCE. Anuradhapura District: 2, Ritigala Natural Reserve, 19 Sep 1980, in Malaise trap, K.V. Krombein, P.B. Karunaratne, T. Wijesinhe, L. Jayawickrema, V. Gunawardane. CENTRAL PROVINCE. Kandy District: 1, Kandy, Udawattakele Sanctuary, 22 Mar 1981, K.V. Krombein, T. Wijesinhe, L. Weeratunge; 1, same location 1–3 Oct 1973, at black light, K.V. Krombein, P.B. Karunaratne, P. Fernando. 1, Thawalamtenne, 2200 ft (668.8 m), 7–8 Sep 1980, K.V. Krombein, P.B. Karunaratne, T. Wijesinhe, L. Jayawickrema, V. Gunawardane. NORTH WESTERN PROVINCE. Kurunegala District: 1, Kurunegala, Badagamuwa Jungle, 10 Sep 1980, T. Wijesinhe. WESTERN PROVINCE. Colombo District: 1, Labugama, 400 ft (122 m), 9 May 1976, K.V. Krombein, P.B. and S. Karunaratne, D.W. Balasooriya. SABARAGAMUWA PROVINCE. Kegalla District: 1, Kitulgala, Bandarakele, 17 Mar 1979, L. Jayawickrema. Ratnapura District: 1, Gilimale, Induruwa Jungle, 10 Oct 1980, K.V. Krombein, P.B. Karunaratne, T. Wijesinhe, L. Jayawickrema, V. Gunawardane. 3, 1, same locality as holo- and allotype as follows: 2, 22 and 23 Jan 1979, K.V. Krombein; 1, 27, 28 Mar 1981, K.V. Krombein, T. Wijesinhe, L. Weeratunge; 1, 18 Jun 1978, T. Wijesinhe. SOUTHERN PROVINCE. Galle District: 3, Kanneliya section, Sinharaja Jungle, 14–16 Jul 1978, K.V. Krombein, P.B. Karunaratne; 1, same location, 3 Oct 1980, K.V. Krombein. Hambantota District: 2, Palatupana, WLNPS Bungalow, 20–22 Jun 1978, in Malaise trap, K.V. Krombein, P.B. and N. Karunaratne, T. Wijesinhe, L. Jayawickrema. Paratypes of both sexes will be placed in the Colombo and British Museums. A male presumed to be I. meaculpa from Monaragala District, Mau Ara, 10 mi E Uda Walawe, 18 Jun 1978, K.V. Krombein, has been excluded from the type series because the head is missing.

Female paratypes are 3.3–3.9 mm long and males are 3.1–3.6 mm. The red markings may be darker and reduced so that only the tibiae and tarsi are red, but the underside of the scape may be red, as well as the first laterotergum. The punctation may also be closer so that the punctures of the pronotum and scutum tend to be confluent in transverse rows.
bibliographic citation
Krombein, Karl V. 1983. "Biosystematic Stydies of Ceylonese Wasps, XI: A Monography of the Amiseginae and Loboscelidiinae (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-79. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.376