Description: Português: Esta é a maior mosca do planeta Terra. Agrupada na ordem Diptera, família Mydidae, espécie Gauromydas heros.English: This is the largest fly on Earth planet. Grouped in the order Diptera, family Mydidae, specie Gauromydas heros. Date: 13 July 2014. Source: Own work. Author: Biologoandre.
Description: English: Austen, E.E. (1910) A new species of the dipterous genus Achias Fabr. (Family Ortalidae). Novitates Zoologicae 17: 457-459 PlateXV text Figure 4 Mydas praegrandis Austen female (=Gauromydas heros, Diptera: Mydidae). Date: 16 December 2013, 21:37:22. Source: Author: Austen. Other versions: : This file has been extracted from another file: Novitates Zoologicae1910PlateXV.jpg : .