Therapon interruptus. Macleay
Michael S. Engel, Victor H. Gonzalez
Figures 1–6.Photomicrographs of male of Chalicodoma (Alocanthedon) odontophorum Engel, sp. n. 1 Dorsal habitus 2 Facial aspect 3 Dorsal aspect of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum 4 Detail of forewing medial cell 5 Protarsus, pro-pretarsus, and protibia 6 Dorsal aspect of metasomal terga V and VI.
Favízia Freitas de Oliveira, Thiago Mahlmann, Michael S. Engel
Figures 1–2.Photomicrographs of paratype (SEMC) male of Chilicola (Hylaeosoma) kevani Oliveira, Mahlmann, and Engel sp. n. 1 Lateral habitus 2 Facial aspect.
Figure 29.Crematogaster telolafy, worker and distribution. A full face B distribution C lateral D dorsal (CASENT0032779).
Thiago Mahlmann, Favízia Freitas de Oliveira
Figures 1–8.Photomicrographs and illustration of female of Centris (Centris) byrsonimae Mahlmann & Oliveira sp. n./ 1–3 and 7–8 holotype (DZUP) 5–6 paratype (MZUFBA). 1 Facial aspect 2 Lateral habitus, scale 0.5 cm 3 Dorsal habitus 4 Maxillary palpus 5 Procoxae 6 Probasitarsus with combs for collecting floral oil 7 Metasoma 8 Pygidial plate.
Magdi S. El-Hawagry, Mohammed W. Khalil, Mostafa R. Sharaf, Hassan H. Fadl, Abdulrahman S. Aldawood
Figures 5–6.SEM of Monomorium sarawatensis sp.n., paratype worker, head in full-face view.
Figure 74.Stenamma diversum. A, B, E, G, H Worker (CASENT0606723) C, D, F Lectotype worker (USNMCOTYPE24447).
Ismael A. Hinojosa-Díaz, Berry J. Brosi
Figures 1–3.Euglossa (Alloglossura) gorgonensis Cheesman, female, red specimen from the Pacific slope of southern Costa Rica. 1 Dorsal habitus 2 Lateral habitus 3 Facial aspect.
Cecilia Waichert, James P. Pitts
Figures 7–9.Female holotype of Abernessia giga sp. n. 7 Lateral habitus 8 Face, frontal view 9 Fore and hind wings.
Mostafa R. Sharaf, Abdulrahman S. Aldawood
Figures 7–9.Carebara fayrouzae sp. n., major worker 7 body in profile 8 body in dorsal view 9 head in full-face view (antweb.org, CASENT0280975).
Roy R. Snelling, Marek L. Borowiec, Matthew M. Prebus
Figure 13.Temnothorax paiute sp. n., worker (CASENT0005932) A Body in dorsal view B Body in lateral view C Head in full-face view.
Figures 1–10.Symmorphus (Symmorphus) tianchiensis Li & Chen, sp. n. 1, 3, 5–10 female, 2, 4 male. 1 general habitus 2 antenna in ventral view 3–4 clypeus 5 vertex in dorsal view 6 mesepisternum in ventral view 7 transverse carina of T1 in lateral view; 8 T1; 9 S1; 10 propodeum.
Masashi Yoshimura, Brian L. Fisher
Figure 4.Generic diagnostic characters of Mystrium. A Mystrium rogeri (CASENT0001069) B Mystrium voeltzkowi (CASENT0317584) C Mystrium mysticum (CASENT0429965) D Mystrium janovitzi (CASENT0482696). A, B, C worker D ergatoid queen. A clypeus and mandible in oblique anterior view B mouthparts in oblique anterior view (left galea is omitted) C mandible in oblique lateral view D head in lateral view.
Rainer Neumeyer, Hannes Baur, Gaston-Denis Guex, Christophe Praz
Figure 12.Drawings of morphological characters used in the key to European paper wasps (Polistes) of the gallicus-group: Mesopleuron with abrupt (a) or gradual (b) sculpture change; female antennae with dark (c) or bright (d) upper side of flagellomeres; male apical flagellum dark (e) or bright (f) on upper side; head in frontal view with black band across clypeus (g) or isolated black spot (h); apical mesosoma in dorsal view with drop-shaped spots on mesoscutum, posterior pronotal stripes ending far from pronotal carina (i) or without drop-shaped spots, pronotal stripes approaching pronotal carina (k); head in dorsal view with genae convex (l) or immediately narrowing (m). Drawings a, b, c, d, f are courtesy of H. Cigler, g, h, i, k of D. Lawniczak, and e, l, m of CSCF.
Francisco Hita Garcia, Brian L. Fisher
Figure 2.Petiole and postpetiole in profile. A Tetramorium alperti (CASENT0042547)B Tetramorium enkidu (CASENT0045673)C Tetramorium naganum (CASENT0280584)D Tetramorium gilgamesh (CASENT0247312).
John S. LaPolla, Brian L. Fisher
Figures 1–3.Lateral, full face and dorsal view of body. Paratrechina ankarana holotype worker CASENT0454372.
Georg Fischer, Frank Azorsa, Brian L. Fisher
Figure 14.Carebara polita. Minor worker, CASENT0235574: A head in full-face view C body in profile E body in dorsal view. Major worker, CASENT0914213: B head in full-face view D body in profile F body in dorsal view.
Michael S. Engel, Victor H. Gonzalez
Figures 7–9.Photomicrographs of female of Chalicodoma (Alocanthedon) odontophorum Engel, sp. n. 7 Dorsal habitus 8 Facial aspect (with expanded detail of clypeus, arrow indicating medioapical tubercle) 9 Dorsal aspect of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum.
Favízia Freitas de Oliveira, Thiago Mahlmann, Michael S. Engel
Figures 3–8.Photomicrographs of male paratype (SEMC) of Chilicola (Hylaeosoma) kevani Oliveira, Mahlmann, and Engel sp. n. 3 Dorsal habitus 4 Seventh metasomal sternum 5 Eighth metasomal sternum 6 Genital capsule, dorsal view 7 Genital capsule, lateral view 8 Genital capsule, ventral view.
Figure 30.Crematogaster razana, worker, queen and distribution. A–C worker (CASENT0149655) A full face B lateral C dorsal D distribution E–G queen (CASENT0148782) E dorsal F lateral G full face.
Thiago Mahlmann, Favízia Freitas de Oliveira
Figures 9–12.Photomicrographs of male of Centris (Centris) byrsonimae Mahlmann & Oliveira sp. n./ 9–11 allotype (MZUFBA) 12 paratype (MZUFBA) 9 Facial aspect 10 Lateral habitus, scale 0.5 cm 11 Dorsal habitus 12 Metasoma.