
Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Gymnomitrion Corda
Genus recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Genus recognized by wikipedia ES
Gymnomitrion Corda

Alternative Names

Apomarsupella R. M. Schust.
Not accepted according to EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Acolea adusta (Nees) Trevis.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Cesius adustus (Nees) Lindb.)
Acolea africana Stephani
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Acolea Dumort., 1831)
Acolea alpina (Gottsche ex Husn.) C. Massal.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Acolea Dumort., 1831)
Acolea brevissima Dumort.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Marsupella brevissima (Dumort.) Grolle)
Acolea concinnata (Lightf.) Dumort.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Acolea Dumort., 1831)
Acolea crenulata (Gottsche ex Carrington) Dumort.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Acolea Dumort., 1831)
Acolea lacerata (Stephani) Stephani
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Marsupella lacerata (Stephani) Váňa)
Acolea revoluta (Nees) Stephani
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Apomarsupella revoluta (Nees) R.M.Schust.)
Apomarsupella crystallocaulon (Grolle) Váňa
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Apomarsupella R.M.Schust.)
Apomarsupella revoluta (Nees) R. M. Schust.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Apomarsupella R.M.Schust.)
Apomarsupella rubida (Mitt.) R. M. Schust.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Apomarsupella R.M.Schust.)
Apomarsupella verrucosa (W. E. Nicholson) Váňa
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Apomarsupella R.M.Schust.)
Cesius adustus (Nees) Lindb.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Cesius)
Cesius crenulatus (Gottsche ex Carrington) Carrington
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Acolea crenulata (Gottsche ex Carrington) Dumort.)
Gymnomitrion ambiguum Limpr.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Gymnomitrion crenulatum Gottsche
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Gymnomitrion incompletum (Gottsche) R. M. Schust.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Gymnomitrion Corda)
Gymnomitrion integerrimum N. Kitag.
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Gymnomitrion obtusum (Lindb.) Pearson
Doubtful according to GBIF classification (Possible variant of Gymnomitrion obtusum Lindb.)
Gymnomitrion sinense K. Müller
Doubtful according to GBIF classification (Possible variant of Gymnomitrion sinense Müll.Frib.)
Gymnomitrion subintegrum (S. W. Arnell) Váa 2010
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Gymnomitrion Corda)
Jungermannia concinnata Lightf.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Acolea concinnata (Lightf.) Dumort.)
Jungermannia rubida Mitt.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Apomarsupella rubida (Mitt.) R.M.Schust.)
Marsupella adusta (Nees) Spruce
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella alpina (Gottsche ex Husn.) Bernet
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella brevissima (Dumort.) Grolle
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella commutata (Limpr.) Bernet
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella condensata (Angstr.) Schiffn.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella crystallocaulon Grolle
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella lacerata (Stephani) Váňa
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella miniata (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Grolle
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella minutula Hässel de Menéndez
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella moralesae (Váňa) Váňa
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella nigra Grolle & Váňa
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella parvitexta Steph.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella revoluta (Nees) Dum.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Apomarsupella revoluta (Nees) R.M.Schust.)
Marsupella rubida (Mitt.) Grolle
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella subintegra S. W. Arnell
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Marsupella verrucosa (W. E. Nicholson) Grolle
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Marsupella Dumort.)
Sarcocyphos alpinus Gottsche
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification
Sarcocyphos alpinus Gottsche ex Husn.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Marsupella alpina (Gottsche ex Husn.) Bernet)
Sarcocyphos commutatus Limpr.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Marsupella commutata (Limpr.) Bernet)
Sarcocyphos revolutus Nees
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Apomarsupella revoluta (Nees) R.M.Schust.)
Sphenolobus laceratus Stephani
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as synonym of Marsupella lacerata (Stephani) Váňa)
? incompletum Gottsche
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as doubtful taxon within Gymnomitriaceae)
Acolea Dumort.
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Apomarsupella R. M. Schust.
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Cesius Gray
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dianthelia R. M. Schust.
Synonym according to Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Gymnomitrion Corda 1829
Authority according to NCBI

Common Names

There are no common names associated with this taxon.

Curated hierarchies for Gymnomitrion Corda

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022

Cellular Organisms
Gymnomitrioideae T. Jensen

Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024

Bryobiotina Trevis.
Marchantiophyta Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.
Jungermanniopsida Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.
Jungermanniidae Engl.
Jungermanniales H. Klinggr.
Gymnomitriaceae H. Klinggr.
Gymnomitrion Corda (this page)

Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3 - Test

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1

Cellular Organisms
Gymnomitrion (this page)

GBIF classification

Gymnomitrion Corda (this page)

Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy

Gymnomitrioideae T. Jensen