Image of Zambion rogeri Bennett & Barnes 2011
Unresolved name

Zambion rogeri Bennett & Barnes 2011


provided by Zookeys
Adult. Female: Unknown. Male: Fore wing length 6.4 to 7.0 (6.4) mm. Clypeus separated from supraclypeal area by a strong groove (Fig. 12). Malar space 0.4 to 0.5 (0.5) times basal width of mandible. Supraclypeal area 1.7 to 1.9 (1.7) times as wide as high (Fig. 12), dorsomedially without a short, narrow, longitudinal lamella between the antenna. Supra-antennal horn short and broadly triangular in dorsal view (Fig. 18), 0.3 to 0.5 (0.3) times as long as width of pedicel at midheight in lateral view. Ocello-ocular distance 1.8 to 2.3 (1.8) times ocellar diameter. Gena 0.6 to 0.7 (0.6) times transverse diameter of the eye. Flagellum with 35 to 37 (35) segments. Notaulus absent. Epicnemial carina mostly straight medially, not curving away from anterior edge of mesopleuron near ventral corner of pronotum (Fig. 32). Scutellum with lateral carinae 0.4 to 0.5 (0.5) length of scutellum. Medial longitudinal carinae of propodeum complete and strong anterior to posterior transverse carina (as in Zambion hirtum shown in Fig. 34). Carina extending from pleural carina to propodeal spiracle absent. Posterior transverse carina of propodeum with lateral abscissa roughly straight, point of union with pleural carina at about 0.4 distance from posterior end of pleural carina to propodeal spiracle (similar to Zambion monodon shown in Fig. 36). Ventral transverse carina extending from metasomal foramen to pleural carina present (as in Fig. 35). Fore tibia with a weak apical point on dorsal surface. Hind femur 3.5 to 3.7 (3.6) times as long as medial width. Hind tarsal claw pectinate to 0.4 times length of claw. Angulation of fore wing vein 2m-cu moderate. Tergite 1 of metasoma 1.6 to 1.8 (1.6) times as long as apical width. Dorsal longitudinal carinae of T1 extending to about the level of spiracle or a bit beyond, 0.4 to 0.6 (0.6) times length of T1, dorsolateral longitudinal carinae extending to spiracle, or in holotype to at least 0.7 times length of T1 (posterior to this, present as a rounded ridge). Black to dark brown. Extreme apex of hind femur, basal 0.2 of hind tibia and posterior 0.2+ of T3–T7 ivory (the ivory bands longer medially than laterally and increasing in length from T3 to T7) (Fig. 6). Scape, pedicel and flagellum ventrally, mandibles except at apex, palpi, pronotal collar medially, tegula, posterior of subtegular ridge, fore leg, mid leg, hind coxa, trochanter and femur orange (middle and hind trochanters and femora brownish orange, especially medial surface of hind trochanter and femur). Flagellum dorsally, apical 0.8 of hind tibia and all of hind tarsus brown (flagellum darkening from base to apex). Membrane of fore wing slightly infumate except moderately infumate in apical 0.3 (Fig. 6). Body covered with dense silver setae.
Andrew M.R. Bennett, Diana I. Barnes
bibliographic citation
Bennett A, Barnes D (2011) Revision of the world species of Zambion (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Tryphoninae) ZooKeys 159: 19–48
Andrew M.R. Bennett
Diana I. Barnes
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