Vannella (van-ell-a), naked free-living amoeba, moves with a single pseudopodium directed forwards (i.e. is unipodial). Hyaline region very extensive. Posteriorly, the uroid is just a stiffened region of cytoplasm. Consumes bacteria. Very similar to Platyamoeba, distinguished usually by the slightly broader aspect. Phase contrast.
Vannella (van-ell-a), naked free-living amoeba, moves with a single pseudopodium directed forwards (i.e. is unipodial). Hyaline region very extensive. Posteriorly, the uroid is just a stiffened region of cytoplasm. Consumes bacteria. Very similar to Platyamoeba, distinguished usually by the slightly broader aspect. Phase contrast.
Vannella (van-ell-a), naked free-living amoeba, moves with a single pseudopodium directed forwards (i.e. is unipodial). Hyaline region very extensive. Posteriorly, the uroid is just a stiffened region of cytoplasm. Contractile vacuole and nucleus evident. Consumes bacteria. Very similar to Platyamoeba, distinguished usually by the slightly broader aspect. Phase contrast.
Vannella (van-ell-a) a fan shaped naked amoeba, made distinctive by the broad anterior margin (right) and extensive hyaline region. Nucleus located to centre bottom of cell, uroid (posterior end) is to the left. Phase contrast. Material from Nymph Creek and Nymph Lake, thermal sites in Yellowstone National Park, photograph by Kathy Sheehan and David Patterson.
Vannella (van-ell-a) naked amoeba, fan shaped, with very broad hyaline zone. Phase contrast micrograph.
Vannella, a small naked amoeba with a large hyaline region. The cell is moving towards the top of the image. The nucleus with central nucleolus is located to the left posterior of the cell, there are clear vacuoles which form part of the contractile vacuole complex. The most posterior part of the cell forms a slightly contracted uroid. From Lake Donghu, China. Phase contrast micrograph.
Series of images showing this amoeba migrating across the slide.
Platyamoeba (platte-ee-a-me-ba) is a naked lobose amoeba which typically advances with a single broad pseudopodium (i.e. is monopodial) - here enclosing two separate bacteria. Phase contrast.
Platyamoeba (platte-ee-a-me-ba) is a naked lobose amoeba which typically advances with a single broad pseudopodium (i.e. is monopodial). Contractile vacuole to the right, and posterior uroid. Phase contrast.
Platyamoeba (platte-ee-a-me-ba) is a naked lobose amoeba which typically advances with a single broad pseudopodium (i.e. is monopodial). Nucleus with nucleolus to the right, contractile vacuole tucked into the posterior uroid. Phase contrast.
Platyamoeba (platte-ee-a-me-ba) is a naked lobose amoeba which typically advances with a single broad pseudopodium (i.e. is monopodial). Group shot with cysts. Phase contrast.
Platyamoeba (platte-ee-a-me-ba) is a naked lobose amoeba which typically advances with a single broad pseudopodium (i.e. is monopodial). Contractile vacuole to the right anterior, and posterior uroid. Phase contrast.
Phase contrast.
Clydonella (clyde-on-ell-a), s small free-living naked amoeba, typically moves with a single progressing pseudopodium . Pseudopodium with relatively large hyaline zone which may have a slightly undulating appearance. Phase contrast micrograph.
Lingulamoeba (ling-you-la-me-ba) is a naked lobose amoeba, typically monopodial (producing a single progressing pseudopodium). The hyaline cap is often very extensive and may develop distinctive ridges. Phase contrast.
Lingulamoeba (ling-you-la-me-ba) is a naked lobose amoeba, typically monopodial (producing a single progressing pseudopodium). The hyaline cap is often very extensive and may develop distinctive ridges. Phase contrast.
Lingulamoeba (ling-you-la-me-ba) is a naked lobose amoeba, typically monopodial (producing a single progressing pseudopodium). The hyaline cap is often very extensive and may develop distinctive ridges. Phase contrast.
Vannella (van-ell-a), naked free-living amoeba, moves with a single pseudopodium directed forwards (i.e. is unipodial). Hyaline region very extensive. Posteriorly, the uroid is just a stiffened region of cytoplasm. Consumes bacteria. Very similar to Platyamoeba, distinguished usually by the slightly broader aspect. This is V. aberdonica. Phase contrast.
Vannella (van-ell-a), naked free-living amoeba, moves with a single pseudopodium directed forwards (i.e. is unipodial). Hyaline region very extensive. Posteriorly, the uroid is just a stiffened region of cytoplasm. Consumes bacteria. Very similar to Platyamoeba, distinguished usually by the slightly broader aspect. This is V. aberdonica. Phase contrast.
Vannella (van-ell-a), naked free-living amoeba, moves with a single pseudopodium directed forwards (i.e. is unipodial). Hyaline region very extensive. Posteriorly, the uroid is just a stiffened region of cytoplasm. Consumes bacteria. Very similar to Platyamoeba, distinguished usually by the slightly broader aspect. This is V. aberdonica. Phase contrast.