Often has this obvious reddish "brain" visible through the body wall. In Sweden they are often very pale, but in the U.K they can be considerably darker.
Los Escullos, Andalusia, Spain
Los Escullos, Andalusia, Spain
Ceuta, Ceuta Province, Spain
Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain
Drobak, Akershus Fylke, Norway
Drobak, Akershus Fylke, Norway
Drobak, Akershus Fylke, Norway
Note that the pigment patch isnt always this obvious - it varies a lot. Circumglobal species - or just a common look?
Ceuta, Ceuta Province, Spain
Pedras Negras, Galicia, Spain
Insuela, Galicia, Spain
Ceuta, Ceuta, Espaa
App 3 cm long. Characteristic furrows and ridge on head.
Benzu, Ceuta Province, Spain
Ceuta, Ceuta Province, Spain
Santa Pola, Valencia, Spain
Ribeira, Galicia, Spain
Characteristic in movement - curls in itself. Head up to the left. Often associated w Mytilus in Scandinavia. Specimen 6 cm long.
Touro, Galicia, Spain