United States National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Bugwood.org
EOL staff
United States National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive
EOL staff
Desmococcus captivusDescriptor: Adult(s) Description: Host is a species of pinyon pine. Collector: R.J.Gill Date of photograph or collection: 08/17/1991 Image type: Field Image location: Westgard Pass, Inyo County, California, United States Photographer InformationName:
United States National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive Organization:
USDA Agricultural Research Service Country: United States - See more at:
Descriptor: Adult(s) Description: Host is a species of pinyon pine. Collector: R.J.Gill Date of photograph or collection: 08/17/1991 Image type: Field Image location: Westgard Pass, Inyo County, California, United States - See more at: http://www.forestryimages.org/browse/detail.cfm?imgnum=5119072#sthash.yzgxggP0.dpuf
Descriptor: Adult(s) Description: Host is a species of pinyon pine. Collector: R.J.Gill Date of photograph or collection: 08/17/1991 Image type: Field Image location: Westgard Pass, Inyo County, California, United States - See more at: http://www.forestryimages.org/browse/detail.cfm?imgnum=5119072#sthash.yzgxggP0.dpuf
Ramón A. Dones, Gregory A. Evans
Figures 1–4.Mycetaspis ailynaomi holotype female 1 habitus 2 detail of lobes on head 3 detail of cluster of thoracic pores 4 detail of pygidial lobes.
Figures 1–6.Megacanthaspis hangzhouensis Wei & Feng, sp. n., adult female: 1 habitus 2 detail of antenna 3 detail of anterior spiracle 4 quinquelocular pores 5 dorsal 2-barred duct 6 pygidium.
Figure 2.Adult female of Megapulvinaria beihaiensis sp. n., A body derm B1, B2 two kinds of marginal setae C stigmatic spine D dorsal microduct E dorsal pore F dorsal tubular duct G anal plates O ano-genital fold H pregenital disc-pore I tibio-tarsus of hind leg J1, J2, J3 ventral tubular ducts K spiracle disc-pore L ventral microduct M antenna N dorsal seta.
Isabelle M. Vea, Rodger A. Gwiazdowski, Benjamin B. Normark
Figure 1.Chionaspis brachycephalon Vea sp. n., adult female.
D.J. Williams, Chris J. Hodgson
Figure 3.Prepupa of Ripersiella malschae (Williams).
Mehmet Bora Kaydan, Zsuzsanna Konczné Benedicty, Éva Szita
Figure 4.Distribution map of Ortheziola species.
United States National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Bugwood.org
EOL staff
San Jose Scale (Diaspidiotus perniciosus) adults on Nectarine (Anaheim, California, U.S.A.)From
Ramón A. Dones, Gregory A. Evans
Figure 5. Mycetaspis ailynaomi, habitus of holotype female.
Figures 7–12.Megacanthaspis hainanensis Wei & Feng, sp. n., adult female: 7 habitus 8 detail of antenna 9 detail of anterior spiracle 10 dorsal 2-barred duct 11 detail of 2 gland tubercles 12 pygidium.
Figure 1.Coccus multisetus sp. n. ANT antenna; ANP anal plate; AGF ano-genital fold; DMD dorsal microduct; DP dorsal pore; DS dorsal seta; LG tibio-tarsus of hind leg; MS marginal seta; PGDP pregenital disc-pore; SDP spiracular disc-pore; STS stigmatic spines; VTD(I) ventral tubular duct of type 1); VTD(II) ventral tubular duct of type 2).
Isabelle M. Vea, Rodger A. Gwiazdowski, Benjamin B. Normark
Figure 2.Chionaspis caudata Vea sp. n., adult female.
Mehmet Bora Kaydan, Zsuzsanna Konczné Benedicty, Éva Szita
Figure 1.Ortheziola hauseri Konczné Benedicty & Kaydan sp. n., holotype, adult female.
Central Science Laboratory, Harpenden Archive, British Crown, Bugwood.org
EOL staff
San Jose Scale (Diaspidiotus perniciosus) damage on Plum (Prunus domestica) fruitFrom
Ramón A. Dones, Gregory A. Evans
Figure 6. Mycetaspis ailynaomi, detail of pygidial lobes of holotype female.
Figures 1–8.Pseudaulacaspis zhenyuanensis Wei & Feng, sp. n., adult female: 1 habitus 2 antennae 3 anterior spiracle 4 gland tubercles 5 detail of gland macroduct 6 detail of the duct in the head on the dorsum 7 detail of pygidium 8 pygidium.
Isabelle M. Vea, Rodger A. Gwiazdowski, Benjamin B. Normark
Figure 3.Chionaspis sonorae Vea sp. n., adult female.
Mehmet Bora Kaydan, Zsuzsanna Konczné Benedicty, Éva Szita
Figure 4.Distribution map of Ortheziola species.
Pest and Diseases Image Library, Bugwood.org
EOL staff
Nate Hardy, Rosa C. Henderson
Figure 1.Poliaspis alluvia Hardy and Henderson sp. n., adult female.
Isabelle M. Vea, Rodger A. Gwiazdowski, Benjamin B. Normark
Figure 4.Chionaspis torreyanae Vea sp. n., adult female.
Mehmet Bora Kaydan, Zsuzsanna Konczné Benedicty, Éva Szita
Figure 2.Ortheziola marottai Kaydan & Szita sp. n., holotype, adult female.
United States National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Bugwood.org
EOL staff