Arduser and Michener (1987) described Lasioglossum synavei as Paradialictus synavei. They note that by its morphology, it is a parastic species, invading other bee nests to lay its own eggs rather than constructing its own nests and provisioning the cells with pollen. They note that this is a new evolution of parasitism from within the Afrodialictus group of Lasioglossum. It is convergent with other parasitic halictid groups in losing features related to pollen collecting and nest building: for instance, its hind legs are more slender than in pollen-collecting species, and it does not have broad mandibles capable of manipulating nest substrate. It has long, sharp mandibles that may be used for aggression or defense in entering host burrows. It does not have the same cuticular modifications as other parasitic halictid groups (presumably used as armor for defense while entering nests in those groups).