Hemigrammus bleheri is a species of characin found in Amazon Basin in Brazil and Peru. One of three species called rummy-nose tetra, but is also called firehead tetra according to FishBase. Reaching a standard length of 2" (5 cm) it is a common species found in the aquarium trade although often potentially hybridised with the other collective rummy-nose tetra species Hemigrammus rhodostomus and Petitella georgiae; the false rummy-nose tetra.
Binomial, bleheri, honouring the species’ discoverer, Heiko Bleher.
This species is found in the Rio Negro and Rio Meta basins.
Omnivorous and will accept just about anything offered. Species does have a small mouth so correspondingly sized foods are best. Feed a mixture of dried flakes and granules and small live and frozen foods. A varied diet such as this is essential for the best colour development.
Hemigrammus bleheri is a species of characin found in Amazon Basin in Brazil and Peru. One of three species called rummy-nose tetra, but is also called firehead tetra according to FishBase. Reaching a standard length of 2" (5 cm) it is a common species found in the aquarium trade although often potentially hybridised with the other collective rummy-nose tetra species Hemigrammus rhodostomus and Petitella georgiae; the false rummy-nose tetra.