Image of Pterostichus (Pseudoferonina) bousqueti Bergdahl ex Bergdahl & Kavanaugh 2011
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Pterostichus (Pseudoferonina) bousqueti Bergdahl ex Bergdahl & Kavanaugh 2011


provided by Zookeys
Size medium-small for subgenus, ABL males 8.5–9.5 mm, female 8.9 mm. Body form slightly slender for subgenus (Fig. 1). Color.Dorsal body surface black and shiny, pronotal lateral beads piceous, legs, antennae and palpi piceous. Microsculpture. Head with isodiametric meshes on frons; pronotum with faintly impressed transverse meshes on most of disc, meshes more isodiametric basolaterally; elytra with markedly transverse meshes, faintly iridescent in some areas. Pronotum.Fig. 3A. Almost as long as wide, lateral margins subparallel anterior to hind angles, slightly sinuate, hind angles rectangular or slightly acute, lateral margins (in lateralview) bent ventrally near hind angles. Anterior and posterior transverse impressions present but faintly impressed, median line distinctly impressed, almost entire, but not quite extended to anterior and posterior margins in most specimens examined; anterior transverse impression faintly punctulate. Lateral margins finely beaded, posterior margin without margination, anterior margin minutely beaded in medial one-third. Basolateral fovea deep and broadly linear, slightly convergent toward midline anteriorly, not or only faintly punctulate. Elytra.Intervals flat or only slightly convex, but less so than in any otherPseudoferoninaspecies. Legs.Male mesotibiae slightly curved apically. Abdomen.Last visible sternite of male with broad, shallow medial indentation, anterior margin of depression not at all carinate, sternite without protuberances; last visible sternite of males with single pair of anal setae, female with two pairs. Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus as inFigs 4A and 4C. Apical one-third of median lobe (in ventral view) with lightly sclerotized oblique band extended longitudinally next to slight ridge (Fig. 4C); shaft of median lobe (in ventral view) swollen submedially on left, with shaft gradually tapered from swelling to the apical lamella, ventral margin not sinuate subapically (in lateral view); apical lamella average in length for Pseudoferoninaspecies in Idaho, symmetrically hatchet-shaped (in left lateral view). Right paramere short and sharply pointed.
James C. Bergdahl, David H. Kavanaugh
bibliographic citation
Bergdahl J, Kavanaugh D (2011) Two new species of Pterostichus Bonelli subgenus Pseudoferonina Ball (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichini) from the mountains of central Idaho, U.S.A. ZooKeys 104: 77–96
James C. Bergdahl
David H. Kavanaugh
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
At this time, Pterostichus bousqueti is known only from Pine Flat Creek and Archie Creek near their confluences with the South Fork of the Payette River near Lowman, Boise County, Idaho (Fig. 5). The Payette River is a tributary of the Snake River, which is a major tributary of the Columbia River. To what extent the range of this species is narrowly restricted to this area is not known. Despite sampling many other creeks in this area, JCB has been unable to document any other Pterostichus bousqueti populations. Additional areas, if any, in which this species is most likely to occur include the Big Pine, Deadwood, Clear Creek and Middle Fork of the Payette River watersheds to the west of Lowman and east of the North Fork of the Payette River.
James C. Bergdahl, David H. Kavanaugh
bibliographic citation
Bergdahl J, Kavanaugh D (2011) Two new species of Pterostichus Bonelli subgenus Pseudoferonina Ball (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichini) from the mountains of central Idaho, U.S.A. ZooKeys 104: 77–96
James C. Bergdahl
David H. Kavanaugh
visit source
partner site