Diagnostic Description
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Diagnosis: lachrymal plus three tubular infraorbitals (Ref. 81260). Weakly developed (Ref. 81260) or absent (Ref. 50579) "pharyngeal hanging pad" on pharynx roof. Cheek naked or with a single scale row under eye (Ref. 81260). Anterior chest naked (Ref. 50579, 81260). 1-3 scales between base of pectoral and pelvic fins; well-developed dorsal fin lappets (Ref. 81260).Description: diminutive, relatively gracile (body depth 22.8-31.6% SL); head length 28.5-35.8% SL; snout short (19.2-31.3% HL), somewhat rounded; mouth small; lower jaw inclined upward (Ref. 81260). Jaws with unicuspid, strongly curved teeth (Ref. 52307). Ventral body wall more or less straight to caudal peduncle which is usually deeper than long; upper branch of lateral line high on body, separated from dorsal base at highest point by a single scale row (rarely 1.5); last 4-5 pored scales situated directly below dorsal; 7 (rarely 6 or 8) tuberculate rakers on lower limb of first arch, 3-4 lanceolate epibranchial rakers; visor-like pad on pharynx roof weakly developed or absent, a feature distinguishing P. brevirostris from congeners; caudal fin rounded in both sexes, upper lobe in males may be slightly produced and elongated; chest naked, cheeks also naked or with single row of scales below eye (Ref. 81260). Spiny dorsal fin lappets very well-developed (Ref. 52307, 81260) and markedly produced in males (Ref. 81260).Coloration: body grey or light brown, dorsum and forehead darker than ventrum; well marked mid-lateral band usually from eye to base of caudal peduncle, occasionally present as a mid-lateral row of black spots; chest and belly in ripe females rosy or orange; leading edge of pelvic white, rest of fin grey or pale blue; in males soft dorsal and upper part of caudal with thin white margins, in females these are red; soft dorsal, posterior parts of anal, and caudal fins in both sexes grey, with rows of dark maculae, which are always more marked in males than females; females often with immaculate fins; anterior parts of anal fin violet or wine red in males, pale yellow or clear in females; body scales with dark margins on body in males, in females marginated scales are restricted to dorsal parts of body; spiny dorsal fin lappets are black (Ref. 81260).
- Recorder
- Cristina V. Garilao
Life Cycle
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In aquaria, a pair-bonding, cave-breeding species (Ref. 50579).
- Recorder
- Cristina V. Garilao
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Dorsal spines (total): 14 - 16; Dorsal soft rays (total): 8 - 10; Analspines: 3; Analsoft rays: 6 - 8
- Recorder
- Cristina V. Garilao
provided by Fishbase
Inhabits small forest creeks and streams (Ref. 50579). Monogamous, biparental, substrate spawner displaying some degree of sexual dichromatism (Ref. 81260). Pair-bonding, cave spawner (Ref. 52307).
- Recorder
- Cristina V. Garilao