Miscanthus, or silvergrass,[4] is a genus of African, Eurasian, and Pacific Island plants in the grass family, Poaceae.[5][6]
see Chloris, Pseudopogonatherum, Saccharum, and Spodiopogon
A wide variety in cold tolerance occurs in the genus. M. × giganteus is especially vulnerable to cold, and a cultivar of M. sinensis has the best known cold tolerance.[8]
M. sinensis is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant, and is the source of several cultivars. In Japan, where it is known as susuki (すすき), it is considered an iconic plant of late summer and early autumn. It is mentioned in the Man'yōshū (VIII:1538) as one of the seven autumn flowers (aki no nana kusa, 秋の七草). It is used for the eighth month in hanafuda playing cards. It is decorated with bush clover for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Miscanthus has also excellent fiber properties for papermaking.
Miscanthus × giganteus (Miscanthus giganteus, giant miscanthus)[A 1] is a highly productive, rhizomatous C4 perennial grass, originating from Asia.[A 2] It is a sterile (noninvasive) hybrid of M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus, and grows to heights of more than 4 m (13 ft) in one growing season (from the third season onwards). In temperate climates such as in Europe, the dry mass yield is 10–40 metric tons per hectare (4.5–17.8 short ton/acre) per year, depending on location.[A 3] Just like Pennisetum purpureum and Saccharum ravennae (which grow to the same height), it is also called "elephant grass".
Miscanthus' ability to grow on marginal land and in relatively cold weather conditions, its rapid CO2 absorption, its significant carbon sequestration, and its high yield make it a favorite choice as a biofuel.[9]
Miscanthus is mainly used for heat and power, but can also be used as input for ethanol production (if harvested wet). If harvested dry, it can be burnt directly in biomass boilers, or processed further (pellets, briquettes). It can also be used as a "green" building material, for both wall construction and as general insulation. An experimental house based on Miscanthus straw bales was built in 2017.[10] Miscanthus cropping enhances nutrient cycling in the plant–soil system.[11]
Miscanthus, or silvergrass, is a genus of African, Eurasian, and Pacific Island plants in the grass family, Poaceae.
Species Miscanthus changii Y.N.Lee – Korea Miscanthus depauperatus Merr. – the Philippines Miscanthus ecklonii (Nees) Mabb. – southern Africa Miscanthus floridulus – China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands Miscanthus fuscus (Roxb.) Benth. – Indian Subcontinent, Indochina, Pen Malaysia Miscanthus junceus – southern Africa Miscanthus lutarioriparius L.Liu ex S.L.Chen & Renvoize – Hubei, Hunan Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack. – Indian Subcontinent, Tibet, Yunnan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Pen Malaysia Miscanthus nudipes (Griseb.) Hack. – Assam, Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim, Tibet, Yunnan Miscanthus × ogiformis Honda – Korea, Japan Miscanthus oligostachyus Stapf. – Korea, Japan Miscanthus paniculatus (B.S.Sun) S.L.Chen & Renvoize – Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan Miscanthus sacchariflorus – Korea, Japan, northeastern China, Russian Far East Miscanthus sinensis – Korea, Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Russian Far East; naturalized in New Zealand, North America, South America Miscanthus tinctorius (Steud.) Hack. – Japan Miscanthus villosus Y.C.Liu & H.Peng – Yunnan Miscanthus violaceus (K.Schum.) Pilg. – tropical Africa formerly includedsee Chloris, Pseudopogonatherum, Saccharum, and Spodiopogon
Miscanthus affinis – Pseudopogonatherum quadrinerve Miscanthus cotulifer – Spodiopogon cotulifer Miscanthus polydactylos – Chloris elata Miscanthus rufipilus – Saccharum rufipilum Miscanthus tanakae – Pseudopogonatherum speciosum