Alexander F. Emeljanov, Dmitry E. Shcherbakov
Figures 4–8.4–5 Alicodoxa rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., 4th instar nymph, Rovno amber: 4 dorsal view, slightly corrected and schematized; on the right, arrangement of sensory pits on the lateral body parts facing ventrad (scale bar, 1 mm) 5 posterior part of the abdomen, arrangement of wax plates and sensory pits; 6–7 Saigona ussuriensis (Lethierry) (Orthopagini), nymphs, recent: 6 5th instar, posterior part of the abdomen with wax plates; inset, upper wax plate of segment VIII, enlarged 7 4th instar, dorsal view; on the right, arrangement of sensory pits on ventrolateral parts of the tergites; 8 Dictyophara pannonica (Germar), 4th instar nymph, recent, dorsal view (apical part of the head not shown; after Emeljanov 1994).