Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Opogona discordia
Alar expanse 9–12 mm.
Labial palpus cream color. Antenna light ochraceous buff; scape blackish fuscous with blueish reflections. Head fuscous with blueish reflections; face cream color. Thorax massicot yellow; base of tegula blackish fuscous with blueish reflections. Forewing ground color massicot yellow; dark markings blackish fuscous with blueish reflections; on base of costa a large oval dark mark, on midcosta a quadrate mark and beginning on dorsum and extending to apex a large, irregular dark area (in some specimens a tiny, ill—defined spot on dorsum near base); cilia brown. Hindwing grayish fuscous; cilia slightly lighter. Foreleg cream color, marked grayish fuscous on outer side; midleg cream color; tibia suffused fuscous; hindleg cream color; tibia with long, grayish, hairlike scales dorsally. Abdomen grayish fuscous dorsally, cream color ventrally.
Male genitalia slide USNM 24225. Harpe of about equal width throughout; sacculus extended as a short hook; cucullus subtriangular, fleshy. Socius a broad pad armed with stout setae. Uncus short, pointed. Vinculum a broad band; saccus slightly longer than harpe. Tegumen short and broad. Aedeagus very slender, pointed.
Female genitalia slides USNM 24226, 24784. Ostium very small, oval, emerging ventrally from a slit. Inception of ductus seminalis from posterior half of ductus bursae(?). Ductus bursae very slender, membranous. Bursa copulatrix sclerotized posteriorly; membranous in anterior half and ornamented with coarse granules. Signum a crescentic band with a long, pointed bar at each end.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Hiva Oa, Atuona.
DISTRIBUTION.—Hiva Oa, Tahiti.
FOOD PLANT.—Unknown.
Described from the holotype (3 Mar 1968), 8 and 1 paratypes as follows: Hiva Oa, Atuona, 11 Feb to 8 Mar 1968, 7 Puamau, 8 Feb 1968, 1 Tahiti, Punaauia, Bel Air Hotel, 7 Jan 1968, 1.
This species is distinguished from other members of the genus (aurisquamosa, trissostacta, etc.) by its scattered dark markings.
- bibliographic citation
- Clarke, J. F. Gates. 1986. "Pyralidae and Microlepidoptera of the Marquesas Archipelago." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-485.